Sunday, March 18, 2012

Shepherd's Chapel and Racism

Let me begin by providing you with Pastor Arnold Murray's own words regarding the frequent charge of racism in his ministry:

Pastor Murray on Racism

"To say that I teach racism or practice racism is another outright lie. We have people of all races that attend and study with the Shepherd's Chapel. It is very simple to prove this statement. We televise our annual Passover meetings including video interviews of many of the thousands who attend. Order a video tape of any of these interviews and you will see people of all races which effectively documents the falseness of any charges that I teach racism (a sample of Passover Interviews is also offered at the end of this document). God's Word directly teaches that our Heavenly Father created all the races and that it was good, (Genesis 1:27-28, 31). People of all nations and races shall be in the Temple of the Lord throughout eternity (Revelation 21:22-27)."

The charge of racism by SC detractors stems mainly from Murray's teaching that Genesis in its Hebrew form is an account of God creating the races separately before He created Adam and Eve. Contrary to Christian Fundamentalism, Murray teaches the creation of man and the creation of "Ha adam"(The Adam)  and Eve in Genesis 2  were separate events rather than a reiteration of one event. Murray teaches that representative of all the major races were created on the sixth day. In one lecture on Genesis, Murray opined that the Chinese (mongoloid aka Oriental race) possible could have been created earlier, due to their ancient historical accounts of their culture which appears to predate the earliest Biblical history.

He made reference to the fact the Asian cultures seemed to have always been quite adept at farming the sea, and getting most of their food from water, something that is true even today. This departure from Scripture and to his clearly stated conjecture (he clearly said not to ask him to document in Scripture what he was saying about the mongoloid race as it was his opinion) this did not stop the most outrageous Shepherd's Chapel propaganda propagator for declaring :"Murray teaches the Chinese came form sea creatures." Such is the extent of negative spin which has no basis in truth we see so often from Chapel critics. More on this person later.

I've been a Chapel student for twenty-two years, and I have never heard Murray teach any race should see themselves better than another. For those who follow Liberalism as their religion, no, we do not have "just one human race" and science seems to disagree with that. Scientists in the field of anthropology claim to have found "proto-humans" i.e. Homo Erectus  with the same racial characteristics as their Homo Sapien counterparts. In other words, you may see the three "sub-species" present in Homo Erectus as well. 

Because of Christian Fundamentalism's permeation of theological thought which foolishly clings to just one man and woman (Noah and his Wife, since they also claim all humans except the Noah family died in the Flood) scientists  remain confused, as do many people who care think about man's origin's are today.  Briefly, Noah, his wife, and children, no matter what race they belonged to, could not have been the progenitors of Caucasians, Negroids, and Mongoloids  nor was there enough time or barriers to put any veracity on the truly racist myth that all three not only came form the Noah family, but had characteristics which separated them from one another such as spiritual wisdom and  brute strength,

The Shepherd's Chapel teaches that mankind was created and that God declared all that He created to be "very good." There is thus no contradiction made by the SC in that. What is also taught is that "The Adam" and Eve were created for the specific purpose of being the progenitors of the bloodline from which Jesus Christ came from, i.e. the Hebrew or Jewish peoples, of which the Bible is primarily focused upon.    

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this post. I recently came across the Shepherd's Chapel and received an introductory packet. I also did some research and most everything i was reading was saying Arnold Murray and his followers are racists. Your post is very helpful in shining light on these people who want to accuse others instead of reading what the Chapel actually teaches. I am looking forward to ordering the materials for new students. Thanks again.
