Saturday, March 31, 2012

New Low For FactNet's Moderator: Intimidation

A few days ago, out of the blue, I received this messages from the atheist board troll Will/Dodge using his Josh125 moderator account at FactNet:

 03-26-2012 01:40 PM
Josh125 is offlineModerator
Join Date
Jan 2006

Default Banning

The mistake you’re making is not knowing that I can’t ban anyone, I don’t have the tools to do that. As a moderator, the only thing I can do is make suggestions to Mr. Factnet; who can either agree or not. Everything has to go through him. So; if you have a complaint about the way the moderation is going, you need to talk with him, not me. I’m sure he would tell you exactly the way it is in no uncertain terms.

I have no idea what compelled him, but this was my reply:

  "I am in the process of opening a line of communication by putting together a detailed account (to be sent by snail mail to Lawrence Wollersheim) of what has transpired on these boards, including appointing an atheist as moderator over the Christian boards who recently stated it was "great fun" creating insulting graphics depicting Jesus in drag hanging on the Cross for instance, and posting it to the Christian boards here. Also, on Christmas Eve 2011, posting a link to the YouTube video of a song titled "**** Christmas" which he described as his "favorite". That this same person's appointment caused outrage due to his reputation, and how whomever made this appointment initially admitted it was a mistake, and then joined in collusion to deceive the participants of the board by giving this troll a different alias to give the impression a new moderator had been installed, when in fact, it was the same board troll/atheist.

This situation resulted in a conflict of interest and subsequent abuse of the moderator's position by unfairly banning those he does not particularly like, while giving others a pass, especially when they were attacking those this moderator also doesn't like. 

All the details will be sent to to Mr. Wollershiem as well as Robert Perry the co-founder, this same letter will be posted on numerous boards on the Internet, and I am going to appeal to various media outlets that report on the war against Christianity by progressives. I find it highly ironic and contradictory that Mr. Wollershiem and Mr. Perry would put together a website presumably for the public good, while some of their staff members are acting like the cult leaders the site was meant to inform the public about. I do not think they would want such negative publicity, and I am not sure they know what's going on in their own forums, so I am going to be fair and find out if they do, before I choose whether to proceed or not with an expose'. 

In regards to your comment above, all the fact that you can't ban anyone by yourself tells me is that you want to push the blame on someone else, or at the very least share the blame, for this gross abuse of forum rules. You can't hide behind them one day, then blatantly break them yourself on another day, and expect participants to just sit by and be bullied like that. 

Though it is obvious we don't have to participate, which I no longer am willing to do, for the true public good, people should be informed of the bias and apparent agenda of FactNet's staff, who are contributing to the anti-Christian bias which is such an integral part of the liberal/progressive agenda. Conservatives in an increasing number are getting off the bench to aid in the fight to expose this discrimination, which is just as insidious as the racism, antisemitism, and intolerance practiced by some organized cults FactNet supposedly was founded to contend with. 

This situation is so egregious, and the response to my protests so incredibly absurd, I really have to ensure Mr. Wollersheim and Mr. Perry are aware
of the potential for scandal which exposing the actions of some of their staff members an have."

This was met with what could be Dodghe/Josh125's first attempt at intimidation:

Josh125 is offlineModerator
Join Date
Jan 2006

Default Lawrence, Furillo and I

"That’s fine, Smyrna, if you want to file a complaint with Lawrence. You and the Shepherds Chapel threads were brought up the last time Furillo and I talked with him, so he’s aware of who you are. Be well."

No doubt he would expect that I would suspect he had already filled Wollershime's head with horror stories about me, to paint me as the bad guy, so he can justify his bullshit, which I predict won't work in the end.


As you will see on the comments to my article here titled:   A Brief Message For Today, Dodge/Will/josh125 foolishly tried to intimidate me, by alluding to what he has been told is my place of employment, as well as one of my other activities, as an investor in various financial instruments, and using my real first name:

Hi Kevin. I was looking at my investment portfolio, and was thinking of putting some capital into Stone Energy Corporation. You know, at 625 East Kaliste Saloom Road in LaFayette. You’re from that area, aren’t you? What do you think? I see their common stock is up 1.05 percent at the opening bell today.


He obtained this information form only one possible source, the FactNet poster known as "Stage Director. Here is my reply to his attempt at intimidating me the original comment is posted under the article A Brief Message For Today:

Stone Energy is the company Stage Director thinks I work for. Your attempt at intimidation is laughable, and also revealing. I set up an account at YUKU called 'Truthrevealed' a couple of years ago, posing as a longtime FactNet user and Smyrna hater. Here is a copy of the PM at YUKU she sent 'truthrevealed':

May 08, 2010 at 6:51 am

"Stage Director: Smyrna is on CBRC using the id MindyAnders. I've been tracking him since day one, and he's gotten careless and posted from Stone Energy, a company with oil rigs in the gulf.And it's a corporate ip set up by AT&T, and not a proxy or a shared network devise. It's a rather loosely guarded secret and he's locked out of the restricted forum."

