Monday, April 16, 2012

ShadowCat is now in the Elite Group

This Just In. Shadowcat has joined us in the League of Banned For a Year. Congradulations Shadowcat, now the fun really begins when we watch as the whole site dies and goes to Hel.



  1. LOL yeah I pretty much saw that coming.

    1. Congratulations! Now you have been severed from criminals, drug addicts, con artists, homos,liberals, liars, power hungry arrogant clowns from Massachusetts, etc.

  2. I just checked in to see how the mighty factnet is doing. Just as expected it is deader than cultbusters galactica.

    Anyone know anything about this Cowshut guy. He seems to be going at it with Stage Director and Dodge.

    1. All I know is that he irritates Stage and Dodge so badly it was alleged that me and him were one and the same. I like the guy, I've read quite a bit of what he writes, he'll probably be the next to be banned for a year. I have no way of contacting him, though I did PM him at FactNet before I was banned to tell him about how we agreed Dodge was Josh, he saw through it too.

  3. Yes I saw a post by the Col Bo on one of the SC threads about the admin on fn when the subject of politics and the election came up, he said:

    "I see yet another double standard set by admin. I was condemned for talking politics on one thread. But here politics seems to be permitted. Interesting . . . verily . . . interesting, as Artie Johnson would say"

    I haven't read through many of his other posts but I have seen some of them and he seems like a pretty nice guy.
