Saturday, April 28, 2012

Black Metal again, as if I really care

Those people on factnet just don't get it. Weaseltine, do you think that I really give a shit what you think? Do you think that by name dropping bands that I don't even listen to in the first place means anything? Or are you that shallow that you think that anyone remotely associated with a specific band is equally as satanic in imagery or ideals? You truly are a sad case and are that starved for posts on dying message board. You can speak your so called right minded piece all the way over there but haven't got the balls to apporach someone on a fully open blog. You are a coward end of story. Doesn't matter how you run and cry about how people call you names and other hypocritical crap you try to pull. If the name fits, then there is nothing more to do than accept the fact that you are a coward.

The same goes for you Dodge. You are now backing something that you got on my case about for so long? Do you think that by flip flopping I will all of a sudden forget what you were pulling? Sorry dodge, that only proves even more what kind of coward you are. You fucking cry about the lyrics in thrash metal and the imagery involved with that. Now your defending it? Which is the real you? The answer to that is troll. That is the real you. No matter how many times you bitch about that one, it doesn't change what you really are. If it moves and talks like a troll. Its a fucking troll.

I have something new for you. My latest purchase from the music store and its one that I am enjoying very much. Overkill's latest The Electric Age. The best piece of Thrash Metal I have heard in a long time and lets see how you can spin this one around. What kind of controversy will you try to create about this one? Doesn't matter because in the mighty words of Bobby "Blitz" Ellsworth " We Don't Care What You Say !!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!"


  1. It's obvious Thor, that as you noted, Weaseltime and Dodge are actually just trying to taunt you. They do it from afar, because to do it here would end up embarrassing them. FactNet is a dying board, and we're going to help that along the best we can.
    Lying low currently plotting my next moves, they can rest assured I don't waste my time when plotting. My history speak for itself, and I'm happy you and Cat are aboard to help.
    To close, you should really confuse both of those imbeciles, and purchase The Complete Works of Beethoven.

  2. Yes and now the Exorcism and Deliverance thread has gained new life as well. Dodge is now feeble attempt to accuse us of ethnic hatred because he cannot deal with a different opinion. Which is odd, considering the majority of the liberal left can't stand Israel and view them and George Bush as a war mongering blood thursty bunch and are totally and completely pro Palestinian. Not too mention have always been against the war in Iraq for the same reasons.

    Yes, I'm quite sure they'd be perplexed by our classical collection. We have quite a bit of Yngwie Malmsteen's classical work including his "Concerto Suite for Guitar and Orchestra in e flat minor with the New Japan Philharmonic live" dvd. Also seriously contemplating getting "Beethoven's Last Night: The Complete Narrated Version" to add to our Trans-Siberian Orchestra collection.

    And speaking of classical, and with the celtic blend, can't wait for Nightwish's Imaginaerum movie to come out! Good stuff!

  3. On a note totally unrelated - good god I just noticed something, turtle's posts just get worse and worse by the day. I can't even understand what that woman is talking about most of the time.

    1. I think she once said that English isn't her first language. I say maybe so, plus Earth isn't her first planet either.

  4. I am getting a good laugh at these idiots on the Black Metal thread. Rambling on and on about nonsence I never gave a shit about in the first place. While they are a it, why not start another thread about something completely irrelevant that I can't stand. Perhaps one on gangsta rap.

    One more thing, what the hell does this have to do with Peter Tagtgren?
