Saturday, April 14, 2012

Dodge vs Dodge (A Parody)

Using Dodge's own words which he has at one time or another directed at other people, when directed to himself, shows his hypocrisy, strips bare the facade he has made where he tries to give the appearance he is one of the top 5%  of the most intelligent people on the planet. But in reality his own words cause him to "shape-shift" into the cartoon character he really is.

Dodge:  "You certainly are entitled to say what you think, but calling me “a complete jack-ass” and “nothing more than pathetic pond scum” while using inappropriate language is abusive ad hominem. For you to resort to such crude and offensive rhetoric demonstrates to me someone who can’t control herself enough to be civil. That is unacceptable! The fact that you said this was mild compared to what you’re actually capable of says a lot about your emotional maturity and psychological development. I’m not responsible for your vile tantrum, you are. Try to control yourself and maintain civility in the future."

As you will see, Dodge apparently thinks if you insult people without calling names, yet insult their beliefs, then it's okay. Maybe he should just do all English speakers a favor, and redefine ALL common English words.

Dodge, (Posted under a discussion board thread that is of a completely different topic then the one he is commenting upon:

"Tell me, …of all the members of this forum, who would you chose to moderate the Christian Centered threads?... fortunately you don’t have any say in who is chosen to moderate this forum. I’ve been a member here for more than six years, and was asked by admin to help control the flame wars...
Dodge: (posted on the same thread as above) "Just trying to make the forum more civil and attempting to see to it that topical threads are not hijacked."

Sure he is, right after he just insulted the person he's replying to by saying "fortunately, you don't have any say in who is chosen to moderate this forum". Sure Dodge, I'm sure you think the guy who chose a board troll/atheist (you) should have made us Christians all feel so fortunate.  

Looks like Dodge has parroted the brilliant mind of Vice President Joe Biden, one of Dodge's liberal heroes, who is a champion at contradicting himself. After all, Biden is the guy who once said in order for the country to get out of debt, it has to spend more money.

So in order for Dodge to make sure a thread isn't hijacked and used to address a topic for which it wasn't intended, he addresses a topic that the thread wasn't intended to be addressed.

Dodge: "For you to resort to such crude and offensive rhetoric demonstrates to me someone who can’t control herself enough to be civil. That is unacceptable!"

Dodge: "Your uninformed opinions concerning science are typical of right-wing Christians in general. This is why I think immersion in scripture compromises one’s intellectual capacity, and is the reason why such a large percentage of the world’s really great scientists reject religious mythology. Christian fundamentalists would rather believe in angels, demons, and talking snakes and a universe that is less than ten thousand years old than accept the science behind cosmology, biological evolution, and climate change."

Nothing offensive or uncivil about that, right Dodge?

Dodge: ""Just trying to make the forum more civil and attempting to see to it that topical threads are not hijacked."

Dodge: (posted on a thread titled: "Why I Think Shepherd's Chapel Is Racist/Antisemitic"

"I remember the wicker baskets that were passed down the pew rows where everyone dropped their envelopes with donations inside each Sunday, at St. Anthony‘s Catholic Church in Shirley, Massachusetts. The priest walked down the isles swinging a golden metallic egg-shaped incense burner with a long chain, the smoke wafting through the church chocking me with it’s pungent smell; trying not to burst out in laughter as my sister and I made faces at one another. My father usually fell asleep, and my mother poked him in the ribs periodically before he started to snore, often too late..."

Great job, Dodge, right on topic.

Dodge: "You object to a moderator applying the rules outlined in FACTnet’s user agreement; and obviously refuse to engage in topical debates without the freedom to insult others while doing it."

Dodge: " How many times are you going to refer to something I did a long time ago, when I posted offensive images of Jesus on the cross dressed in various costumes; and how many times do I have to say that I apologized and had them all deleted?"

Was the apology sincere? Let's see:

Dodge: "Yes, indeed, at one time a while back I posted images of Jesus on the cross dressed in drag, as Santa Claus, as the Holy Ghost, a Pilgrim, Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, Superman, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, and a few others.

