Sunday, March 18, 2012 No Longer Trusted For Shepherd's Chapel Information

I am the last of any true Shepherd's Chapel representation at the website In other words, there are no longer any students there as I have quit being an active participant due to reasons mentioned in detail in this blog) to correct those commenting on the SC in the discussion boards as none are students, and most are enemies of the chapel with an agenda designed to unfairly label the SC as anything from heretics to Nazis. 

Therefore, with nothing but inaccurate information being posted at Factnet, not to mention outright lies, I wouldn't recommend you get your info from that site re the SC. The absolute best place for info on the Shepherd's Chapel is obvious: through the Shepherd's Chapel website, and through the SC program. The Shepherd's Chapel Network  can be accessed  through DirectTV on ch. 224 most hours of the day.


  1. I highly doubt that factnet is very accurate on much of the groups that they try to attack, with the exception of groups like Scientology which they have done to themselves. But on some of the Christian groups, it would be more of the old smoke and mirrors hearsay type thing because they have no concrete proof to back up their claims. So they spend all this time making it up as they go along. Then when they get called on it, they cry flaming. The irony being that they were the ones flaming in the first place. It must be so loud when their glass houses shatter.

    1. Don't know if you've been to FactNet today, but the new scam is Josh/Dodge started a new thread where everyone can voice their complaints about the moderators. Of course, this is right after Josh"/Dodge posted some drivel on this SC thread:

      This is what he wrote: "No one will censor your right to speak for all to see providing you follow the registered user agreement discussion forum rules, which you implicitly agree to by being a member here. Flaming, insulting, and personally attacking other members of this forum will not be tolerated. Messages that harass, abuse or threaten other message board users, that have obscene or otherwise objectionable content, spam, commercial or advertising content, may be removed. We are serious about our discussion forum rules contained within the FACTnet website user agreement, and we reserve the right to ban anyone who willfully violates these or any other of our website rules.

      By registering as a member of this forum you agree not to use language that is inconsistent with our community standards or impede or otherwise prohibit communication; which includes repeatedly posting off-topic comments.

      Try to focus on the topic; or start another thread. There a members here with complaints about the moderation. I've set up a specific thread for that; so if you have things to say about the moderation or administration of FACTnet's discussion board please take it there."

      What a joke. How about when I signed up six years ago there was NO moderation, and the very first threads about the Shepherd's Chapel I saw were titled "Shepherd's Chapel: Racist Stooges Identified" and "Cult Leader Andrew(sic) Murray, Worse Than The KKK" The idiot who started that thread didn't even get Arnold Murray's name right. Thread titles like that certainly set the tone for civil discourse, don't you think? And where were the moderators, with that stuff being allowed?

      This user's agreement was supposed to ensure an orderly forum, but the moderators failed to hold up their part. That's something they don't want to touch upon. All of a sudden their user's agreement is supposed to carry some weight, even while the corruption of the moderators has been exposed.

      FactNet has become a big sorry joke since Dodge/Josh was made a moderator. The whole site has become one big loony bin. The staff is corrupt to the core,this carp about voicing your complaints is a set-up: when I posted my complaints to the SC forum I gave the link to above, I was accused of "being obsessed" and "trolling". Why? Because I complained about Dodge being kept on as moderator behind our backs and just given an alias to hide behind,your wife suspected Josh125 was Dodge before I did, but I soon agreed as his writing and behavior was unmistakable. I told her he'll slip up and won't be able to hide his prejudices, and that turned out to be so true.

      Such outrageous behavior by the moderators, and they're still up to their games. They must think I'm stupid enough to repeat my complaints on Dodge/Josh's new "uncensored" complaint thread, so I can be charged with TOS violations and banned. I'll do my complaining here, and make sure every SC student and as many others as may be interested in seeing what a farce FactNet has become. I bet Wollersheim, the co-founder, doesn't have a clue about the shenanigans by the moderators there, or he could care less how Christians are being treated on his site.

      What a joke! A troll/atheist placed as a moderator over the same Christian board he once posted a graphic of Christ hanging on the Cross dressed in drag! He never issued any mea culpa about that, he only took those offending posts down because he realized he was a late 50's example of arrested development.

    2. Hey Smyrna,
      I saw that thread and I was literally laughing my ass off at it. Like any of us are really going to be stupid enough to fall for that one. I for one don't even bother with the moderators. I think its better to take on the source myself. Whether they can hack the backlash or not. It doesn't really matter, they created the storm and I will fire back.

      Speaking of crappy moderating. Where were the moderators when Weaseltine ( I like your term by the way) and Dodge were having their fun while I was banned on the nice little exorcism thread they created. Again, I didn't complain and decided to take them on. Then they like to act like they did nothing wrong. Since Dodge is a moderator, he should be aware of the ethics involved with thee job. You don't go policing troll action while participating in troll actions at the same time. I am also referencing the statements that he made against Jeff Franklin. Even though they were hilarious as hell and the little puke has it coming, a moderator is not supposed to be able to do it.

      Your right, there is no mistaking the simalarities in writing style between the two personas. It would be a complete waste of time to keep the charade going.

