Monday, April 9, 2012

FactNet Staff: Following the Trail Of Deceit

Below is the link to the thread where you will see the beginning of the trail of deceit that started with appointing an admitted board troll and atheist to moderate the Christian boards:

The Trail of Deceit 

In that thread you will see Dodge/Will, as he posts here in comments, and Josh125, who claimed he was the "new " moderator, yet was in fact Will/Dodge. You will see the former moderator, "the admin" claim that his superiors ".....over-ruled me and said they would pick an unbiased member that you all didn't know."(post #11659 The problem: we knew him all too well, as it was just Dodge who was given the name Josh125.

If you page through (and make sure you read the several comments from Dodge that he is no longer the moderator, you'll see the announcement of the "new" moderator: "Josh125."

Josh125 was paraded out and presented as a Methodist minister:  Post #11705, page #586, reads:

"Hello. FactNet administration asked if I would come on board to moderate this section of the forum, Christian Centered Groups. I’ve been a Methodist pastor for almost twenty-five years, but I’m pretty open minded about other denominations. I hadn’t heard of Arnold Murray or Shepherd’s Chapel before, so I’m going to have to do some reading on the subject. Just be yourselves. I’m going to hang back for a while so I can get an idea of what’s going on here. If any of you have problems that need to be addressed, feel free to send me a private message. God bless."- Josh

This filthy coward admitted he was Josh125 though he had to lie about even that, claiming he was Josh125 "only for short time" in a comment he has deleted from this blog.That was just another foolish move, as who would believe there never was a comment where he admitted it, when I have mentioned it several times, posted where it could be found on this blog? Based on the traffic here coming from FactNet which I can see by reading the stats to this blog, I'd say anyone who was at all interested in that information has already seen it.


The Administrator at FactNet has announced  a "new" Josh, now known as "Josh2". All posts previously attributed to Josh125 are now listed under Josh2 in the archived messages, as well as on the forums themselves.  Do we know who this new Josh is? No, not yet at least. Rumors are it's even worse than the first: the same person who gave the first Josh(125) information he tried to intimidate me with, which I recorded on this blog. The name: "Stage Director" as she is known at FactNet. She is the number one spreader of rumors and false information about Shepherd's Chapel  and the students of the SC on the Internet. Great choice to moderate the boards on the topic of the SC, huh? 

So if true, the FactNet administrators have actually succeeded  in outdoing themselves in making absurd decisions. We shall see. 

Regardless if they've made another spectacular display of ineptitude or perhaps apathy towards the concerns of the board users (strongly suspect the latter, based upon shameful displays of sarcasm, and condescending comments made to board participants which I will highlight later) by inviting another unsavory and biased person to their moderator staff, chalk one victory for Smyrna & Co.. After all, the self righteous Dodge/Will/Josh125 is back to being just a board troll.    


  1. How funny is this. Shadowcat gets a message from the new moderator because someone complained about her talking about Inverness, FL. I wonder who that could have been. Didn't even take into account what she was talking about. What a damn baby. The even funnier thing is the words that the moderator used. They were the type that Stage Director would say. I am afraid that I further believe the rumor about who the new moderator is and am not surprised about it.

    part 2 of my post.

    On the subject of fundamentalists. I am getting tired of seeing this term being thrown around like a badge of honor. From what I have seen, there was absolutely nothing that comes of it besides cold behavior and finger pointing. They like to complain about their own religious freedom, yet at the same time deny everyone else their freedoms. I am speaking of fundamentalists in all types of religion. Then they make vain attempts to explain away their actions as if it makes it any better. We want to somehow justify our callous actions because it is what our supreme being wants us to do. Fundamentalists only care about theemselves and anyone else who is apart of their flock. Well I say fuck them all. In the end I will have to be held accountable for the actions I have taken in my life, but I am quite fine with that. But in the same token, those who think they are better than everyone else because of the company they keep need to stare one cold hard fact in the eye. That is, they are going to be just as accountable to the higher power as I am. If they think the hate and disdain that they spread is going to get them anywhere, they are fooling themselves.So Turtle, weaseltine, dodge,franklin, stage director, chad, and everyone else who think you know what is going to happen. I am here to tell you, that you don't know shit. The only thing you know is what is forced fed to you out of fear and unwilling to accept ideas because they don't fall in with what you believe. When I speak of acceptance, I mean the acknowledgement that they exist. It doesn't mean you have to agree with them, but you can't deny anyone the right to believe it also.

    For instance, I know that you are afraid to acknowledge any magical works because you were programmed into believing that all magic is evil. Then through this you judge everyone who professes the mystical path to hell because its what the Bible says. Yet the same book is loaded with magical acts from Moses all the way up to Jesus himself.

    Onee thing I am thankful for is that at least Smyrna knows what stance I take, and even though we disagree on alot of things. We are able to agree to disagree on things, and I will defend his right to believe whatever he believes to fullest, because he has the right to it. More than anything I have seen before, you are the ones guilty of throwing the first ammendment out the window, yet your self righteous acts have blinded you into believing that your the only ones right. Thankfully none of you hold any high government office, if so I would have left this place a long time ago. Because I would hate to see how totalitarian you would make it.

    The only reason why I am posting this here, is because you cowards have decided to silencee me on factnet, but you can't silence me here.

    Catch ya later Smyrna and blessed be.

