Monday, March 26, 2012

FactNet Staff Hopelessly Deluded

I have been berating the point FactNet's staff apparently feel there is no conflict of interest in appointing a practicing board troll and atheist to moderate their Christian boards. There is no sense in continuing to highlight the issue, and I'd like to end my coverage of it by noting this same troll, known as Dodge as his regular user id, but as Josh125 when he has his moderator hat on, is not only disliked on the Christian board, but also on the other boards where he is active as well.

There have been other complaints about him, but as it has come to be expected, he acts as he is infallible and never takes personal accountability for his actions. Though he did apologize for posting childish, inflammatory graphics denigrating Christianity on the same board he is now moderator, his attitude has not changed and thus his apology is null and void. He is condescending and openly pokes fun at Christians by making snide, sarcastic remarks about their beliefs.

It is reprehensible FactNet's staff allows this clown to run loose on their boards and do and say as he pleases, claiming he doesn't break any rules. Let's take a look at what he says which to him isn't ad hominem, because he believes what he say is true, which is a very strange definition of the term:

 "Yes, indeed, at one time a while back I posted images of Jesus on the cross dressed in drag, as Santa Claus, as the Holy Ghost, a Pilgrim, Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, Superman, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, and a few others. 

It was fun, I enjoyed playing with Photoshop and creating those outrageous characterizations of the imaginary supernatural being that people call Jesus, Christ, and The Lord. As someone who sees this mythic character from the Bible as existing nowhere but in the minds of those who believe it, it really didn’t mean anything to me. It might as well have been Zeus, Hercules, Mickey Mouse, or Zippy the Pinhead." Dodge's insulting comments

Even though I noted in a rebuttal that the famous historian Flavius Josephus (37 A.D. - 100 A.D) mentioned Jesus in his writings, and the authors of the Gospels were eye witnesses to Jesus' life,  Dodge claims Jesus never existed. I guess he must have been there, that's how he's so sure. This is the arrogance which comes through so clearly, and reflects in the way he "moderates" the Christian boards.

As I posted in my last message at FactNet:

"Dodge you are a study in hypocrisy. You tailor your interpretations of the rules here to aggressively go after those you disagree with, while softening them to allow your own attacks against others to go unpunished, and that goes for those who you approve of when they attack those who you do not approve of.

That is the core of your conflict of interest. All your insults are "opinions" while others who express their opinions are flaming and insulting, and using abusive ad hominem. Your snide, condescending attitude towards others is just as offensive to me as your smarmy revulsion to Sammael's use of street language, at least he doesn't pretend to be someone else.

The rules of this forum are what is being abused, and that is the problem with giving someone authority over those he has admitted he sees as gullible and easily manipulated by the superior intellect he perceives himself to be. 

In your world, "behaving yourself" is following your own whimsical interpretations of forum rules as you apply them to others, while hypocritically violating them by insulting others and attempt to incite them into defending themselves, at which time you render your gavel and sentence them in a game you relish, because you thus always can win and end whenever you wish. 

The problem with that thinking is no one is bound here and that is your one unsolvable problem, and the one thing that truly puts you, and not anyone else, in a position to fail. With no subjects, a king is nobody, powerless, and worthless. 

You are still making me the issue,(ad hominem) when in reality, it's this conflict of interest which was created by allowing you any position of authority here. It has made a bad situation worse, since at least when the boards where essentially unmoderated, the rules being ignored by absentee moderators and thus by participants alike, it made for a level playing field no matter who one decided to side with. 

If you think you are enforcing rules here you are sorely mistaken. You manipulate them, so when it comes to credibility, I don't think you should be casting any stones."

In his mind the above is an ad hominem attack, but according to his own definition, if I believe what I'm saying then it's allowable and isn't ad hominem. The problem is he never uses that definition when others are commenting about their opponents, only he can actually insult people and get away with it, because he moderates himself.

Here is the definition of ad hominem: "Abusive ad hominem (also called personal abuse or personal attacks) usually involves insulting or belittling one's opponent in order to attack his claim or invalidate his argument, but can also involve pointing out true character flaws or actions that are irrelevant to the opponent's argument." 

His problem is he seems to forget the definition or modifies it when he' moderating. He's just a clown, and so he can now sit there with essentially a dead board, since few will put up with his nonsense and games. 


  1. Posting the same post under here, because it is applicable here as well.

    Well, the only other time that I have heard the term used was in Heaven And Hell's song Bible Black (rip Ronnie James Dio)and it was describing a perversion of interpretation of the Bible. Then in the other song it is practically describing the same thing.

    What I am finding equally hilarious about this whole thing, is that Dodge got on my case about the lyrics. Yet this is the same guy who posted a video called Fuck Christmas on the Christian threads last Christmas. Unfortunately for you Dodge, I have a pretty good memory. So there is further proof that the trolling from Dodg has never stopped and more hypocrisy thrown onto the fire. The link to the specific thread is:!&p=428761&highlight=#post428761

    Post # 1320

    So WTF?!?!

