Sunday, April 1, 2012

Indulging in My "Obsession"

How would you like to have, say, a security guard at a school you founded and find out he refers to your students as "dysfunctional malcontents" and that your school is only a "sandbox for them to play in"?

Yet this is how board troll and's atheist moderator over the Christian discussion boards (Dodge aka Josh125) characterizes users of the forums as well as the discussion board itself. It's merely a sandbox. Something tells me the founder of FactNet doesn't think this of the discussion boards nor of the users who come there for many diverse reasons. I have already covered in previous articles why this cretin is dishonest, incompetent, arrogant, and condescending, and this is yet further evidence.

If this idiot is the best FactNet can come up with in the way of a moderator to police their discussion boards, not to mention the one who appointed him, then apologized, and then just let him continue using another alias to deceive the users into thinking they had a new moderator, then FactNet will suffer a loss of integrity over time, because with people of that character  moderating their boards, people will drop off their forums faster than
student groups from Vanderbilt University.

Vanderbilt recently approved a new "nondiscrimination" policy which would enable atheists to run for leadership of say, the Catholic student group there, that group, by the way, isn't  renewing its registered status at the university. This is just as silly as demanding girls be allowed on High School football teams, or girls being allowed to compete on male wrestling teams. This liberal bullshit is polluting the minds of many, well, many liberals that is. And FactNet's staff is just showing their true colors as they apparently find nothing amiss with appointing an atheist as moderator over the Christian boards there, and an abusive board troll at that.

This jerk's rebuttal to his ridiculous appointment is basically: "All you have to do is follow the rules you agreed to when you signed up to the forums and all will be well" which is also bullshit, because he plays favorites and also discriminates, against users, all the while heaping insults on others, one case mentioned here is when he posted a link to a song called "Fuck Christmas" on Christmas Eve last year. Another is the description of the Christian boards as a sandbox for users to play in.

When those who point out these insults as the "abusive ad hominem" he has banned people for, he claims that as long as he himself actually believes what he's saying about others is true, then it's not abusive ad hominem. He always has a way of spinning his troll behavior, while using hyperbole to characterize even minor infractions as gross disregard for the rules when others make aggressive comments in the heat of debates. If the founder of FactNet can't see this clown for what he is, he's either equally dishonest or denser than a Christmas fruitcake.


  1. Hi Smyrna. What I’ve done and said in the FACTnet threads over the past six years has nothing to do with the way Josh is moderating the Christian centered section. You can’t point to what I’ve written as an attack on Josh, because we are separate entities. If you want to criticize Josh, point to what he’s done as moderator that you object to, and then we can discuss that.

    It seems to me that your major complaint is that he’s enforcing FACTnet’s user agreement rules against personally attacking other members of the forum; something that you have had a reputation for through the years. You got away with it for a long time; and now you don’t like someone telling you that you can’t offensively insult others; just as Sammael hates that he can’t use offensive language. If you perceive unfairness or bias, give examples instead of going on this Jihad against me, Josh, Furrilo, and the owners of FACTnet.

    All one has to do is look at Josh’s posts, and it will be evident that he is fair and unbiased. What I’ve written (me, Dodge) is irrelevant.

  2. If, as you say Josh125 and you are different entities,(assuming the word "entities" refers to real people and not merely two different aliases)then this is a very recent phenomenon, so in all references to Josh125's prior actions, I'm referring to you when wearing your moderator hat.

    My major complaint isn't whether FactNet's rules are being enforced, it's about how they are being enforced and by whom. I know you have a demonstrably difficult time with reading comprehension, since I've made that abundantly clear in nearly every article I've written here and numerous posts at FactNet.

    And you can dispense with attempting to distract from those issues by referring to my reputation, as I said before, I came to FactNet due to the vile, malicious and insulting titles on threads already there, such Shepherd's Chapel, Racist Stooges Identified, which certainly set the tone as if there actually were moderators there at that time such titles should not have been allowed.

    So to single me out is just your typical ad hominem attack which you allow on FactNet when you are insulting someone, but if anyone else does it they are warned or banned.

    Case in point: You can spin that bullshit about your posting of a link to a YouTube video called Fuck Christmas on Christmas Eve 2011,and I don't give a damn about it being deleted as you only deleted one post with it, the other one is still there or was as of a few days ago.

    And I didn't "get away" with anything. FactNet's absentee moderation for YEARS was in my opinion tacit approval that anything goes, after all, SC students also endured years (and continue to endure) of out of control extremists calling us racists, cult members,nazis, stooges, heretics, etc. (NOT TO MENTION ACCUSED OF GIVING ORAL SEX TO PASTOR MURRAY that moderators IGNORED) and it doesn't matter in the least whether they actually believed those terms applied, they are just as offensive to those so called, as they certainly do not agree.

    "If you perceive unfairness or bias, give examples instead of going on this Jihad against me, Josh, Furrilo, and the owners of FACTnet."

    If you have failed to see the issues i.e. examples of bias and unfairness I have presented throughout these articles as well as on FactNet, then you are either just plain stupid, or playing one of your troll games. I'll choose the latter.

    And it certainly IS relevant what you write as Dodge, because when you moderate yourself, that's just some sick joke FactNet's staff is playing. And to characterize
    contributors to the forum as "dysfunctional malcontents" who FactNet provides a "sandbox" for, speaks to your condescending arrogance, and an attitude that is not disposed to being a fair moderator.

    You insult people as Dodge on an almost daily basis. How many times have you been banned? How many times have people raised issues with what you have said, seeing them as insults, ad hominem, etc. They'd have to be all wrong for you to be right, and that just isn't the case.

    But this is what we got when we were deceived into thinking the Christian boards had a new moderator to replace the abusive, arrogant atheist troll called Dodge, who shouldn't have been appointed over the Christian boards to begin with. Furillo apologized, but then allowed you to use the Josh125 alias, what the hell is your problem that you can't see something seriously wrong with that?

  3. If anyone is "dysfunctional" it's you, if you can't see the conflict, deception, and apathetic attitude towards the complaints about you being made moderator in the first place. Then to have Furillo ie about you being removed, it is incredible you see nothing wrong with this. You apparently have no morals or perception of fairness, and don't give me your feigned ignorance, that act is getting really stale.

    Finally, don't include the owners of FactNet as part of any "jihad" because I'm not convinced they know just what has transpired and what is going on.
