Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Shepherd's Chapel Detractors at Factnet

I am going to pepper this blog with examples of the Shepherd's Chapel detractors, mainly because I'd like to spread the wealth of entertainment rather than focus on it exclusively. There is a serious side to dealing with people who claim to be religious yet have no problem spreading vile propaganda about a ministry. This is not about one opinion verses another. I will prove these individuals are malicious rumor mongers. Some have been told literally hundreds of times their characterization of Shepherd's chapel teachings are wrong, yet they continue to mislead others to this very day.

 As a matter of fact, since I decided to stop participating in the SC oriented forums at FactNet two day ago, the detractors there are already doing what they do best: deliberately posting misleading descriptions of what the SC teaches. It is my intention to use this blog to show how they misrepresent SC teachings, in order to totally discredit them. They use tactics that appear to be common on Internet forums: when proven wrong, they will ignore the evidence, change the subject, wait until subsequent posts bury the topic all together, only to make the same accusations at a later time, and it turns into a merry-go-round, they do it over and over again. I will get into specific examples in my next article.

                                       What Makes the SC Ministry So Controversial?

By far the most controversial aspect of the SC ministry is its teaching of the Serpent's Seed. At, there are more than 5,000 posts that deal with that topic alone, mainly because of the situation I described in the last paragraph. Fundamentally, the Serpent's Seed teaching interprets the Genesis account of Adam, Eve and the Serpent as a literal, historical account of Eve being seduced by the serpent, described as an angelic being, a fallen archangel. Adam has relations with Eve also, and two children were born, both sons, one named Cain, the other, Abel. As Cain was the son of Eve and the serpent, his descendants were evil, Cain was the first murderer with the killing of his brother Abel. The descendants of the brother who replaced him, Seth, included Abraham, Noah, in an unbroken line leading to the birth of Christ, in other words the people known as the Jews.
   By doing an Internet search of the topic, one can find many variations of the Serpent's Seed teaching, and many commentaries about it, from both believers as well as unbelievers. One unfortunate circumstance involving this teaching, is some groups have used it to support antisemitic agendas, claiming that the descendants of Cain are the Jews we see today. Detractors of the SC connect those groups with the Shepherd's Chapel, which is dishonest, misleading and part of a malicious smear campaign they have waged against this ministry.

 I do not intend to use this blog to make a case for or against the Serpent Seed teaching. While you will learn more about the SC's version, and why it is dishonest to call it antisemitic or racist, one can do their own research into the topic, as much has been written about it and can be found in many places on the web.
 The SC detractors at FactNet, which currently amounts to two individuals, one going by the name 'Stage Director' the other 'Jeff_Franklin' despite so many points of evidence which shows they must be either lying or mentally unstable, refuse to acknowledge they are wrong.But they are not alone, there are other websites that publish inaccurate and misleading claims against the SC regarding this topic as well. many simply copy what "Christian Researchers" have published, without verifying the information is accurate.They have been proven wrong  many times about their claims regarding what the SC teaches, yet they continue to spread this propaganda.
  One point I have brought up repeatedly at FactNet is the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as well as the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)  both publish lists of antisemitic and racist hate groups, yet neither mention the SC ministry at all. despite my asking these two detractors why that may be more than forty days in a row at one point, they ignored the question, and then tried the weakest excuses for this these glaring omissions, including the ADL being a "non-issue" (even though the very same person attempted to use the ADL's article on Christian Identity ministries as "proof" dozens of times, and simply "I don't know" which was Stage Director's answer, after ignoring the question at least forty times.

In tomorrow's entry, I will go into specifically why the SC version of the Serpent's Seed is not antisemitic or racist, and how detractors spin it into their own version of an antisemitic teaching and apply it to the SC in their attempt to smear the SC ministry by grouping it with ministries that truly are racist and antisemitic.  

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