Monday, March 12, 2012

A Surprise Collaborator!

I am delaying my piece on Matt Slick, who is the publisher of in order to announce I have found a source from the United Kingdom who also had discovered the lies Bill Alnor published on his now defunct website. Here is the URL: But speaking of Mr. Slick, the source also mentions him: Both Alnor and Slick derive their allegations from the CRI (Christian Research Institute) It is CRI that Murray mentions, (not be name, but simply as "Christian Researchers") in his Answer to Critics on the Shepherd's Chapel website: The CRI has a dubious reputation as well, and has been in legal troouble in the past.  These  oly rollers who point their fingers at others all too easily now have had the tables turned on them! I thank John Beardsley, who publishes the site with this information, for doing ushc great work!

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