Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What This Blog's Stats Tell Me

Note: While researching Matt Slick's coverage of the Shepherd's Chapel, of carm,.org, I notice he finally updated his site to include video slander of the SC, which I'm so sure it is, even though I haven't yet seen the videos in order to determine what they contain. As it will take time for me to view them all, I am going to tackle some other subjects before I give Mr. Slick as fair a hearing as I can before I rebut his "research". For those awaiting coverage of Slick, just for fun I suggest you view his debate with Catholic theologian  Dr. Robert Sungenis. I will reserve my thoughts about the debate until a later time. Readers can make their own judgements, but I can assure you, it is a great debate!  Dr. Sungenis vs.Matt Slick - YouTube

This blog has not been promoted in any way, other than to announce it at whereby it was quickly removed by the moderator Dodge/Josh125 with no explanation, and claiming it is against the rules is nothing but BS, because my buddy Jeff_Franklin uses the URL to his website as a signature on every posts he makes, and  even when I brought it up as a violation, a few months ago, he wasn't cited.

The page views on this blog total over 700. Most of which came in the first few days. Since only participants of the FactNet forum were the only ones notified of the opening, it was their repeated visit that pumped up the page view number. I can only speculate these detractors are so worried about what I have to say about them, they have collectively come here more than 700 times within a week! I'm so flattered! The past few days, the page views have dropped quite a bit. I expected that as I turned my focus on other critics such as Alnor and Slick.

I think we may, and that is a maybe, we have seen the last of Dodge/Josh125/Will, after he was busted lying about his other alias at FactNet, "Josh125" which he's using in his role as moderator. The humorous thing about it is he is moderating himself along with the Christians he has decidedly treated with contempt and bias in his roles as both a participant as well as a moderator. I have wasted enough time exposing this clown, and that goes for the other moderator that gave Dodge his job. 

I will return to the follies, humor and other experiences I've had over the last six years defending the Shepherd's
Chapel at Mainly because it not only is hilariously funny, even for those who have never witnessed the debates there, but also because it cuts through the BS brought by SC detractors, and so for SC students you will know you have a voice against the liars and smear merchants that prowl the Internet. 


  1. Hi Smyrna. You know what I find odd? That just ten days ago over at FACTnet Forum you wrote “I hold no ill feelings towards Josh or Furillo (Admin). I like them both.” What happened in just several days that caused you to go on an aggressive campaign against me, Josh, and the administration at FACTnet?

    1. Primarily,your admitting that you are Josh125, and Furillo i.e. nickname (aka 'nabashalam', 'theadmin' at after admitting he erred in appointing you moderator, who continued to allow you to moderate but only under a new alias, i.e. Josh125. Once I knew that, I no longer was compelled to give the benefit of a doubt, to what I now know was bias in applying my being banned,the proof certainly was reading the insults and flaming that went completely unpunished during the period in which I was banned. Therefore, the integrity of the moderating staff at FactNet has been irreparably damaged, and I really don't think they give a damn what I think about that. At least, not yet.