    Who the hell are you Dodge to condemn me for this when you did the same thing a few months ago? I am known for my love Monty Python humor but this was video was used for pure trolling activities and keeping the fire flowing.

    Maybe the sun's rays beeming down on your bald spot have officially fried whats left of your brain. Because you would have to be completely out there to eveen imply that your antics are not trolling.

  2. Sam, check that link again, the post belongs to Dobman. I certainly hope Dodge didn't delete it and thereby the numbers changed, because even if possible, I have a way to retrieve the original post. I have no doubt Dodge would post something like that, sorry I missed it.
    Because had I seen it, I would have complained, which in retrospect, since now finding out Dodge is also Josh125 the moderator, probably would not have made a difference, the reply would have been something like: "Sorry Smyrna, Dodge is simply expressing his feelings about Christmas, and there's nothing in the rules about insulting a holiday, only users."
    But that will turn out to be a positive for us when FactNet is exposed for what it is.To allow such posts to stand proves they have no regard for Christians and it's just another far left website that discriminates against those they do no agree with.

  3. I am 100% sure that the original post number cited was originally from Dodge. Unfortunatly that sniveling little bitch deleted his post, probably read it here because shortly after posting it here it was deleted.

    Now I do admit to having a dark and somewhat morbid sense of humor, but the intensions behind it were far from passing a laugh. I remember getting the Aqua Teen Hunger Force Christmas album and it is one of the funniest things I heard. My personal favorite part was titled The Night Before Jesus Came and it is really bad but very funny too. It is a parody of Twas Night Before Christmas. If your interested in hearing it, I will post it on here.

    But this is just one sample out of many things that I am sure that little boy Dodge has gotten away with since he is a moderator. Absolutely void of any kind of ethics.

    1. Sammael, I would appreciate you sending the Aqua Teen piece in email instead,to but to keep this blog censor free, it's still your call. I think we can find this "Fuck Christmas" video and that's what I'd like to post here, to show readers how FactNet's newest moderator treats the Christians he claims he has no contempt for.

      Dodge posted and I suspected he'd delete it once he read that you exposed him here. He's a snake, but he's screwed up before, and we already have enough on him and FactNet's staff to show their dishonesty, incompetence, and their anti-Christian bias. Anything else that comes this way is just icing on the cake.

      I have to thank you for exposing Dodge's Christmas attack on the Christian forum this atheist troll now is moderator for. This is yet another point of evidence that shows FactNet's war against Christians. I bet if he had posted a video called "Fuck Muhammed" that FactNet's admin would have pulled Dodge's moderator status and perhaps even banned him completely.

  4. Found this on the Excorism Thread where Dodge acknowledges that he posted that video. It starts out like this.

    My post
    12-24-2011 09:23 AM#426



    Join Date: Aug 2011Posts: 286

    I was going to let this go, but decided to address this for the final time.

    On the accusation of being childish for my comments by dodge. You say this yet have posted a video called F*ck Christmas. Irony indeed.

    Videos. Which videos would you be talking about? Constant Motion from Dream Theater? Roswell 47 studio video from Hypocrisy? Shut Your Mouth from Pain? Memory serves me right, you were the one posting most of the videos and only one of them was truly violent in nature and that was Amon Amarth, even though I think even with their video it was a stretch. Because THe Immortal videos weren't. They were all in Norwegian Mountainside for a natural environment. So really what is the problem. Like any of this hasn't been done before. By famous 60's and 70's rock musicians such as Alice Cooper, Black Sabbath, and Pink Floyd.

    Your constant asking me of why I like it and what I get from the music. Already been answered. Go look for it. If I get asked again, I will take this as a blatant ignoring of what I already said in this subject and your question will be ignored in turn.

    So enough with your accusing when your guilty of the same sh*t.

    This is the last time I will address any of the above again."

    Dodges response
    12-24-2011 01:38 PM#429


    Senior Member

    Join Date: Jan 1970Location: Here, now.Posts: 2,785

    Sammael, thanks for pointing out that great Christmas song by Eric Idle. It’s one of my favorites. (Warning, the video contains adult language, so listen to it at your own risk).

    By the way, I don’t know if I’ve asked you before, but what do you get from listening to death metal music?"

    He doesn't even try to deny it and posts it again. What a worm.

  5. On to the Aqua Teen thing, I will gladly e-mail it to you. Just because its uncensored, does not mean that it should be abused. There is a mission being carried out here. Anyway that would make me no better than Dodge.

  6. Duly noted Sammael, this is the person FactNet's staff has no problems with appointing him as a moderator. This is precisely the hypocrisy I have been talking about. It shows not only Dodge's prejudice against Christians, but also the tolerance of FactNet's staff
    to his hypocritical posture in which manifests itself in his abusing of the moderator position given him.

  7. Exactly Smyrna. This is what factnet has been up to all along. I am willing to bet that if I were to post a link to a video from Marduk titled Jesus Christ Sodomized, I would have not been banned. Its sad indeed.
