Sunday, March 18, 2012

Strange Bedfellows

What would you do if you were a participant of a Conservative discussion board, and you found out a far left Liberal loon was appointed to moderate that board? You would, at the very least, complain, right?  And what if your complaint was met with an apology, the chief moderator admitting he made a mistake , and said the Liberal would be asked to excuse himself? You would be satisfied with that resolution, would you not?

But what if you later found out the same far left Liberal loon was still the moderator, but operating under an alias, an alias given to him by the chief moderator who earlier apologized for his "mistake" of appointing a far left Liberal loon to your Conservative discussion board? And what would your reaction be if some of your fellow Conservatives didn't seem to think anything was amiss with this? Would you not think they were insane?

Well, this is a scenario that is playing out right now at, on the Christian oriented discussion boards there. Check out this link to follow it:  You need not sign on to read the posts. The only difference is that an atheist  and admitted board troll has been the subject/moderator. Those who have been reading along have learned the story.

Some of these Christians that think nothing of having a board troll who has demonstrated his contempt of Christianity many times by sarcastically addressing the Bible as all myth and has even posted disgusting graphics such as Christ hanging on the Cross dressed as a drag queen. Are they that enslaved by this discussion board, and subservient to the moderating staff that they are willing to be treated that way? It's outrageous. And then to have the chief moderator lie and claim this atheist has been removed, when in reality he was just given a new alias. That's not a big deal?

I know I'm repeating the same complaints I've outlined in my first articles here. But it is mind boggling  anyone would put up with that, and even claim it's no big deal. Maybe because they haven't yet felt the prejudice this person has exhibited by unfairly treating those he has come to personally dislike when he was in his role as an antagonist. Or perhaps it's because those who think it's no big deal have this troll on their side of most issues and think he will never turn against them. I suspect this is the case here.

I am used to seeing Shepherd's Chapel detractors pick some very strange bedfellows while they feed their obsession. One person actually went to the far left Southern Poverty Law Center and found some clown to write a smear piece on the SC using what her spin on the SC rather than facts. That is relatively easy to do since the SPLC is decidedly anti-Christian and has been on a campaign to label any right wing Christian groups as "hate groups". You can read coverage of how SC students fought off the silly article about the Chapel here: Southern Poverty Law Center  Another runs his own website critical of nearly anyone he disagrees with regarding religion, claims he's Conservative, yet quotes liberal sources because he thinks more like a Liberal. SC detractors appear to have no problem aligning themselves with atheists, board trolls and Liberal Christian haters in their zeal to try and smear the SC.         

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