Friday, March 30, 2012

A Brief Message For Today

I have just begun this fight. I have a lot of fight in me, for those who have engaged with me for the last six years at FactNet get ready for another six years if needed, but this time going after the abusive actions of an organization that gives the impression they exist for the public good, while allowing their staff to attack Christians and treat them with contempt. Christianity, whether one professes Christ or not, has done more good for more than a thousand years than the rest of the world at large. There certainly have been negatives, which liberals wish to exploit in their war against Christianity while they ignore the enormous good Christian Churches and organizations have done, but overall, the world would be a much different and terrible place were it not for Christianity.

And for my part, exposing those who wish to destroy Christianity is something I do not take lightly, which FactNet's founders and staff are about to find out. I am in the process of contacting FactNet's founders in regard to the behavior of members of their staff, to ensure they are aware of them, which I doubt. Their response is how I will determine how I will proceed.


  1. I know how you fight, they are in for hell if they push you to it. I will help you as much as I can in this. What they are doing is wrong. Even though I am no as well versed in the Bible as you are, I know enough to know where they are misquoting it and misinterpreting it. They fear what they don't understand. With Allfather guiding me, I know I have made the right decision to tell the detractors to Christianity, paganism, and anyother ism that they grossly misrepresent. While ignoring the real problems like the scam and death cult of Scientology. Shadowcat has told me of the horrors that happened in Clearwater because of them and had my own run in with them. Yet these go relatively untouched.

  2. Hi Kevin. I was looking at my investment portfolio, and was thinking of putting some capital into Stone Energy Corporation. You know, at 625 East Kaliste Saloom Road in LaFayette. You’re from that area, aren’t you? What do you think? I see their common stock is up 1.05 percent at the opening bell today.

  3. Ok this has relevance how? Nice crying job over at factnet regarding something you again know nothing about. So you still insist on not being a troll, typical reaction from the accuser.

  4. Hi Sammael. What do you mean “nice crying job over at factnet?” I’d like to know what you’re problem with me is. What have I ever done to you to elicit such animosity?

  5. My problem should be pretty damn obvious. You love to talk out of both sides of your mouth.You pick and choos which side suits your purpose. You antagonize Easeltine and Franklin one moment, then the next your all buddy buddy with them. Its so hard to figure out which one is the real you. Fake pople like that I have no respect for. If that upsets, thats your problem not mine. Your th on who has to deal with the fact that your the biggest flip flopper out there. You also bitch about profanity, yet post a video called Fuck Christmas. Do you not see the irony here? Do you not see the hypocrisy?

  6. Hi Sammael. I’m sorry you see it that way, and have chosen to be so contentious towards me. I would ask you how I’ve “antagonized” Easeltine and Franklin; or anyone else. The threads over at FACTnet at times get a bit confrontational, and tempers flare; but I haven’t done or said anything worse than anyone else. Why focus on me? I could, if I wanted to, point to many of your posts that are not only antagonistic but extremely offensive. Perhaps you should look in the mirror before pointing fingers at others, Sammael?

    You call me a “fake person,” who “flip-flops.” Yes, at times I see both sides of the issue, and have changed my mind. When I first came to FACTnet seven years ago I was open to what anybody was saying about Shepherds Chapel; and because of what I read I believed that Arnold Murray’s teachings were racist; but I changed my mind over the years as I took in more information, and have said many times that the students of Shepherds Chapel have the right to believe what they want.

    Did you ever read your wife’s signature? “The man who never alters his opinion is like standing water, and breeds reptiles of the mind.” (William Blake).

    I did post a link to a Monty Python video by Eric Idle about Christmas; but I warned that it contained offensive material. You, however, have always gone out of your way to be as offensive as possible. Have you ever heard the expression “pot calling the kettle black?” I think that applies to what you’re doing here.

  7. You posted that video twice and concidentally deleted th original posting of the video. So you are a lying hypocritical piece of shit. I wasn't the one complaining about the profanity. You were, so the pot and the kettle better fits you.

  8. Also on the altering of opinions. You changee yours every week practically. My wife's signature holds true. I had altered my opinion about Murray and it has since then hld strong and will hold strong until proper evidence to the contrary has been presented. This will obviously never happen, because the detractors have failed to present it.

