Sunday, March 25, 2012

Congratulations to Sammael!

"Sammael" a former frequent poster at FactNet,org and a new contributor here, has been banned for a year from FactNet's discussion board. He wanted to be banned, as he also is aware of the incompetent, dishonest moderators, one of which an admitted board troll. It's amazing to me that a board troll has been appointed moderator over the very same forum he trolls on. I guess it's a sign of the times, when corruption reigns supreme in so many venues of human society.

Wear your ban as a badge of honor Sammael, it's your reward for leaving the moderator/troll unable to explain his contradictory and controversial position at FactNet. Our aim here is to show precisely how FactNet's decision to allow an atheist/troll to moderate the Christian discussion boards and an incompetent one at that, exposes that site as being run by leftists with an agenda not unlike the Southern Poverty Law Center. For Conservatives that have had enough of "community organizers" who promote "social justice" FactNet will be shown as another viable target to place in your cross hairs.

Conservatives don't fall for the liberal ruse of world dominance by elitists who attack religion because  they seek to become the gods of their visionary Utopian world where they see themselves as the gods over  those they are trying to brainwash into thinking they are working in the best interest of society when in actuality they seek to destroy it and replace it with their own.

This bias of FactNet's moderators against Christians is part if this large picture of just what is going on in this country, and people better wake up before it's too late.


  1. Hey Smyrna,

    I had the screen shot for this enlarged, printed and hanging on my wall. LOL My only regret is that you haven't gotten the number of chances that I have gotten when it came to warnings. I admit that if they were truely following the rules they would have done this a long time ago. Its like they want to see how far I will push it. They are after all, the Jerry Springer of supposed cult busting. They open the playing field for thee flames but then start getting irrate when their own flames get too hot for them to handle.

    So here's to the moderators and Quixotic Dodge. Trying to save the world from trolls by using the same troll tactics. Here is to you because I refuse to bow down and kiss your asses like the weaseltine and Frankie boy,whom I expect to be still zooming around his basement still trying to obtain warp speed. lol

    Placing bets on how soon Dodge/Josh will turn his bak on Frankie. Apparently not that long since he is already starting on weaseltime. Wow with friends like you Dodge, who needs enemies.

  2. I am looking at the posts on Why SC is Racist and Easeltine really tries to spin the words around. The term Bible Black has nothing to do with race at all. It means the twisting of the Bible to fit evil agendas, including justifications for persecution and genocide.

  3. Sammael, those are wise words,and I can finally say it without fear of hearing any whining by a moderator: Weaseltime is a moron, even though I do like his hyperbole, those conservative utterances which he's using obviously to rankle Dodge. Ah, when trolls collide!

  4. Well, the only other time that I have heard the term used was in Heaven And Hell's song Bible Black (rip Ronnie James Dio)and it was describing a perversion of interpretation of the Bible. Then in the other song it is practically describing the same thing.

    What I am finding equally hilarious about this whole thing, is that Dodge got on my case about the lyrics. Yet this is the same guy who posted a video called Fuck Christmas on the Christian threads last Christmas. Unfortunately for you Dodge, I have a pretty good memory. So there is further proof that the trolling from Dodg has never stopped and more hypocrisy thrown onto the fire. The link to the specific thread is:!&p=428761&highlight=#post428761

    Post # 1320

    So WTF?!?!

    Who the hell are you Dodge to condemn me for this when you did the same thing a few months ago? I am known for my love Monty Python humor but this was video was used for pure trolling activities and keeping the fire flowing.

    Maybe the sun's rays beeming down on your bald spot have officially fried whats left of your brain. Because you would have to be completely out there to eveen imply that your antics are not trolling.
