Monday, April 16, 2012

FactNet's Propaganda Minister

Regular readers I'm sure immediately think of "Dodge-O the clown", and they are right. I like Shadowcat's comparison of Dodge to pond scum, though in my opinion, pond scum is much less irritating. Here is Dodge's latest propaganda which I will rebut forthwith:

  "Shadowcat -- Smyrna was not banned for simply suggesting that Oneway had been drinking; and it wasn’t just for that either. It had to do with a pattern. Smyrna’s comment was “…do you drink alcohol before you get on here? Your messages are making no sense at all. You’ve admitted having a substance abuse problem in the past.” (3 FEB)

Oneway complained about it, saying that he thought that to be a personal attack, and left it up to either admin or Josh to determine. He said “I don’t appreciate anyone suggesting that I have a drinking problem when I don’t even drink,” and that he had mentioned that he smoked a little pot decades ago. Smyrna took that and made it into a “substance abuse problem,” and being impaired by drinking alcohol. Classic ad hominem.

It wasn’t the first time either. In another post Smyrna insulted Oneway by saying that his “process of thinking things through amounts only to how much he can sound convincing in agreeing with Stage Director,” called him a “shameless sycophant,” and accused both Stage Director and Oneway of “drinking the same stuff,” said what they wrote was “whimsical nonsense.”

Admin stepped in and asked Smyrna why he always pushed the envelope, and then asked Josh what he thought. Josh came in and explained that Smyrna had been given a break last time he was banned by allowing him back only after a couple of days; but that his pattern of ad hominem continued unabated. A couple of days prior to that Smyrna was threatening to post a picture of Stage Director until Josh stepped in and advised him against it; and before that he was bringing up subjects that he was warned not to (Chad14).
Because of this consistent pattern of attacking other members of this forum, and the fact that he was essentially on probation (having been allowed back after only a couple of days of a month-long ban), Smyrna’s posting privileges were revoked for thirty days."

That’s the way it was, Shadowcat. He was not, as you keep saying, banned simply for suggesting that Oneway had been drinking alcohol. "

I'll probably have to do a part II to this rebuttal, since his post is so full of inconsistencies, examples of hypocrisy and contradictions. He complained to Shadowcat in an earlier post as to why she brings up things he;'s done in the past, he soft peddles himself by saying "everyone" has done things in the past there. Yet, He then says I was banned for my  "..this consistent pattern of attacking other members of this forum". Really?

This is from a guy who has insulted individuals, as well as entire groups of users on a specific thread based on their beliefs and continues to do so, which is an important point, since he wants to use the excuse that what he did was in the past, and now he is sinless and blameless as he has now reached a state of perfection.

Now let me get to some specifics: Oneway did NOT complain to the admin about my asking if he had been drinking. Here's the proof:

"Smyrna, I consider this an attack on me personally. I'll let the Admin and or Josh determine that if they want, that is if they read what you wrote. Don't worry, I'm not going to PM them or anything. But just in case they read this, I'll let them decide.' So apparently Oneway didn't think the offense severe enough to PM the moderator. Later, he also said he didn't want me banned for it:

"It was never my intention to get Smyrna banned. Not once did I discuss this with the Admin and or Josh." -Post #844 pg. 43.

The complaint Josh/Dodge mentions on page 42 refers to Stage Director, and she explained to me she reported it in a PM I believe, but it may have been later on the forum somewhere. Not hard to believe she did anyway, based on her hyperbole following my comment to him over two or three posts.

This clown Dodge speaks out of both sides of his mouth, which isn't breaking news. But he complains that he shouldn't be cited for things he's done in the past, yet freely admits I was banned due to a "pattern". Doesn't a pattern have to be perceived over a period of time?  It seems to me and I'm sure all of use that Dodge has shown a pattern of contempt and use of ad hominem over a very long period of time, insulting people over and over again, and funny, he's never been banned. 

Dodge-O the clown also has a very bad habit of ignoring things that show he is wrnog, or can't answer because to do so would incriminate him. He just acts as if the question isn't there, much like Stage Director and Franklin do in the course of debates. He fools no one with such tactics. 

He contradict himself when he says it isn't ad hominem when stating an opinion, yet look at this: "In another post Smyrna insulted Oneway by saying that his “process of thinking things through amounts only to how much he can sound convincing in agreeing with Stage Director,” called him a “shameless sycophant,” and accused both Stage Director and Oneway of “drinking the same stuff,” said what they wrote was “whimsical nonsense.”

That is obviously my opinion, do I need to always say that when I make comments such as those? And I can't call someone a shameless sycophant when it's my opinion this is what they are doing? How about all the insulting "opinions" that idiot Dodge spews on an almost daily basis? I don't think we need many more further examples of his hypocrisy, contradictions, and deceit.

Here's what he said about Shadowcat:

 He used the words

"minion," "ventriloquist dummy," "puppet-master," "little me" and "Smyrna’s yes man" to describe her, and "sycophant" is being a "yes man."

In Synopsis:

Like Smyrna, Dodge doled out insukt after insult over time, in a discernable pattern.
Like Smyrna, he has recently done so.
Like Smyrna, he has been warned, even though it was an empty warning as he was warning himself.
Like Smyrna, he has engaged in name calling and abusive ad hominem.

Unlike Smyrna, he has NEVER been banned. 

That he's never been banned is of course due to the fact that he was moderating himself, and for no other reason, that is FactNet's admin's fault once again for appointing a board troll as moderator with a calr conflict of interest to the Christian boards. I have not complained about the act of banning me, and if it ever looke like I was, it was just poor wording on my part. It is the faovoritism, bias, and hypocrisy and silly attempts to spin it off , as well as incompetence  and dishonesty by "theadmin."

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