Friday, April 6, 2012

Now For The Laughs

Even though I'm plenty angry about FactNet's total disregard for their Christian users, there is plenty to make fun of them about and laughing at their incompetence.When you realize just how stupid they can be, it's fun going over their words and getting a good laugh out of them.

For instance, take a look at this total contradiction by Dodge/Josh125 aka "Will":

On March 21, "josh125" had this to say about my complaints, which have been documented her ad nauseum:

"Smyrna, all your whining and complaining is pointless. I am the moderator here like it or not. All you have to do is abide by the user agreement rules and all will be hunky-dory. Just engage in..."

On March 22, he then said this:

"Hi Smyrna. As I keep telling you, I’m the moderator here. I don’t care if you don’t like that. All your whining, moaning, and complaining is pointless. Just get back to engaging in civil..."

The Punch Line

But on March 22nd, about five hours later than his last comment about the issues I raised, he wrote this:

"Hi Smyrna -- Thank you for expressing your opinions about the moderation and administration of FACTnet’s discussion board. We appreciate the feedback and will give it the attention and consideration that it is due."

Either way, whether he's just being to idiot he normally is, or dishonest and playing politician, which is very likely, it's pretty funny to see him flip flop like that.

Another point which makes the moderators look like imbeciles, is the fact they changed the title of the thread to Smyrna's Complaint Thread, which smacks of not only their apathetic attitude to their reprehensible behavior, but also to their own troll like activity. Please note that at the time the thread title was changed, there was already a new thread put in place for the purpose of logging complaints against the moderators, as there were other from other threads that are complaining about the moderators.  


Check this exchange out, it reads like s joke:

Col. Bo Cowshut:

 "I find it amazing Mr. Factnet is unable to enforce the rules of conduct on this board."

"What rules of conduct do you think are being violated and not enforced, and by whom?"


"I have PM Mr. Factnet twice on the subject to no avail."


"Colonel Cowshut, Mr. Factnet is not a moderator; he’s the forum administrator. If you have a complaint send me a private message and I will give it the attention it is due."

First of all, the complaint was about Josh125, who Col  Cowshut had asked directly if he was the poster known as Dodge, which Josh125 ignored. That's why Cowshut wouldn't elaborate as to what the complaint was about. The complaint was either about Dodge or Josh125, in either case, an obvious conflict of interest, one cannot moderate themselves.

Secondly, was Mr. FactNet, the forum administrator, so busy he couldn't take the time to just forward the messages sent to him to Josh125?       

More follies by FactNet's moderators. What a bunch of clowns!




  1. The punchline has a continuation. A supposed new moderator under the same user name. What a Joke. If its true, it should be rather obvious who the new moderator is. The ver so popular ass-kisser ( as opposed to her to self proclaimed title ass kicker) or ass-licker, which ever you prefer, known as Stage Director. I will study th posts that come up to see if its correct. lol

  2. Yeah, we'll see. But if it is Stage Director, then the FactNet staff has actually outdone themselves. Because the only way a worse choice than an admitted board troll atheist with a history of harassing the very boards he was asked to moderate, is to pick someone with an obsession to smear the pastors and students of the Shepherd's Chapel. It would be great for new material for this blog though.

    After all, Stage Director is the number one anti-Shepherd's Chapel propagandist by far. She makes Bill Alnor look like an honest boy scout. And remember, she is the source for the information Dodge/Josh125/Will, the very same admitted board troll and atheist which he foolishly tried to intimidate me with, which of course was the focus on an earlier article here.

    She cannot write like Dodge, and I know her styles very well of course. We just need a few samples to determine if it's her or not.

  3. Sammael,

    I noticed the administrator changed the name to "Josh2" rather than Josh125. But that's all he did, so now, all prior posts by Dodge/Will aka the former Josh125 now appear in the message archives and on the forums as Josh2.

    I would say that is grossly unfair to the new moderator, even if it is Stage Director. That's akin to giving the new moderator a frontal lobotomy! Imagine having so many people thinking you wrote all those idiotic posts! Good thing for the new moderator that no one knows his or her identity, it's the only saving grace that person has.
