Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The one Smyrna has been waiting for. LOL

This one is about the entity Stage Director. I was trying to gather all the data available for this one and went to the point where my head is about to explode from the rediculous nature of her posts. One thing that is apparent, is that her blind hatred for SC has clouded her senses so much that she will take the slightest bit of info and expand upon it to make it look bigger than it actually is. Usually with no backing behind it and if there is anything supposedly backing it it ends up falling into the following categories: 1) completely misinterpretting the information presented 2) the supposed proof is compiled of faulty data 3) completely fabricated and exists no where but Stage's own head 4) completely irrelevant information but used to waste time and energy.

My favorite argument has to be the topic of the planes that Arnold Murray has/had. I mention this one because it is a perfect example of category 4 Stage-ism. This topic went in circle after circle and does it really matter anyway? What does the number of planes a person owns have to do with the theology itself? This is a real head scratcher and has no clear answer because, it was all used as a tool to keep a dying topic open.

Then there was the discussion of Serpent Seed, and here we have Stage Director pulling a Franklin. She claims to be so knowledgable about Judaism but can't seem to grasp this idea. That for some strange reason the Targum, The Zohar, and The Talmud contain the Serpent Seed doctrine that she hates so much. Then she takes that and spins around by saying those aren't Jewish Holy Books and that only a handful of Jewish Scribes taught it. Obviously it had to be more than a handful because those same teachings can be found in those books and it is also a topic in Kabbalism. But wait, for all her supposed love for the Jewish people, she spins again and says all are doomed unless they accept Christ. So there fore she is against anti-semitism yet says unless they convert and accept Christ they are in the bullet train to Hell. These are the ones she says are God's chosen people, but if that were the case wouldn't they be going up instead of going down?

Then if thats not bad enough, she kindly tries to stick her head up the asses of those who attack Murray with no mercy. The sucking up is hilarious. Then like in the case of Shadowcat, she says the only way she could ever be like Shadowcat, is to have a massive head wound. First things first, Stage could never be like Shadowcat because Shadowcat has integrity. She posts her opinion on actual facts instead of jargon concocted from every crack pot on the planet. Also Shadowcat never runs and hides from questions that she doesn't want to answer. Stage loves to portray herself as a cowgirl, but I think that the term cow shit is more appropriate for her. Because thats all that comes from her. At least Shadowcat has what it takes to admit when she is wrong. Too bad I can't say the same thing for you Stage. I am pretty sure that the sun would explode far before you would ever admit that one. No wonder you and Dodge are so buddy buddy. You two are so far each other's  ass that we have a real case of the Human Centipede happening.

In closing, I will say if there is anything that I may have missed and Smyrna would like to add. Please feel free to add an edit to this post.


  1. Very good! And you just addressed the tip of the iceberg. It is interesting she has become so close to people like Dodge, that rumors run about her being the new Josh2.

    She'd have slept with Hitler if he promised to send Murray to the showers at Auschwitz, such is the depth of her obsession.

    But I think the main point to be made is she has such a reputation for denying the obvious, and spinning what isn't anything into something unrecognizable in its original from.

    Anyone can go to FactNet and read any number of arguments to see her in action. That should be enough to convince anyone, that, as you aid, she has zero integrity.

  2. Yeah I figured that there was more to it, but this is mainly a summary of the shenangigans being played. But I was thinking this whole time that Josh2 is Stage Director. The posts that have been made under that title resemble her's. Especially with the touch of desperation and attempts at sounding intelligent. Then again thats what Dodge has done and which shows how similar they are.

    LMFAO at the Hitler comment and for some odd reason I could actually see that happen.

    I personally think she has always been jealous of Shadowcat and fears what she is capable of.

  3. Well,like I said, if it is her, she'll give herself away sooner or later. Cat is infinitely more sharp and thankfully honest. I've felt the frustration in SD's posts when debating cat.
