Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Texas Cult Awareness Network aka FactNet

I was taking a look at FactNet's sister site Texas Cult Awareness Network which can be found here:  http://www.texascult.org/

This is what their front page reads:

Cults are the greatest enemy of youth since Communism. Cults are even more insidious because they attack our chilldren at a very basic level. They attack the hearts, minds and souls of good Christian youth all over the world. Here at the Texas Cult Awareness Network, we provide a real solution for parents whose children have been mentally kidnapped by a cult. Using proven techniques first developed by respected Asian military doctors and psychiatrists between 1950 & 1953, TCAN has saved thousands of innocent children from the insidious terrorist tactics of cults and returned them to good homes with healthy Christian values.

Once TCAN discovers a victim of cult brainwashing, we take several proactive steps to insure that the individual is reintegrated into society in a timely manner:
  • The victim is discretely removed from the cult environment and temporarily relocated to one of TCANs numerous area "safe houses".
  • A team of our registered Emotional Restructuring Technicians isolate the newly liberated individual and keep them separated from all outside influences.
  • Our ERTs systematically remove all cult-induced thoughts, feelings, ideas and information from the victims' psyche.
  • This "bad data" is then replaced with TCAN-approved information. Thus returning the individual to a clean mindset filled with wholesome, Christian values, allowing them to become constructive members of society.

When I read stuff like this I start thinking about Project Bluebird, MKULTRA, or the Manchurian Candidate. According to the American Psychiatric Association "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition" (Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association, 1994) Multiple personality disorder is now classified as dissociative identity disorder.

What they describe in order to deprogram someone involved in a cult is almost like some sort of deliberately induced experimentally created dissosiative identity disorder that includes the following:
  • Created deliberately
  • A new identity is implanted
  • Amnesia barriers are created
  • Used in simulated or actual operations
In other words, it sounds like brainwashing which is exactly what they accuse the cults of doing. The only difference is the participant or victim willingly joined the religious group or "cult", where as with deprogramming they are kidnapped and forced.


  1. I think FactNet's moderators are the ones who need to be deprogrammed. They are as brainwashed as those they claim to be inetersted in helping.

  2. Yep. The reason is probably because most of the folks involved with these anticult movements came out of these cults. Therefore they are going to have the same characteristics, only their focus and goal has changed.

    I found an old webpage of FactNet which was explaining their focus and goals for the coming year I'll post a new article with a link and an excerpt from the article. You will see how very close to "Scientology" it is....

  3. Yes, I find it amazing not only FactNet but CBRC both are far more cultish than the Shepherd's Chapel and many other entities they whine about. as for FN, maybe Wollersheim really didn't shed much of the Scientology tactics and just superimposed them on his own cult.

  4. Yup, that's exactly what I think Wollersheim (and the others) did....
