Sunday, March 11, 2012

SC Detractors: Cowardice, Deceit, Incompetence

These are traits Shepherd's Chapel critics exhibit across the spectrum. They talk a good game, claiming things in their websites and forum messages such as they can back up what they say about the SC, or that anyone challenging what has been published on their anti-Chapel sites with proof will get the retraction they seek. Yet that simply is not the case, and I speak from personal experience. For example, Bill Alnor, the subject of my last article here, was sent a copy of my rebuttal to his allegations. yet, all I received in turn was some form letter rambling on about how SC students don't offer him any reason to retract his claims!  This is the kind of snake Alnor is:

Aug. 18, 2002 revision/editor's note:  "Notice: We reserve the right to publish any and all letters and E-mail posts we receive. This will include listing your name, E-mail address and personal address. We also have the right to edit your letter for brevity.

I am pointing this out because over the years we have received much mail, both pro and con, over this article.  However, a great deal of mail has been threatening in nature.  Some of it has been death threats from people who appear to be mentally unstable.  None of them were able to satisfactorily refute this article, and in fact other reputable evangelical ministries have also now published more complete articles on the false prophet, Arnold Murray, of which we will link to in the future.  Beware of Murray.  He is a wolf in sheep's clothing! " 

How intimidating to some to see that your name, personal and email address may be listed, that it is Alnor's "right" to do so! Let me mention that he also said: "None of them were able to satisfactorily refute this article, and in fact other reputable evangelical ministries have also now published more complete articles on the false prophet, Arnold Murray, of which we will link to in the future.  Beware of Murray.  He is a wolf in sheep's clothing! "

That statement is a lie, and I proved that in my article about Alnor yesterday. This kind of behavior is not limited to Alnor. SC detractors have a serious problem with credibility. Matt Slick of also has the same issues with courage, honesty and competency. He will be the topic of tomorrow's article.    

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