Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Exclusive Club

Well, I've joined my friend Sammael and I'm proud to share with you that I am now a member of an exclusive club: former FactNet members that are "banned" for one year. Here's my trophy:

 You have been banned for the following reason:
Threats towards FACTNet and a 1/2 dozen more reasons
Date the ban will be lifted: 04-02-2013, 12:00 PM
It's a lie of course, one cannot threaten a non-living entity. And if you read the previous articles, you won't see any threats here, only warnings I will be going to the founders to try and see just how much they may know about their out of control moderators. Other than that, using this blog as a way of informing people how discriminatory, dishonest, and anti-Christian FactNet's staff is, quite simply is not a threat, but a mission I consider necessary.  
And those "1/2" dozen more reasons are just spin, because that's how the FactNet staff operates. When I opened this blog,  I announced it with several posts at FactNet which were deleted within a matter of hours no explanation given. Someone mentioned it was probably due to my promoting another site, but there is a poster there who uses the URL to list his site as a signature to each post he makes. Not that this excuse would not be used as one of those "1/2 dozen reasons" because I have shown that FactNet's moderators apply rules to some, but not others, especially themselves. 
As foolish as the moderator known as Josh125 is, I really would not be surprised that I was banned because I refused to buckle to intimidation, which has been shown here (see 'Will" aka Josh125's comment below my article: 'New Role For FactNet's Moderator: Intimidation' for details) After all, why now? Of course, I wasn't warned, actually I think Dodge/"Josh125" made a very feeble attempt at smoothing over the fact I was banned unfairly for a month in Feb-March. He did so by sending me the message I copied to the aforementioned article. Why else would he, after almost a month, try and explain he can't ban anyone, he has to get permission, which I personally don't believe for a moment. 
Once his attempt at intimidation failed, he decided I should be banned, as if this will somehow silence me. I already had told him I wouldn't contributing to the forum there after their egregious behavior. I never trusted to try and reach the founders of FactNet by emailing FactNet, I'm not that stupid. The moderators would retrieve the email and delete it before the founder saw them.
I have FactNet's snail mail address, here it is if you also wish to complain about the issues raised here:
Lawrence Wollersheim
Fight Against Coercive Tactics Network
P.O. Box 1314
Ignacio, CO. 81137

Ph: (775) 338-3578

All Christians should be concerned about those who treat them with disrespect and contempt, that turn the other cheek stuff is something that unfortunately was born during the era in which 
"political correctness" influenced even churches. Heck, we can't even sing
 'Onward Christian Soldiers' in many churches due to that PC nonsense.



  1. Damn, that didn't take too long now did it. Welcome to the club. LOL All these sniveling little pukes think that this is over. Hell by the time I am done here with what I have to say, they may put me on permanent ban because they are all little whiny bitches.

    Oh no, I just threatened a non living thing like Smyrna just said. LOL Idiots I tell ya. Just looking for an excuse to ban the ones who won't shut up. lol

    So if any of you detractors who have the balls to bring your fight to an unmoderated blog, then pull your diapers off and bring it. So Come one and come all, I don't back down unlike you little whelps.

    Smyrna and I are waiting.

  2. I say no go Sam, the SC detractors have always hidden behind controlled sites, they will not come here. Dodge, as you can tell by his comments here, plays stupid, an act which he plays very well, but it's foolish. I sense he's hiding the fact Wollersheim doesn't have a clue what he and Furillo pulled, appointing the board troll atheist to moderator the Christian boards, then actually apologizing for the "mistake" and then just giving Dodge the Josh125 alias to hide behind.

    I don't think Wollersheim himself is that devoid of integrity, but I may be wrong. Time will tell.

    As for Stage Director and Franklin, they have no use here. All that would happen is they would repeat themselves, which would cause us to repeat ourselves.

    There are tow paths to proceed as I see it: expose and defuse other Chapel detractors, such as Matt Slick or CARM.org, and also ensure the Factnet founders are completely aware of what Dodge is all about, and I think it would be relatively easy to prove he's just a board troll, the goal is to have him removed from Factnet's moderating duo. Supposedly, someone was being groomed to replace him, according to Dodge/Josh125, even though I can't believe anything the dude says.

    But if that is true, how ironic that he acts as if nothing is wrong, there was no conflict of interest, so yet why is there any talk at all of replacing him?

  3. Yeah, I know that they won't accept these terms. They are too weak willed to. Only when the deck is stacked in their favor would they ever attmpt to mount any type of discussion. And now things are getting more interesting and insulting for that matter.

    I saw a new thread that good ole "lts get along" Dodge. It has to be the most arrogant and insulting thread yet. Its titled "Are Athiests Mor Intelligent Than Thiests". Now its no longer just Christians he is targeting with his so called evolved method of thinking (it makes me want to vomit as I write that horse shit). Now he is targeting everything that has a belief in a diety or deities in general. Christian, Jewish, Muslim,Hindu, and Pagans would fall under this category.

    So what we are seeing here is that Dodge is trying to imply that somone like Darwin is more intelligent than say Newton and Einstein? Because they held a belief in a deity? Wow Dodge, could you be any more insulting? A belief or lack their of is in no way a factor in determining intlligence. I believe you are masking arrogance and trying to build it up as intelligence. Your also doing a piss poor job of it. Because everyone sees through it.

    On way or the other arrogant get taught a lesson in humility. Your time has yet to come, apparently. But it will and when it does it will hit hard. I just hope that I get the chance to see it.

    I know that franklin and Stage Director are useless here. But I just wanted one last try to let them know what I really think of thier weak efforts.