It was fun, I enjoyed playing with Photoshop and creating those outrageous characterizations of the imaginary supernatural being that people call Jesus, Christ, and The Lord. As someone who sees this mythic character from the Bible as existing nowhere but in the minds of those who believe it, it really didn’t mean anything to me. It might as well have been Zeus, Hercules, Mickey Mouse, or Zippy the Pinhead.

If you want to believe in imaginary invisible mythological supernatural beings like Christ, Satan, demons and angels that’s your right; but I don’t. What I did was satire (using humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize what seem to me to be ridiculous beliefs)."

Dodge: "I don’t post my opinions about religion to “invoke a reaction,” I express my point of view as a member of this forum in the context of a discussion. To me, believing in invisible mythological supernatural beings is not only naïve; but irrational."

Dodge has expressed this "opinion" for six years. Since most if not all the participants have seen his opinions, in insulting graphics as well as his abusive rhetoric, then why is he still on the Christian boards? Does he think we'll forget his posting of insulting degrading graphics of Jesus? Does he think that we'll forget that he think our believes are irrational, ridiculous, and which he admits he ridicules, used humor to make fun of them?

It's because he is the troll he denies he is, and then admits he is, depending upon which of his comments you are reading.




  1. BTW love the lay out for the blog and missed seeing the eye avatar. Always thought that was cool and constantly question myself why I was constantly on your ass. In retrospeect, you are one of the funniest people I know.

  2. Finally made it Smyrna!

    I have no idea how this GUI is laid out, so bear with me as I come up to speed with this blog thing.

    May I expound on a hypothesis that just might actually be plausible enough to add, if anything, a degree of irony to the mix.

    I propose this out of my recent experiences on the FactNet forum. Of all the cults, who is the biggest cult in denial? Go to FN to get their pejoratives on this subject. Then consider THEY are (most unfortunately) committing some of the same high level offenses themselves- the very ones that cults use to coerce their members into acquiescence of whatever flavor of political correctness prevails to suit their purpose.

    There the tragedy lies: They have so managed to wrap themselves up in their own mission, they have deluded themselves as to how their actions (FN's admin)are easily perceived as a carbon copy of any cult they claim to be uncovering.

    There "appears" to be room for individualism. However, where the rubber meets the road, it's an unfortunate, hierarchical sham.

    I respect their mission, I do not respect that they do not have the foresight to protect their own integrity from the very same charges they claim to be fighting. At least most cults realize they are an organized group with an agenda. At FactNet they have managed, through osmosis, to attract only duplicity, hypocrisy and superfluous displays of one-upmanship. It is actually lauded.

    I had never been banned, but they deleted one too many heartfelt posts of mine seriously addressing their schizophrenia. They have their own resident psychiatrist there in the form of a senior member, but Dodge actually seems to make things fairly intractable when it comes to intellectual discourse. Being that he fancies himself intellectually superior to Christians in one of his threads on FN.

    Obviously, Kestrel HAD his fun on FN also. But notice the past tense. New prevailing winds have shifted our flight pattern.

    Glad to drop this opening letter of intent Smyrna. It's most sad to think that some of us earnestly engaged and still got pooped on.

    ALL SYSTEMS OF MANKIND ARE DOOMED. But I'm happy to bide some time over here until "they" figure it out for themselves.

    Keep up this "excellent struggle", and thank you for the work.

    Until then........

  3. Hey Kestrel,

    Glad to see you made it here. Shadowcat will be heading over in a bit as well.

  4. Hey Kestrel glad to see you came over. Btw smyrna I gave dob the link to the blog I hope that's ok.

    I made an updated post on the "Shadowcat Dumps Truth on FN" comment you made. Apparently what seems to be perfectly fine for some isn't ok for others to do.

    I started thinking about all of the posters that have left and I started thinking about the whole exorcism and deliverance thread where easteltine accused sam of practicing black magic and then accused both of us of being witches. Nothing was ever even mentioned about this being an attack on a poster, against the rules, the thread is still there with all of the accusations. No warning and no ban for easeltine.

    He then created another thread about Black Metal and started rambling about that and I complained and asked that it be deleted. So it was delted and easeltine got a warning yet smyrna gets banned for asking if someone has been drinking?

    I just don't get it....sometimes I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone or something.