  2. I replied to this comment before but I guess it didn't take, so here's another try:

    We shall see in due time, as we did with Dodge/Josh125/Will if Stage Director is the new moderator. You know, in a way I hope it is, not that we need any more proof of the anti-Chapel and anti-Christian bias on behalf of FactNet's staff. But it would serve to show Chapel people and Christians in general that FactNet's staff is apathetic to Christians, and I'm sure no one at FactNet gives a damn if Christians participate at all.

    And that's too bad for them, since I strongly suspect Christians would be more apt to donate to keep the site funded, with exception to the bums like Stage Director and Franklin, who wouldn't even come up with $10, no, not one thin dime, to help FactNet provide a place where they can continue to spread their filthy lies and use other tactics to try and smear a Church.

    So FactNet can continue to alienate Christians, and I will continue to help educate Christians to why FactNet is no place for them. All they have to do is read this thread. I don't care who the new moderator of the Christian forums is. The fact remains the administrator of the Christians forums is still in place, the same guy who appointed an atheist and Christian antagonist to moderator of the very same boards he trolls, and still does today.

    With no SC representation to speak of anymore there, they can continue to lie unimpeded by any counterarguments.However, ensuring this blog gets the exposure when one seeks info on the search engines is my goal. That way, SC folks and parties interested in the SC will see that FactNet is no place for accurate info on the Shepherd's Chapel. When the moderators can be demonstrated to be not only anti-Christian but especially anti-SC,that should be enough to cast a great deal of doubt and suspicion that the SC gets a fair shake at FactNet.

  3. Gentlemen, reading your comments with interest here.

    Obviously Smyrna, as you and I have discussed many times - we do not share the same opinion of my friend Stage Director. However, I'd like to go on record and state that I fear that the new mod is much worse of a choice than you even imagine. I hope that if it is some of the personalities/names being bandied about, that in fact it will be Stage. I trust her implicitly. I think she's way too smart to take on that hornet's nest however... Time will tell.
    Good weekend to you gents.

  4. The new Josh2 posts don't sound like her, actually, going by what little this "new" Josh has posted, still sounds more like Dodge than anyone. There is no resemblance to Stage Director's style of writing.

    That aside, I'll let my previous comments stand, that the only way FN's admin could make a worse choice to moderate the SC boards it would have to be her. She is too biased against the SC, and anyone who thinks the rules would be fairly applied has totally disconnected from reality.

    It's your right,you can trust her all you wish my friend, but maybe not after my expose of her which is coming soon. There is material you haven't seen yet.

    We've already seen what happens when you let a board troll atheist "moderate" the Christian boards. All it allowed was more power for the troll to abuse, which he did. In her case, it will be the same thing.

    All you have to do is look at her comments about me, Shadowcat and Sammael. How could we think we'd get a fair shake from a person who accused Shadowcat and Sammael of being brainwashed by Smyrna?

  5. I've seen a couple of words that do indeed remind me of stage. When the new Josh emailed me and asked me about Inverness was one of the posters on fn hometown, and I said "no". New Josh emailed me back and said "Ok then, didn't seem hinky but have to ask. Thanks for your help".

    Also I recently complained about a post dodge made about the state of my "mental health" and the reply from Josh2 was "Gotcha and an edits been made". I dunno, it sounded a bit like stage to me.

    Smyrna knows that stage and I have been able to be civil to each other, even though we disagree on a lot of things. I just feel she would not be a good choice as a moderator because of conflict of interest.

    imo, if they are going to choose a moderator for the threads there, specifically anything that involves christianity or Shepherd's Chapel they have to find someone that has no interest in Shepherd's Chapel. But they definitely need to pick someone that is objective about Christianity. Not a troll that is there to ridicule and make fun of Christians and their beliefs.

  6. "All you have to do is look at her comments about me, Shadowcat and Sammael. How could we think we'd get a fair shake from a person who accused Shadowcat and Sammael of being brainwashed by Smyrna?" ~ Smyrna

    Yes that's the thing smyrna, she also has said other things to me such as "I could never be like you or I'd be brain damaged"

    So apparently on fn we can't be civil to each other. lol

    You can't pick someone to be a moderator that A. Hates SC with such a passion that they seem almost obsessive about it and has made it one of their missions in life to smear the entire ministry.

    B. Throws insults out toward the students of the ministry.

    C. Will be prone to bias and/or will be prone to abuse the power as has already been done.

  7. btw, has anyone seen this yet? I know everyone probably has, looks like it's been up for a few years now. I've seen it but never really read through it all till just recently and in all honesty, it creeps me out a bit....

    Is there any truth to all of this and who is behind this site?

  8. That is EXCELLENT! I like this part:

    "Brian Leach, born March 15, 1971, began his criminal career at an early age. He is a known drug addict, alcoholic, homicidal psychopath, deadbeat dad, fugitive from justice and the husband of a perverted backslidden reprobate. Mr. Leach’s psychological profile and criminal background, coupled with his wife’s expertise at orchestrated “hate campaigns” of lies and slander, qualified him for his current job as a moderator for the infamous Cult Awareness Network’s Factnet bulletin board.

  9. Addressing the suspicion the new Josh is Stage Director: Well, just as Dodge did,you can't hide your writing style forever. Sooner or later you see indisputable proof. But hey, after today, and that stuff about who FN has had on their staff in the past,I'd make sure I was miles away from that slime.
    Really, drug addicts, homos, hustlers, con artists, I don't shock easily but that is shocker! All this petty stuff about poor choices for moderators pales in comparison to that list of people on the FactNet Exposed blog!