  4. Yeah Sam, I saw that idiotic thread and was chuckling to myself,thinking of people like Pope Benedict XVI, who can speak more than ten languages, and I'm trying to think of just one atheist that can speak his own native tongue with any skill above a ten year old. Ironically, I think Dodge will show us what the Bible says about those who don't believe in God: "The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God" funny, the rest of the verse reveals just what atheists are all about:..."They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good."

    It's no secret Dodge considers himself intellectually superior to everyone around him. And what I find hilarious, is that atheism and liberalism are almost synonymous,and liberalism is suspected of being a mental illness! LMAO!

    I'm sure Dodge thinks that he is more intelligent than Dr. Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr.,a forensic psychiatrist, who wrote the book: The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.

    It's funny Dodge doesn't go back very far in history to make his case, because if he does, he'll run into so many examples of the contributions Christianity has made to the various fields of science. Of course, a guy like Dodge would point out with some snide remark the missteps the Church has made rather than all those contribution,s but that's the game he plays. He'd rather talk about how the Church rejected Galileo's heliocentric theory over Geocentrism, while ignoring the many discoveries by Christian scholars.

    1. What Dodge Won't Tell You and Will Spin:

      "Originally most research took place in Roman Catholic universities that were staffed by members of religious orders who had the education and means to conduct scientific investigation.Catholic universities, scholars and many priests including Nicolaus Copernicus, Roger Bacon, Albertus Magnus, Robert Grosseteste, Nicholas Steno, Francesco Grimaldi, Giambattista Riccioli, Roger Boscovich, Athanasius Kircher, Gregor Mendel, Georges LemaƮtre and many others, were responsible for many important scientific discoveries. Since the late 16th century the Jesuits have produced the large majority of priest-scientists, who contributed to worldwide cultural exchange by spreading their developments in knowledge to Asia, Africa, and the Americas During the period of European history often called the Dark Ages which followed the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, Church scholars and missionaries played a vital role in preserving knowledge of Classical Learning.

      While the Roman Empire and Christian religion survived in an increasingly Hellenised form in the Byzantine Empire centred at Constantinople in the East, Western civilisation suffered a collapse of literacy and organisation following the fall of Rome in 476AD. Monks sought refuge at the far fringes of the known world: like Cornwall, Ireland, or the Hebrides. Disciplined Christian scholarship carried on in isolated outposts like Skellig Michael in Ireland, where literate monks became some of the last preservers in Western Europe of the poetic, scientific and philosophical works of Western antiquity.[4] Thomas Cahill, in his 1995 book How the Irish Saved Civilization, credited Irish Monks with having "saved" Western Civilization during this period and the period of the Hiberno-Scottish mission

      According to art historian Kenneth Clarke, for some five centuries after the fall of Rome, virtually all men of intellect joined the Church and practically nobody in western Europe outside of monastic settlements had the ability to read or write. While church scholars at different times also destroyed classical texts they felt were contrary to the Christian message, it was they, virtually alone in Western Europe, who preserved texts from the old society.


      No, Dodge would rather highlight what is called the 'conflict thesis' which really is irrelevant to his insinuation that atheists are more intelligent than religious people.

  5. Well you obviously have seen what Franklin is saying on there. That idiot is giving Dodge proof of his absurd claims. Dodge as it is, is convinced that only aethiests are able to have any objectivity in science. Which a stance like that is not even objective at all. He will discredit all that have any faith at all,regardless of whether the faith had any particular slant on the provided conclusions at all.

    If he thinks aethiests are completely objective is fooling himself. Because if any evidence points to any source of a creation entity, instead of by chance, its thrown out and disregarded. If thy accpted it, then they would have to swallow their pride (fat chance of that happening) and admit they were wrong. This is something that Dodge could never think of doing because of his own arrogance.

    This is exactly why they don't want any part of paranormal or supernatural events. Their methods would never work in this environment, because the rules are completely different. There are things that happen that just can't be explained and it would then again lead to a creator entity.

    I know he loves to blame religion for what goes on in the world. It reminds me of South Park's Go God Go episodes. 4 aethiest groups warring against each other...Because thy all claimed to have the only logical solution to the great question. ......What to name themselves. LOL Human arrogance trumps everything ad the wise stays in perfect balance between the seen and unseen world.

  6. There are many reasons why Dodge is not as intelligent as he thinks he is.The number one reason is he ignores so much of history. First of all, to imply that believers are less intelligent than atheists is a ridiculous premise, and if he really posted that nonsense without tongue in cheek, he's far less intelligent that I thought. Personally, I think he just did that because he likes to play troll, but I won't discount out of hand he actually believes that crap.

    After all, he has in the past completely contradicted his self groomed image of a superior intellect which borders on omniscience. In reality, he is merely a board troll who cannot behave himself, and expects people to respect him as a moderator.

    One doesn't have to go any further than right here on this blog to see he is hardly qualified or of the mindset to fairly apply any set of rules. You can tell how easily it is for him to prove what kind of person he is. Really, trying to intimidate me, and when it didn't work, making up some excuse why I shouldn't blame him for his behavior because he can't really ban anyone? And finally, banning me for a year, even after I told him I wasn't participating at FactNet anyway. Just what was that supposed to accomplish? That he can throw his weight around?

    What a clown, that's like the comical scenario where some guy says to his boss: "I quit" and his boss replies: "You can't quit, because you're fired!" What a screwball!

    You know why atheists blame religion for all the injustices in the world? So they can proclaim they are blameless, and to claim they are above it all. What they fail to realize is they follow a belief system as well, which is all religion is. They believe God doesn't exist. They have a mindset that causes them to modify their behavior based upon the fact they do not believe in God. Some are quiet about their beliefs, others are activists that wish to act as ministers of atheism, and wish to influence others into joining their Church of atheism. The word simply means assembly of beliivers of right mind, so they do form a Church.
