Thursday, March 8, 2012

In my last article I mentioned I would show how SC detractors misrepresent the teachings of the ministry and accuse it of spreading racism and antisemitism.

Murray's teaching on the Kenites is emphasized by his insistence they are the descendants of Cain, the son of an unholy pairing between Eve and Satan. In Gn. 3:15, God points out the separation of the two brothers and their descendants and declares their will be mutual hatred (enmity) between the two. Ancient Jewish texts such as the Targums do well in explaining that the line of Cain, and his nature and destiny is summed up by the Jewish Encyclopedia:

"Cain was also viewed as a type of utter perverseness, an offspring of Satan (Pirḳe R. El. xxi.), "a son of wrath" (Apoc. Mosis, 3), a lawless rebel who said, "There is neither a divine judgment nor a judge" (Midr. Leḳaḥ Ṭob and Targ. Yer. to Gen. iv. 8), whose words of repentance were insincere (Sanh. 101b; Tan.), whose fleeing from God was a denial of His omnipresence (Gen. R. xxii.), and whose punishment was of an extraordinary character: for every hundred years of the seven hundred years he was to live was to inflict another punishment upon him; and all his generations must be exterminated (Test. Patr., Benjamin, 7, according to Gen. iv. 24; Enoch, xxii, 7). For him and his race shall ever be "the desire of the spirit of sin" (Gen. R. xx., after Gen. iv. 7). He is the first of those who have no share in the world to come (Ab. R. N. xli., ed. Schechter, p. 133)."

The Kenites, therefore, were a constant negative influence on the peoples of the Adamic bloodline, eventually infiltrating the Jewish priesthood and causing rejection and the death of Christ. However, the ultimate victory of Christ over satan is revealed beginning in the Old Testament, and its fruition explained in the NT, and no wiser choice could have been made to illustrate this victory than through the writings and ministry of Paul, a converted Pharisee, converted by Epiphany on the road to Damascus.

Detractors however abuse these teachings and complain that persecution of the Jews is a result of exhibiting the relationship between the Kenites and the Jews. The problem with their criticism is they must ignore or downplay the facts which Murray and the students of the SC do not: recognition that all are offered salvation through Christ, even the Kenites. That Jesus expressly forbids any malice be brought upon the Kenites, adding that they are too potentially indistinguishable to risk harming true Judah by openly persecuting them. (See the Parable of the Wheat and Tares, as well as the Parable of the Figtree) and to wait for the angels to gather them all up for their ultimate destruction at the end of the age.(see harvest, at the end of the Parable of Wheat and tares)

This and many other teachings through the Bible the detractors ignore, choosing to cherry pick,isolate from context, and then spin their own version of what Murray teaches into an a treatise promoting antisemitism, and proceed to treat their invention as if it is genuine Shepherd's Chapel teachings.

Were this game the detractors play my own invention created to discredit them, they would have convinced the ADL or SPLC long ago the SC is not suitable for TV, and there would have been more than just one complaint by a now absorbed (by AT & T)TV media company that was merely part of an array made to bolster their case for appealing to the FCC to allow more diverse programming, which they lost, without the FCC paying any particular attention to their specific charge against the SC. 

Such a weak attempt to use that case by Casey Sanchez in his article published by SPLC speaks to his ultimate failure to convince the SPLC to list the SC among their list of hate groups. It bears noting that the SPLC has a notorious reputation for trumping up charges against groups they ultimately judge and list as hate groups, that were they to impose their own qualifiers for such designation upon their own organization, the SPLC itself would be designated as a hate group! (A quick Internet research exercise will reveal this to be a fact)

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