  5. Wow....I just was browsing through the SC threads and found where Dodge actually warns himself under his Josh125(posts are all now under Josh2) moderator ID. lmao I am in the twighlight zone!

    01-05-2012 08:02 PM #1738 Josh2
    View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Add as Contact

    Moderator Join Date:Jan 2006
    Dodge, your use of “minion,” “ventriloquist dummy,” “puppet-master,” “little me” and “Smyrna’s yes man” in your criticism of Shadowcat is insulting and therefore ad hominem. This sort of rhetoric isn’t constructive, and has the potential of starting a flame war. Consider this a warning.

    1. I remember thinking that it was a little odd, based on the fact that I had been told by a couple of people that Dodge was Josh... but then again, I had seen this go on so many times at Factnet and CBR (mostly one person, but not frowned on by their "friends" at all) that it's tough for me to take Dodge to task for it.

    2. I'm not sure I'm understanding the part about CBRC. But no matter, according to Dodge, it's perfectly okay to deceive users by allowing moderators to use aliases and lie about their backgrounds. But after today's revelation of FactNet's very sordid past, I can see why.

  6. I'm very happy that Cat and Kestrel made it over here. It must seem like a kind of relief that we can actually write anything we want here without some clown judging it.
    It is very clear that FactNet's staff, as Kestrel noted and I myself also noted here, in many ways act like the cult leaders their mission is to fight against.
    I really don't know who the bigger spin doctor is, Stage Director or Dodge. he always has an excuse. I read his recent post on the Moderator complaint thread.
    If he keeps using the excuse that his offenses are in the past when those offenses are only a week or two old, he may as well go all the way with it and say as soon as he writes something, it's in the past so he is exempt from any clpability.

    The problem is, as well all know, those excuses cannot be used by us mere users. No, only politically connected(to the staff) athiest liberals are allowed to use such excuses. And moderating yourself and posting warning to oneself can't get any silliar.

    I'm going to address Dodge's rebuttal to Shadowcat because there are some thig that he has spun and simplky are not true in my next article.

    I appreciate everyone chiming in there is strnegth in numbers and even more so when we are allowed to speak the truth.

    As for Dobman, all are invited here, and so that is quite alright Cat. All three of you may write your own articles if you wish, just let me know and I'll chnage the settings.

  7. yes his insults are all suppose to be forgiven because they are

    1. only his opinions
    2. they are all in the past and no longer matter

    Yet this is one of dodge's favorite things to do I notice. He loves to pull up what people have said in the past and use it as a tactic. It has always been one of his favorite things to do. Oddly if I bring up something that he or frankie does in the past, ad moderator he would always say "let's stay focused on the here and now and not worry about what people did in the past", then turn around as dodge and post things you said in the past. Go figure....

  8. Oh and yes it does feel nice to be able to post whatever we want without the ass-clown judging it.

    Sure I'll be an author and write articles! That'd be cool!

  9. Good cat, Dodge thinks this is a place we'll only talk about him. He shouldn't flatter himself. I did not what you said on FN about CBRC and Franklin's site.

    I think there is plenty of material,starting with Franklin's silly debate challenge on his site. Talking about behavior patterns, when he was at the original CB site as a moderator, he used to trump up accusations against people he didn't agree with so he can ban them! It's part of the reason he was banned there.

    As far as CBRC goes,right when they started it, they poted their rules, and it quikcly became evident to me I wasn't going to get sucked into that slime pit. The rules sounded as if they were intended only for me, just like the later version of the "users agreement" Stage Director wrote, which was clearly intended for Franklin.

    The bottom line is they hide behind all this security of having their own sites, while this is the only real forum where anyone can say anything. I haven't even deleted a post by Dodge where he alludes to what he thinks is my employer, mainly because that isn't my employer, as you know he got that false info from Stage Director, who thinks she traced my IP address to Stone Energy.

    I sent you the "truthrevealed" message where Stage made that claim in 2010. I just resent it to Sam in email.

  10. Shadowcat(and anyone else interested):

    Google asks for an email address of the person/s to be added as authors. I suggest you start a Google email address. Send it to me at YUKU truthrevealed so I can make sure it's you sending it.
