Monday, April 16, 2012

Factnet the Pitiful

I find it amazing and sad how the posters in factnet can be so full of themselves yet show the ultimate in stupidity at the same time. What they consider stalking (Dodge in particular) is equally hilarious. I saw what he said on factnet about it, and it should be blatantly obvious why I would post so many attacks on him. Its because I know he is reading it. He is playing into my hands because I know his only outlet is that pitiful little cult site he loves so much. He doesn't have the heart nor the genitalia to bring it to an anything goes site. All he can do is ramble on and on about those who have wronged him, and accuse of so much bullshit when he has the upper hand in which the opposing party has no access to provide a rebuttal. Yet he can't figure out why I think he is a ball-less coward?

Franklin, you are the funniest gal ever. I say gal because you practically bitch and cry like one. You have the talk of the little cultbuster that could but buckle when it comes time to provide the actions to support that oversizd ego. Like many others before you, you have the ego that is writing checks that your body,mind, and spine can't cash. Always crying libel, when you just aimless throw accusation after accusation with nothing standing behind it. No shred of evidence to prove your case. Always trying to equate Wesley Swift and all the other racist fucks associated with Christian Identity to Arnold Murray, but no links to any supporting documentation to back up those claims. Just dribble and crappy images. Yeah your the cultbuster alright, yeah your fighting the good fight right there from home and providing  more proof of what happens when idiots get some technology. Your as phony as they come.

1 comment:

  1. HERE HERE! Dodge-O the clown won't come here, he embarrassed himself with his chicken shit attempt at intimidating me, especially since he blew it by letting me also know where he got the phony info he used.

    That he is now whining about being stalked and harassed is laughable. It's yet another example of his hypocrisy. He can come here and dump what he thinks is personal info about me to attempt to get me to back off my jihad against FactNet and him, yet he spins what was just an argument about his silly behavior as "harassing" him. He fits well into the FactNet administration's culture.

    When I deigned the "truth_revealed" persona to use at YUKU to lure Stage Director into showing how willing a stalker she can be,she had no problem sucking up all the info I'd feed her, while leading her to believe all the phony stuff.

    But the icing on the cake was her saying she was tracking "Smyrna" and her "dang good tracking software" led her to an IP used by Stone Energy, an oil company, but one I don't work for and never have. She should ask for her money back.So I killed two birds with one stone(no pun intended)with that one.

    Now you'll never hear these idiots say they stalked anyone, of course. When they are caught "tracking" people to try and find out personal things about them, they are "researching". They've used that term several times. But if anyone does that to them, they are being "stalked."

    As for Franklin,he's just a disturbed individual. After all, he's been kicked off two forums where he was accepted as a fellow malcontent, but couldn't get along with anyone. So he started the 'Brother Franklin's Traveling Salvation Show' with his Cultbusters Galactica website, and had to invent a sock puppet to even get the number of members to three, including with goofy Sharon.