    On your on again and off again bullshit with Easeltine/franklin, you have either the worst case of meemory problems or your selective memory is in major overdrive. Th proof is in your posts. I know you lik to think you can do no wrong but your only fooling yourself.

  9. Well, Sammael -- We obviously see things differently. I disagree with your interpretation; but you’re entitled to your opinion. There doesn’t seem to be any reason for further communication between us; so I wish you well and hope you find peace. No hard feelings.

  10. Stone Energy is the company Stage Director thinks I work for. Your attempt at intimidation is laughable, and also revealing. I set up an account at YUKU called 'Truthrevealed' a couple of years ago, posing as a longtime FactNet user and Smyrna hater. Here is a copy of the PM at YUKU she sent 'truthrevealed':

    May 08, 2010 at 6:51 am

    "Stage Director: Smyrna is on CBRC using the id MindyAnders. I've been tracking him since day one, and he's gotten careless and posted from Stone Energy, a company with oil rigs in the gulf.And it's a corporate ip set up by AT&T, and not a proxy or a shared network devise. It's a rather loosely guarded secret and he's locked out of the restricted forum."

    So now not only do I have proof you are trying to intimidate me, but also that Stage Director is helping you. Smyrna wins again, and will continue to do so, because you are an evil clown Dodge, and so are your allies on FactNet's staff. Is this the stuff Wollershiem would approve of? If so, that is very sad, but simply new material for me. Not that it matters, but I've never worked for Stone Energy, and it wouldn't matter if I did.

    Looks like she got careless, I knew that account at YUKU would pay me off sooner or later.

  11. Hey Sammael,

    Is Will a real piece of "work" or what? Trying to intimidate me like that, and using something only Stage Director could have told him? That's not the only thing I got when she thought she was talking to a Smyrna hater on YUKU. I sent a bunch of stuff to Shadowcat a couple of months ago from that account. Ask her if she still has that material,if not I'll share it with you.
    It shows her true character, or rather, it affirms what we already know of it. Loves to dig up and spread dirt on others in her zeal to try and intimidate and bring them down. look at her allies, Dodge, Franklin, all world class hypocrites. I'm a stalker and hacker, yet she "tracks" people as does Franklin, and then shares what she find with others.
    This will not work with Smyrna, as you can see. It will always come back to bite them.
    Oh, and DODGE, I didn't miss the allusion to the investment world, of which I am a part of, you got that from Franklin's tracking me to Yahoo Finance Boards,(something else I know that is not a secret among you Smyrna fans, which Stage Director also shared with you)

  12. Yes I have to agree with that. Dodge is a real piece of work. Then again, I wouldn't expect anything less. Why bother trying to intimidate you on your own blog. Its rather rediculous and the logic that follows is equally hilarious. Typical troll activity, hitting you with things that are not only irrelevant to the topics at hand, but common work oriented activities. Like its really that uncommon for employees to invest in their own company.

    Then he tries to use the same tactics on me about profanity. That is completly useless being that I am not the one who originally complained about profanity. Rather pointless when I use it in the first place. But if you use it, like Dodge obviously has, and complain about others, that makes you only one thing. That being a hypocritical jackass, which we all know dodge is. Then his attempt to call me on it, got him no where but being hit by a wolverine. What else could he expect for his hypocrisy.

  13. Well, so far his stunt in trying to intimidate me makes him look really bad and it will make Wollerheim look bad too if he doesn't do anything about it. Who the hell would go to FactNet when their moderators lie, intimidate members,and troll the boards themselves, of course with no fear of being reigned in as they do to those who they don't like?

    Plus, in addition to him attempting to use intimidation, he inadvertently exposed Stage Director who fed him this info on Stone Energy, company I've never worked for, but they are free to try and stalk me there if they wish. What are they going to do, call them and ask for Kevin that goes by the name Smyrna at FactNet? Or maybe ask if there is a Ken Mitchell there, because with them accusing me of being Ken Mitchell they stubbornly still believe that?

    I'm actually hoping the founders of FactNet see nothing wrong with Dodge's behavior and allow him to run free representing that site, it would be a gift. If he keeps pulling silly stuff like this, in about a year or two FactNet won't have anyone on their discussion boards. All I have to do is present the facts.
