Thursday, March 22, 2012

How To Spot The Losers

This is something that can be observed in any Internet forum that has two factions opposed to each other. Over the course of time, one will be the winner of the majority of observers. If there was a vote taken, one side would consistently be seen as the winner. So what is it the losers cannot see in their case, which appears weak to everyone else, but looks so strong to them? It's very hard to even imagine they really believe they haven't been defeated.  Can they be delusional en masse? Have they brainwashed themselves?  Or my personal suspicion: they have invested so much time and effort to nurture their beliefs and to see them discredited, they refuse to admit defeat and concede.

This situation may occur hundreds of times in a prolonged argument with numerous participants on both sides, a case in point is the conflict between Liberal and Conservative ideological political views. Liberals seem irrational to the point of mental illness by Conservatives; demagogues who are political con artists. Liberals see Conservatives as evil, self absorbed greedy people who are willing to watch their fellow man unfairly suffer because they refuse to give away their hard earned money so Liberals have to invent ways to take it from them, like modern day Robin Hoods.  

This model of prolonged opposition repeats itself  in so many different arguments, and the cause is one is winning the marketing game, and the only way to win it is by gaining trust. Con artists gain trust through trickery, a truly righteous person will provide fact after fact which exposes the con artist for what they truly are.

So my suggestion when you observe or are a participant in any prolonged argument: do what is right, keep presenting demonstrable facts, and those observing will see who are the con artists and who are the righteous.      


  1. This is a mind boggling thing Smyrna. They think I am joking when I say I am getting an anuerism from reading this crap. They take the most common thread and automatically think that if one thing is common to a group than everything is connected. This is the purest form of logical fallacies. They already know that its a losing case. Otherwise they would have presented concrete evidence that supports there claims.

    I was reading up on the factnet forum today, and they really know how to delude themselves. Its all right there in the archives of how bad their shenanigans can get and are let go unchecked. Its not my job to find it for them, they have fingers they can type it in themselves.LOL

    I also had a laugh about the other part of Dodge's comment about what I think of crosses based on a line from a Nightwish song. One little thing that Dodge never seems to get is in the world of music and theatrical elements, is I could like the music and enjoy what it offers without it influencing how I think or leave an impression on my views. Its a great song and I purposely do this sort of thing because I know that these leaches would close in on it and start asking. Even though it has no relevance to the topic at hand. Of course, if they knew anything about Tuomas Holopainen (keyboardist and main songwriter of Nightwish) they would know that his beliefs are grounded in Christianity. What he writes is what either what he is thinking or feeling at a certain point in time or in the case of Imaginaraum it is a movie Score. Completely independent of the writers personal feelings.

    So with that being said, this goes to Josh/Dodge. I saw your warning on factnet. If the last few warnings went ignored, what makes you think that this will be any different? You think I should be civil towards people who refuse to return it? Fuck that and fuck your warning. I don't need your precious thread of useless vermin who do nothing but bitch and moan about 80 year old people. That is the ultimate in cowardice and is rather disgusting since I was raised to respect elders. Respect is clearly a word that does not fall into any of your vocabularies. Banning me will solve nothing, because it changes nothing. You will forever be the coward who talks shit while a person is banned and then run away with you tail between your legs covering up where your balls should be when I come back to give you a reality check. How pathetic you folk truely are.

  2. Oh no, I am banned for a year from factnet. I just don't know what I will do with all that time. LOL Now Dodge you can keep talking your trash with your butt buddy Easeltine for a whole year uncontested. How brave you should all feel now.

    Mods and Admin of factnet, enjoy your pets. I am sure they all will just purr in your fat laps.

  3. You know, I just wrote essentially the same thing in my last message at FactNet:

    The moderators are arrogant elitists who apparently have a superiority complex. They must think theirs is the only venue on the web. Actually, they blew it a few years ago when they tried the pay-to-post program. They felt themselves so important, they thought they would succeed in bringing in money to line whatever pockets they wanted to line.

    Well, they lost the majority of their subscribers. I paid to post,mainly because I anticipated the SC detractors wouldn't, and I thought it would be a great selling point (which it was)to show how dedicated to the cause they were. They let $50 (the cost of a "lifetime" subscription)separate themselves from their jihad against the SC in what was a widely read forum. And as soon as FactNet dropped the fee, they came back, what a bunch of freeloaders! But most other FactNet users did not.

    Well, they can continue to run their little country in cyberspace like a bunch of liberal democrats, which of course will drive to the ground sooner or later. I won't be spending much more time on it.

    1. I take back the comment about me not spending much more time about FactNet's staff and their dishonesty and lunacy. This is war, and they aren't going to like it.
