Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Campaign Against FactNet

I am going to find out how the Christian community at large on the Internet will react to the actions of FactNet's
staff and their appointment of an atheist and Christian antagonist to their Christian oriented forums. There is an increasing amount of backlash by the Christian community, a search of keywords 'war on Christianity'  shows numerous groups who are not going to sit and be treated like second class citizens, the Biblical passages" turn the other cheek is being translated in a less literal way, which is good.

Had Christianity been "wussified" during earlier times, it would not have survived. And like all kingdoms, there are civilians, and there are soldiers. Here, at SC Defender, Christians of all sects and denominations are to be defended against secular forces that hate Christianity and discriminate against its followers.

How FactNet treats Christians is but one example of an overall attack by liberals, many of them atheists. FactNet's staff should be taken to task for not only appointing an atheist and Christian antagonist to their Christian boards, but for lying and basically being apathetic to complaints made about their treatment of Christian users. Their excuses will not fit their actions, their spin won't help them.

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