Friday, March 9, 2012

SC Racist? You've Got To be Crazy!

Some detractors of the SC accuse the pastors of teaching racism via white superiority. They claim this because the SC teaches all races were created separately. But that teaching in and of itself isn't racist, there's nothing in that teaching that preaches a message of hatred or supremacy of any race over another. But no matter how many times they have been told this, along with the fact the pastors of the SC also teach that when God created the races, he declared all of His creation to be "very good" the knuckle headed critics still accuse. At Factnet, there is no better example of total ignorance than the poster known as Jeff_Franklin.

 The SC on its own website says this about racism: "To say that I teach racism or practice racism is another outright lie. We have people of all races that attend and study with the Shepherd's Chapel. It is very simple to prove this statement. We televise our annual Passover meetings including video interviews of many of the thousands who attend. Order a video tape of any of these interviews and you will see people of all races which effectively documents the falseness of any charges that I teach racism (a sample of Passover Interviews is also offered at the end of this document). God's Word directly teaches that our Heavenly Father created all the races and that it was good, (Genesis 1:27-28, 31). People of all nations and races shall be in the Temple of the Lord throughout eternity (Revelation 21:22-27)."

 But this idiot still accuses the SC of racism, he also compares the SC to the Nazis. Obviously, as a student I take great offense to this. Franklin was banned for saying things like that, yet he now says it without impunity on the Factnet forums, and this is testimony yet again to the incompetence of the troll/atheist turned moderator called Dodge as a poster, and Josh125 as the moderator.

Back to Franklin, this is so typical of detractors both at FactNet and other websites, where the publishers have been shown proof the SC does not teach racism: they ignore it, and continue to make the allegation. This only works against them, as anyone who can see this is what they do, would have to be just as nutty as they are to continue to listen to them. The very best way to get to the truth is simply to watch the SC program on their own, and make their own decision.

There is evidence not only that Jeff_Franklin himself has racist views, but he as well as the other antagonist at FactNet, "Stage Director" contradict themselves. First of all, one of their allies, who goes by the user name "Chad14" made numerous comments that could only be interpreted as racist, such as the long held racist belief that the descendants of Ham, one of Noah's sons, was cursed and his descendants from henceforth had black skin. he also called black students of the SC "tokens" who probably were hired to appear on the videos at the two annual meetings the SC hold, during Passover and in the Fall (Fall Fellowship) in addition to the regular Church services in Gravette, Ar.  The fact neither Stage Director or Franklin have gone on daily rants against Chad14 over these comments, is prove their persecution of the Pastors of the SC is not only selective, it is deceptive and dishonest.

Franklin has used the racial slur "lily white" on a few occasions while accusing others of being racists. Stage Director has admitted she buys into the 'Aryan myth', that the descendants of their three sons  were of three separate races: black, oriental, and white. I see no difference between someone teaching the races were created separately and believing that Noah's sons has children of three distinct racial types. There is no end to these particular detractor's contradictions and lunacy.

Tomorrow, I will switch gears and focus Bill Alnor the second most prolific liar when it comes to detractors of the SC (Stage Director has the top title based upon volume and repetition) of Cultlink. His allegations were disputed many years ago, yet he still accuses the SC of those very same things. It really shows how sick these people must be, to be shown proof and yet ignore that proof and still publish the garbage they do about the Shepherd's Chapel.    


  1. Hey smyrna,

    You forgot one more piece of proof of their own racist agenda. They both have constantly either indirectly and/or directly stated that the people of other cultures who are SC students are too gullible or unable to understand the "true" teachings of SC. Meaning they are too stupid to understand it. So here they are denigrating the intelligence of some many races of people. Yet their lily white ass is above it all and are all knowing about it all. How much more racist can you get than that.

    1. Hi Sammael, You're correct, and I've noted the same thing on several occasions. One of the racist comments made by one of the FactNet SC detractors, "Chad14" was that non-white members of the SC were merely "tokens" and I replied that he should come to the SC's big Church meetings at Passover or Fall Fellowship, tell one of the non-white members they are a "token" and see what happnes to him. Yes, it's obvious they do think they are smarter than the non-white sc memebrs as well as the white memebrs. They are an arrogant lot. Let me note that Chad14's comment has been cited on FactNet many times and yet his allies still refuse to condemn them as racist, which of course it is.

    2. Smyrna -- One of the issues we had with you at FACTnet forum was your consistent bashing of the poster known as Chad14. You were told that he was an old man who had serious health problems (multiple bypass surgery and cancer, and a series of strokes); and because of this had difficulties communicating. Yet you continued to attack him personally. That’s one of the reasons your posts were deleted and you were warned by the moderator.

