Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I was a member of FactNet.org's forums for six years. During that time I saw the moderators there being basically virtually absent, to just recently, dishonest, overbearing, biased,  incompetent, all the above. The final straws started a few months ago, when the head moderator placed an atheist in the role as a moderator over the Christian oriented forums there. Not just any atheist, but a long time antagonist who was known to harass the Christian boards by putting disgusting graphics such as Jesus hanging on the Cross in drag on the pages of the Christian threads, by mocking Christian beliefs, and calling Christians fools. I suppose that's ineptitude and/or apathy on the account of the head moderator.

 Just like putting the fox in charge of the hen house, isn't it?! After everyone complained, the head moderator told us the atheist was relieved of that position, and that a "Methodist minister" would take his place. To make a long story short, which means I won't bore you with how we found out it was the same guy, the Fact(net) is the head moderator just gave the atheist an account that had been parked for a long time, which gave him a new alias. Same hateful atheist, but with a different identity.  

A few of us suspected this, but with little to go on at the outset, some of us figured that we were just stuck with him and trusted that he would try to be fair, only because he didn't want to seem inept in that role. (ego?) Anyway, as I suspected, over time his prejudices surfaced. He never did like me nor one of my arch enemies. I know that others there may say it's because we were the most aggressive and verbally abusive, but the real story goes deeper than just us being rough on others. You can't have people breaking the same rules as we did without any penalty at all, while myself and one of my arch enemies gets banned longer than anyone else ever has.     

Rules should always be enforced equally, so obviously there was a bias at work. And FactNet's forum rules don't say anything about your history being part of a decision in the present. In other words, just because you may have been banned before doesn't mean you'll get banned longer or more easily when subsequent infractions occur.

So for anyone who is considering joining FactNet forums, let this be a warning to you. They are neither fair and they are very left leaning politically, which means Christians, beware! The audacity of placing an atheist with a history of harassing Christians on the very same board where he harassed the very same people as their moderator, then lying about removing him and placing him back in that role with a different user id is
as dishonest as one can be.  

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