      I hope you had a great weekend. If you like I will keep posting a reading from the book of Moral Orel. Penance time for the detractors, since they are making fun of

    3. Arrogance is a common problem with SC detractors, and their behavior is reflected in other things such as how Dodge/Josh and Weaseltime treated you on the exorcism thread. I read some of what they were saying there. Cowards who took the opportunity to bash you because they knew you couldn't confront them. They are doing that to me, since they know I'm no longer participating on FactNet, repeating the lies and deceptions they've always clung to, and not having to worry about anyone proving them wrong.

      When I look at other SC detractors not related to FactNet, such as Bill Alnor who I've already profiled here, and Matt Slick, who had his clock cleaned by Dr. Robert Sungensis on the topic of Catholic theology, these guys are not only arrogant, but incredibly dishonest while promoting themselves as super-Christians. They have no problem spreading completely false information and claiming, like Alnor,they are "100%" accurate. The man is a damn liar, and actually is a failure in the evangelist theater.

      Nowadays he's chasing UFOs, which is probably easier for him since there is more disinformation in that career for him to spread around since no one knows for sure what the hell is going in in our skies.

      Oh, speaking of Dodge and his Josh alias: I did notice he has either recently let someone else use the Josh alias or he copied already prepared material because in his recent post explaining FactNet policy, that was definitely not his writing style.

      No, I didn't have a good weekend I'm working and have two more weeks to go before I go home! I heard you guys moved, good luck in your new digs!

    4. Yeah moving sucks. I love the new house but no we are in the middle of arranging everything while trying to get our classes handled. Then the issue of having to give up verizon because we are in an area that does not offer fios. So we have no recourse but to go with the very crappy brighthouse. They didn't even install everything correctly. Most of the tv I watch is on demand, and I went 4 days without it because the signal was too weak to load. But now everything is under control.

      So I have a house to take care of, classes, and a web project that has not been updated in a week. I was just able to get my web score back up because I haven't had the time to keep up with it lately.

      Speaking of UFO's we had quite a weird experience happen when we were moving our stuff into this house. I will explain in a bit, got errands to run. lol

      Catch ya later.
      and to Terlevier all the best.

  2. Time for a humourous post. I remember watching this series that made fun of protestants. It was called Moral Orel. It was hilarious and the characters involved reminded me so much of the Christian detractors at Factnet and CB. Stage Director reminded me of Orel's mother. Frankie would be Orel's father. The minister closely resembles Easeltine. A true classic and here are the lost commandments created to justify their hypocrisy and holier than thou attitude. I know you will enjoy these Smyrna. Cheers!!

    Lost Commandments

    The Lost Commandments were fictional tools, not in the Christian religion, used by various characters in Moral Orel. The Lost Commandments were created by Angela Puppington. She taught Clay that Moses had forgot some commandments, creating 63 in all.

    The lost commandments were used by a few characters throughout the series, most having being used by Clay.

    Lost Commandment 11

    11.Thou Shalt Be Ashamed Of Thy Natural Anatomy.

    used in The Lord's Greatest Gift -Clay

    Lost Commandment 12

    12.Thou Shalt Only Have Sex Face To Face Man on Top.

    used in God's Chef -Clay

    Lost Commandment 13

    13.Thou Shalt Not Basterdize The American Language.

    used in Charity -Clay

    Lost Commandment 14

    14.Thou Shalt Always Clean Thy Plate And Not Waste Anything Whether My Stomach Is Full Or Not.

    used in Waste -Bloberta

    Lost Commandment 18

    18.Thou Shalt Be Loyal To All Thy Friends At The Same Time.

    used in Loyalty -Clay

    Lost Commandment 19

    19.Thou Shalt Not Masturbate

    seen in the bathroom in Maturity -No one

    Lost Commandment 21

    21.Get It Right!!!

    used in The Lord's Prayer-Clay

    Lost Commandment 29

    29.Everything's Fine!

    used in Repression-Orel

    Lost Commandment 38

    38.Thou Shalt Never Hold A Gun Without Anyone To Shoot At.

    used in Passing- Young Clay

    Lost Commandment 63

    63.Thou Shalt Forget Thy Loaded A Gun When Thou Has An Innocent Child In The House.

    used in Passing - Young Clay

  3. Here is a classic frankie-ism from Moral Orel.Clay is Orel's Father.

    "Clay: Your intentions were righteous but it just so happens that this time righteous was wrong-tious.
    Orel: Wow.
    Clay: You see, somehow you've turned things topsy-turvy, young man. You've made it inconvenient for the racists, not the racers and at that point, why even discriminate?"
    Author Unknown in Moral Orel - 2006

  4. Time for Stage Director:

    "Bloberta Puppington: I'd say God wants different people to be separated from us, Orel. That's why He put Europe all the way over wherever He put it."

    "Bloberta Puppington: You see, animals have no soul whatsoever. That's what makes it so tasty when we eat and drink them."
    Author Unknown in Moral Orel - 2006

  5. Sorry Smyrna couldn't help myself.

    1. Nothing to be sorry about, that's hilarious!

    2. Yeah I was just watching a few episodes last night and its so bad with its humor its hilarious. Its very Monty Python in style.

    3. Haven't heard from this dumbass in over year! Where are ya Smyrna???