      Josh told you to stop bashing him, but you didn’t listen. You said that you were repulsed by this sickly old man, that his posts were “diatribes,” and that he “feebly drones out his pablum.” Josh suggested that you ignore Chad14’s posts. Such cruelty could not be tolerated.

      Sammael was also warned to stop picking on this poor old man; but he kept it up. Yet here you are attacking this damaged old man here. Have you no shame?

    3. Correction Will, I, I repeat, I told you, Will/Dodge/Josh that he was an old man and I categorically deny "bashing" him once those facts were known. I'm the one who found out who he was in real life, so cut the crap. I challenge you to show me one post where I "attacked" Chad14 after Josh/Dodge showed up. I asked him to show proof of what he was claiming as usual, but I know better it's no use to badger him as he ignores showing proof as is typical detractor behavior. Before I knew who he was, I was much tougher on him, but not afterwards.
      As a matter of fact, I personally suggested to Josh/Dodge/Will that he go easy on him because of this, as he has had many serious health issues. True to your own form, and one thing I used to help uncover that you were using Josh as another alias, was your typical Internet search of Chad14, as I told Josh, and not you, in a PM Chad14's real name. Don't try claiming "Josh" told you that at a later time, I won't buy it, because there were a few other things I told Josh that were mentioned in posts of yours when there wasn't enough time for you and "Josh" to communicate.
      I am always fascinated by the fact you take such a biased stance against me, and leave any of the others, no matter who, free to say anything they wish to me and one example of your bias was your prior comment here in which you thanked me and Sammael for leaving FactNet, and that we both "annoyed" you.
      What is shameful is your spin job here. Go back and check your facts, sunny boy.

    4. Smyrna -- You’ve accused me of being at least a dozen other members of the FACTnet community over the years. That’s one of your favorite games. Now your trying to convince others that I’m actually the moderator who posts under the name of Josh. I’ve been a volunteer working behind the scenes for a long time; and last year Admin asked me to moderate the Shepherds Chapel threads to try and stop the flaming and ad hominem. I was given the name of Josh125.

      After you whined and moaned about it, complaining and threatening to make war with FACTnet, I thought it would be best for me to turn the moderation over to someone else. So Admin picked another volunteer who I’ve known for several years, and that person took over the Josh125 pseudonym. This person used to post often in the forum; but got bored and decided to help out in the back channels. You would know the username this person had for a few years; but we all pledged never to discuss anything that happens behind the scenes.

      You can continue to play your games and accuse me of having other usernames at FACTnet forum if you want; but I’m not going to respond beyond what I’ve said here. I could, if I was so inclined, mention the unethical things you’ve done over the years. You know what I’m talking about. If you continue to attack me personally, I just might decide to play tit for tat.

  2. I really don't think you should try that story Will, at no time did you post as Josh125 when you were appointed moderator. That is how we knew to complain immediately. I believe we can easily confirm this to be true by looking at posts from the SPLC thread. It was you, posting as Dodge who claimed you were the new moderator. When we protested, theadmin claimed you were removed and then "Josh125" showed up. I quickly determined that Josh125 was a parked alias. Looking at Josh125's profile, there were no posts prior to him claiming he was Josh125 under that alias. However, there were posts by you that claimed you were the moderator, no alias other than Dodge was used by you.

    Shadowcat first suspected you wwere Josh125, and that was AFTER, not before, this mysterious person Josh125 showed up. Though I will admit suspecting you of being other users at FN over time, that you freely admit using the Josh125 alias actually helps with those allegations, which were never proven nor disproved.But being that you now admit you used that alias, you may as well come clean, forget that ridiculous story you just told me, and admit you have been Josh all along.

    Because as I stated in my first articles here, there were things I told Josh125 that somehow you found yourself commenting on. You would not have known those things as quickly as you did. I never mentioned them at the time, but I did warn Shadowcat in PMs I sent to her that. Then there are the unmistakable patterns of behavior. Your flash searches, for instance, of "chad14's" true identity. I told Josh125 well into a time you now deny being Josh125, who he was. "Josh125" then went on a Dodge-like search and came back confirming what I had told him.

    Then, I now have, as I told Shadowcat I would have one day soon, evidence of bias on Josh's part against both me and Franklin.

    You, Dodge, dislike us both equally, and it shows, especially last month, when I was banned for a long time for doing something that paled in comparison to what SGNG said to Franklin,and yet he wasn't even warned. He wasn't warned because you like it when people beat up on Franklin.

    So like I said in my opening article here, the FactNet staff is either dihonest, incompetent, or both. Finally, I have noted that wheneer Josh wasn't available, you weren't posting either, and on the same days when Josh was answering my PM's, you were active on those very same days. I noticed that patetrn over a long period of time, well after your new claim here that you were Josh125 but only for a short time. To that I say bullshit.
