Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Let's Get Out of Dodge!

Delaying the full exposure of Matt Slick and  his Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry for another day, because I want to get Dodge out of the way. Dodge, aka  "Josh125" is the person you see posting comments here under the name Will, his first name.

 He is one of the topics you'll read about in my first article here. A board troll who once harassed the Christian forums at FactNet.org by posting disgusting graphics such as Jesus in drag hanging on the Cross, he claims he is reformed because he no longer does that. However, he still trolls the Christian boards as Dodge, inciting arguments while insinuating Christians are gullible based upon their religious beliefs.

Yet this is the person the FactNet administrators feel is qualified to be a moderator on the very same Christian boards he trolls. Even worse, after the participants protested, the administrators claimed he was removed and a person known as "Josh125" was installed as the new moderator.

Yesterday, on this blog, Will/Dodge/Josh125 finally admitted he is Josh125, as we always suspected. However, he lied, as claimed he was only using that alias for a short time, before someone took it over who he "knows very well." Funny, there was no perceptible difference in writing style all this time, and other traits Dodge has exhibited over the least few years are easily seen in Josh125. Furthermore, Dodge never admitted he was Josh125 at any time prior to yesterday, and I asked  the staff member responsible for assigning  moderators straight up if Josh125  was Dodge, and he went off on a rant about me playing detective, how close I was to being banned, and now I know why he wouldn't give me an answer.

The only reason he won't admit he is still Josh125 is because of the uproar that occurred when he announced he was the moderator of the Christian forums at FactNet, and wants to continue in that role. Well, he will be doing so without his favorite targets, and so I thank him for coming here and proving what I have been saying about FactNet's management. Corrupt, incompetent, and with a definite bias against Christians.   


  1. Hello. I’m the member of FACTnet Forum that Smyrna is going on about. The reason he started this “blog” is because the staff over there wouldn’t allow him to continue his ad hominem attacks aimed at other members. It seems he could not or would not debate issues without insulting others, which is against forum rules. So, instead of adhering to discussion board etiquette, he voluntarily quit so that he could continue his aggressive and antagonistic battle with his so-called “detractors.”

    Here, he’s playing his old game of accusing forum members of posting under other usernames. He’s accused me (Dodge), and others, so many times over the years of having other pseudonyms that it’s become somewhat of a joke.

    If any of you would like to come over to FACTnet forum and have an intelligent mature exchange of ideas free of ad hominem please do.


  2. Dodge, I already addressed the fact I have accused you of using other aliases in the past. I don't see the relevance since those past performances were neither proven nor disproven. That you admitted using the alias "Josh125" in your moderator role while using Dodge as a particpant shows your complicity in hiding your identity, but only AFTER, and not before, the uproar over your being appointed moderator.

    I am not "playing his(my)old game of accusing forum members of posting under other usernames" this is only about you. I am beyond accusing, as you admitted in a prior comment here, you did use Josh125, and lied, as you still use it. You admitted that for the first time here, never at FactNet, and that story you gave up Josh125 to "soemone you know very well" is BUNK.

    And the REAL reason I started this blog is that I don't ned some athiest board troll who some jerk gave a moderatig position to and later lied about his continuing in tha role to be breathing down my neck while others go unpunished for the same offenses.

    And it is not a game I have lost at, as it has been shown there were times I was right, and times I wasn't. For instance: 'rachelengland' has posted as night_light, a man named jimito, gardenoflove, and agent1(which he shared with Franklin).

    You also omitted in your comment,the fact that my most recent ban was for an offense that was eclipsed and exceeded by other particpants, however their attacks on other members were not met with the same punishment, which is an idication of bias on your part. That you deny you are currently using Josh125 speaks to your dishonesty.

    You also are ignoring what I alresdy have mentioned, that Factnet has just recently cracked down on those who insult others, that SC students have endured YEARS of abuse at the hands of detractors, who have called us nazis, cult members, we've been falsely accused of getting drunk at Chapel gatherings and cheating on our spouses, been accused of having oral sex with pastor Murray himself, had a detractor poke fun at an SC student's affliction of MS, use racial slurs, all without impunity by the FactNet staff.

    And this crackdown, as I can easily show, is equally unfair, for reasons I have already given. Thanks for the invitation, but every topic related to the SC has been throughly exhausted over a period of 6 years in my opinion, and I refuse to address them all over again, especially among those who aren't educated enough in what the SC actually teaches to be worthy of my future particpation, especially under an incompetant and dishonest moderating staff.

    That you were chosen as a moderator after openly voicing your contempt for Christians and your past acts of trolling and insulting Christians with disgusting graphics mocking Christ indicates the anti-Christain bias of the other staff members at FactNet.

    Anyone viewing the Shepherd's Chapel threads over the last two months will see the bias against me at work, while ad hominem after ad hominem attacks were waged beetween any number of particpants, yet no one was banned for them, and warning came only after many such messages were not only posted, but have even yet to be deleted, as was the case during other infractions. This speaks to uneven enforcement and thus incompetence.

  3. Dodge, I already addressed the fact I have accused you of using other aliases in the past. I don't see the relevance since those past performances were neither proven nor disproven. That you admitted using the alias "Josh125" in your moderator role while using Dodge as a particpant shows your complicity in hiding your identity, but only AFTER, and not before, the uproar over your being appointed moderator.

    I am not "playing his(my)old game of accusing forum members of posting under other usernames" this is only about you. I am beyond accusing, as you admitted in a prior comment here, you did use Josh125, and lied, as you still use it. You admitted that for the first time here, never at FactNet, and that story you gave up Josh125 to "soemone you know very well" is BUNK.

    And the REAL reason I started this blog is that I don't ned some athiest board troll who some jerk gave a moderatig position to and later lied about his continuing in tha role to be breathing down my neck while others go unpunished for the same offenses.

    And it is not a game I have lost at, as it has been shown there were times I was right, and times I wasn't. For instance: 'rachelengland' has posted as night_light, a man named jimito, gardenoflove, and agent1(which he shared with Franklin).

    You also omitted in your comment,the fact that my most recent ban was for an offense that was eclipsed and exceeded by other particpants, however their attacks on other members were not met with the same punishment, which is an idication of bias on your part. That you deny you are currently using Josh125 speaks to your dishonesty.

    You also are ignoring what I alresdy have mentioned, that Factnet has just recently cracked down on those who insult others, that SC students have endured YEARS of abuse at the hands of detractors, who have called us nazis, cult members, we've been falsely accused of getting drunk at Chapel gatherings and cheating on our spouses, been accused of having oral sex with pastor Murray himself, had a detractor poke fun at an SC student's affliction of MS, use racial slurs, all without impunity by the FactNet staff.

    And this crackdown, as I can easily show, is equally unfair, for reasons I have already given. Thanks for the invitation, but every topic related to the SC has been throughly exhausted over a period of 6 years in my opinion, and I refuse to address them all over again, especially among those who aren't educated enough in what the SC actually teaches to be worthy of my future particpation, especially under an incompetant and dishonest moderating staff.

    That you were chosen as a moderator after openly voicing your contempt for Christians and your past acts of trolling and insulting Christians with disgusting graphics mocking Christ indicates the anti-Christain bias of the other staff members at FactNet.

    Anyone viewing the Shepherd's Chapel threads over the last two months will see the bias against me at work, while ad hominem after ad hominem attacks were waged beetween any number of particpants, yet no one was banned for them, and warning came only after many such messages were not only posted, but have even yet to be deleted, as was the case during other infractions. This speaks to uneven enforcement and thus incompetence.
