Saturday, March 10, 2012

Bill Alnor: 2nd Most Prolific Propagandist Against the SC

The following allegations were originally made by Bill Alnor on his now defunct website titled Cultlink. However, his allegations have been quoted in many sources, sources which, sadly, failed to check Mr. Alnor's allegations for truthfulness, or, in some cases, didn't care if they were true or not. 
1. Denies the historic doctrine of the Trinity.  Our ANSWER

2. Believes that men were once gods who existed prior to living on the earth. 

Rebuttal: Murray Answers in his Answer to Critics reproduced here: "Also, I have never taught that men were little gods. It would be a lie for someone to say so. I do teach all souls were created by our Father. A Christian that would not teach this fact would have a big problem with Scripture."
3. Teaches the divisive doctrine promoted by other cults that the Anglo-Saxons are the chosen race, and America and Great Britain are the lost tribes of the children of Israel.... And from an earthly perspective his teachings promote bigotry against Jews, blacks and all non-Anglo-Saxon people. 

Rebuttal: If you go to Murray's Answer to critics page, the Chapel offers video clips of their annual Passover meeting. On the video you will see folks from many different races. Pinheads like Alnor are closet racists, since they must think that African- Americans and others who study with the Chapel are too stupid to realize that Murray is a racist, and smart white folks like Alnor are just trying to help them see the light.

4. Denies the existence of hell.

Rebuttal: This is another outright lie. It is a common lie passed along by people who refuse to acknowledge the variety of applications of the words sheol, keber, gehenna, geena, hades, tataroo, and the lake of fire. For reference see The Oxford Companion to the Bible the article titled Hell.
Are you sure you know your Bible, Bill?

5. Claims the doctrine of the rapture is "cultic."

Rebuttal: Internet is quite capable of providing documentation that a vast majority of Churches DO NOT believe that the pre-tribulation rapture THEORY has any credibility. Those who believe in some "Rapture" are more "cultic" than those who don't. Just place Rapture Theory in the search engines and see what you can find. See one example here.
6. Bestows a special honor on himself, claiming to be God’s exclusive end time messenger for the world. 

Rebuttal: From Murray's Answer To Critics, he responds:  "Some researchers say that I claim to be God's exclusive messenger for this era. I have never thought this, much less claimed it. Such a claim is another outright lie. Those "researchers" cannot prove it because I have never said this. A Christian would not think of making up lies about someone, so how should we label these "Christian Researchers?"
7. Falsely claims to have a doctorate degree from a properly accredited university or seminary.

Rebuttal: Once again, we go straight to Murray's Answer To Critics for his response to this charge:  "It is true that I have a policy of not publicly stating where I earned my doctorate because then "critics" cannot judge me by association. I have always publicly stated that my credentials are my ability to teach God's Word. To the extent that our Heavenly Father blesses me with the ability to clearly teach His Word then what higher ordination could there be?"

We'd like to add we can't blame him either, considering the way these jerks lie and use deceptive tactics against Murray and his students. Now you have seen the proof!


  1. Hi Smyrna. Arnold Murray sounds like all the other Bible-thumping Jesus freaks that are out there, talking about souls and invisible supernatural beings; hell and heaven, demons and angels. What makes Murray different is that he actually teaches that Satan and Eve had sex, and that Cain was their offspring who was the progenitor of a race of half-breeds called Kenites who infiltrated the ancient Hebrew priesthood in a nefarious plot to kill Jesus.

    The problem is that if you believe in biblical mythology, for reasons of your own, then the story about Noah and his family being the only survivors of “the flood” contradicts the existence of “Kenites.” If everyone is descended from these survivors, then we are all related to Noah’s family going back to Adam and Eve.

    Where in the Bible would you point as referencing these imaginary Kenites and how they got aboard the Ark? It’s amazing what ideas get into people’s heads through immersion in scripture. It seems to compromise their ability to think rationally.

  2. But that is where you err, Will. I will explain one more time, but am puzzled as to why a person with your memory doesn't already remember that the SC doesn't subscribe to the belief that all people alive today came from Noah's immediate family. Contrary to what Stage Director claimed in a recent post at FactNet, Murray doesn't necessrily believe in a worldwide flood, and leans to a local one.