So now not only do I have proof you are trying to intimidate me, but also that Stage Director is helping you. Smyrna wins again, and will continue to do so, because you are an evil clown Dodge, and so are your allies on FactNet's staff. Is this the stuff Wollershiem would approve of? If so, that is very sad, but simply new material for me. Not that it matters, but I've never worked for Stone Energy, and it wouldn't matter if I did.

Looks like she got careless, I knew that account at YUKU would pay me off sooner or later.

This is yet another point of evidence that will confirm my earlier comments about how FactNet's staff act very much like the evil cult leaders FactNet was supposedly founded to fight against. I still doubt Lawrence Wollersheim knows all that his staff has done, but the evidence is mounting, and I really hope for all the good FactNet has and can continue to do, that he doesn't know,and will do something when he is so informed.  


  1. Smyrna -- Nobody cares. FACTnet’s forum is just a public internet discussion board like thousands of others where the same dysfunctional malcontents come to argue with one another every day. The only reason you’re carrying on this absurd campaign is because you can’t insult other members of the forum now that the user agreement rules are being enforced.

    Your pathological obsession with me is making you look insane. There’s so many useful things that you can do with your time, but you chose to spend it focused on me. Get some help before this drives you completely crazy (though it may be too late judging from your behavior).

  2. You're full of yourself and some other choice substance Dodge, I've rarely seen anyone as deluded as you are. You insult people on a daily basis at Factnet so don't give me your pompous verbal feces. We'll see in due time who cares and who doesn't.

    I'm starting with Wollersheim because I'm having a hard time envisioning he doesn't care about the shenanigans you and Furillo pulled, and now your silly attempt at intimidating me. I'm not convinced he knows anything about this. I don't intimidate easily, chump,and I don't go down easy either. Now Like I said, I'm gathering all this evidence and we'll see just what Wollersheim does, what he really knows, and if he doesn't care, I'm going to do my best to help him change his mind.

    Your ad hominem filled rant here has done nothing to influence me, but go ahead and waste your time trying. I'm amused by it.

  3. Here I see Dodge is once again playing savior. It doesn't get anymore amusing than that. I saw the post on factnet about being glad your not our neighbor. Believe me, the feeling is mutual. I get the feeling you would be the creepy old guy who would spy on shadowcat in the shower and then act like the crotchety old fart who complains about the music eeven though your ear is less than an inch away from the outside section of our wall.

  4. "I get the feeling you would be the creepy old guy who would spy on shadowcat in the shower and then act like the crotchety old fart who complains about the music even though your ear is less than an inch away from the outside section of our wall"

    LMAO! Yeah really, I can see that!What's really funny, is this clown does everything to attract attention to himself, then when he gets it, he says we are obsessed with him.

    If that kind of game playing causes him to be impressed with himself to the point he feels superior to everyone else,he's actually much less intelligent that I thought. He's articulate, but that doesn't make a genius. It's as much a ruse as his fake josh125 persona. Have you noticed throughout all the material being exposed about FactNet's staff,not once has he admitted he is STILL Josh125? That 'Col. Bo Cowshut' even directly asked him on another FactNet thread I think it was the LaRouche thread, and he ignored it.

    Here on this blog, he only admitted he was Josh125 "before"..."only for a short time" when in reality,no one ever knew that because as Dodge he started the whole controversy by proclaiming he was the new moderator. In short, he screwed up, even though I had become convinced by the writing style and his behavior patterns long ago.

    I think he's trying to save his own ass, that's the only saving I see him trying to do here. It ain't going to work, Wollersheim is getting an earful from me real soon, and believe me, Dodge can try to cover his ass all he wants, but it won't work. And like I've said, if Wollersheim appears to be in any way apathetic to the issues, then I will work very hard to convince him to change his mind.

  5. Your right, he is still trying to pretend that he is no longer Josh. No one else on factnet was so animate about the rules and regulations as Dodge. Then you would see carbon copies of the same post under Josh125. Even if Dodge were to come out of the proverbial moderator closet, it wouldn't be such a shock since all you need to do is read the posts. His declining to answer questions further confirms the fact that he is Josh.

    I know it doesn't take much imagination to come up with the material that Dodge uses. I have been purposely picking quotes that would grab his attention. Some were meant to prod him into asking specific questions and others to see if he would bitch about them and prove his hypocrisy.

    The most ironic thing is in Dodge's case, I actually have a bit of respect for Franklin over Dodge. Mainly because Franklin remains on a constant stance. With Dodge,its impossible to pinpoint which direction he will go in next. Then he tries to act like he is an expert in everything and all knowning. This is one thing that I absolutely can't stand and are my favorite things to target.All the finger pointing at me being a troll doesn't really bother me, because I already knew what I was doing was going to piss people off.

  6. Hey Sam, according to Dodge/Josh125's own homespun definition,(which he only applies when he is insulting people,anyone else is just using ad hominem) )it's not "abusive ad hominem" if you truly believe what you are saying about someone else. I've noted many times that he plays Machiavelli, he considers himself superior to all, and will prop up whatever side he feels is weak so he can assure the argument will continue between factions.

    Like I said, he's a troll, and give a troll some authority, and that's all he is: a troll with authority, which means he abuses it. Remember how Franklin was when he was a "global moderator" at the original CB? he abused it to the max, banning anyone who disagreed with him.