    The Old Testamaent is primarily focused on the Israelites/Hebrews, of which Noah and his wife were part of. However,it is clear there were other people and cultures,and there were taboos in place to keep certain cultures from mixing. What you are doing Will is to apply what literalists and fundamentalist beliefs to SC theology, which is incorrect.

    The Kenites, no matter how they did it, survived the flood and are mentioned in post-Deluge texts in the Old Testament. You ask how these "imaginary" Kenites (let me note even non-Biblical refernces recoginze the Kenites as a nomadic tribe in the ancient Middle East) got aboard the ark? This is something you should also have heard the explanation for many times. If the Flood was local, as many scholars suggest, they would not have had to be on it to survive.

    I have no comment re your disbelief. I'd rather comment on your presence here. You were glad me and Sammael have chosen to leave FactNet, because we "annoy" you. So what do you do? Take up residence here. Perhaps it's because Turtle and Easeline don't annoy you?

    By the way, you also err in using the term "half-breed" when speaking of the sons of Cain i.e., Kenites. If satan ahd taken the form of a human, which he would have to do to have relations with a woman,(as the fallen angels did as described in Genesis 6)that doesn't make Cain a half breed, it makes him a half brother to Abel. For literalists, the term brother does not have one definition in the Hebrew language. One can be a cousin, for instance.

  3. Smyrna, saying that the biblical myth of “the flood” was local doesn’t explain the survival of these so-called Kenites (spawn of Satan). We’re talking about a “tribe” of people who you believe descended from Cain’s lineage, and existed in a symbiotic relationship with the ancient Israelites. In the imaginary tales from Genesis, the flood affected all of them. Were there “children of Satan” in other parts of the world outside of this “flood” scenario? In your mythology, their mission centered around the descendents of Adam and Eve’s children. Why would they be anywhere else?

    Besides, didn’t your Old Testament god say that he was going to “bring a flood of waters upon the earth to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life…everything that is in the earth shall die?” (Gen. 6:17) Isn’t that pretty specific? How do you spin and twist this to mean that it was local?

    It made me chuckle reading your description of Satan taking on the form of a human in order to have sex with Eve; to prevent Cain from being called a “half-breed.” Supernatural beings shape-shifting in order to have sex with humans; and devils, demons, angels, imaginary invisible places like the Garden of Eden, heaven, and hell, scorpion creatures with human faces and multiple wings…you Christians certainly have an active imagination (or you’re very gullible and open to suggestion).

    You question my presence here. Why? You broadcast it all over FACTnet before Josh deleted all of those advertisements for your new anti-detractor blog. I also found out that you were sending dares and challenges in private messages to members at FACTnet to come to your blog. Someone told me that you were insulting me here; so here I am.

    1. You know Dodge, one would think you have never heard the Genesis teachings of the SC. I will accomodate you only for the benefit of new readers. The Hebrew term for 'earth' spelled phonetically is 'eretz' and it has various meanings, least of which is the entire planet or land mass of this planet. It can mean 'region' or 'district'. I already answered that the Kenites were an known ancient tribe recognized by historians. Do they all think that tribe are the sons of Cain? No, they do not. However, they were known to travel with the Israelites.

      You are foolish to dismiss the Bible as a source for history, as many things in the Bible have been proven to have occurred by other sources. By the way, I did not "insult" you in my PM's unless you want to claim my allegation that you are Josh125 is an insult. Calling others a liar, is also not an insult if it can be shown they lie.

      Mocking or poking fun at Christian beliefs here only confirms my claims you are a board troll on the Christian boards at FactNet, and therefore hardly a wise choice to moderate the Christian boards there. That says quite a bit about the staff at FactNet.

      You are incompetent Dodge, "Josh125" has some problem with me announcing my blog, while every one of Franklin's posts there contians the URL for his website. There cannot be any stronger contradiction than that.

  4. By the way Dodge, you say you came here because you heard I insulted you. Funny this is th first time you mention that. It also dosn't do anything to explain why you come here at all since me and Sammael annoy ou so much and you are glad we left FactNet. You spin more than Stage Director does. I think it's because FactNet's SC threads are dead now. They should be, since they are now poorly moderated and also there is nothing new, and no one there has any knowlegde of SC teachings. All you'll now get is propaganda. And that doesn't matter anymore, since after six years of that crap, the SC has only thrived.
