Monday, April 23, 2012

Cowardly Taunt From FactNet

Now we can add to the attempts at intimidation, lies, deceit, and arrogance another charge: cowardice. Our favorite cowards: Dodge the admitted board troll and Christian hating atheist, and his new partner in antagonism, the FactNet poster know as "Easeltine" whom we prefer  to call "Weaseltime".

It is no coincidence that Dodge and Weaseltime have chosen to add to the thread at FactNet titled:

Black Metal Music within a few hours of Shadowcat's article here titled: "Just For The Sake of Truth"

I'm not surprised at this behavior, they are cowards and apparently bored ones. I can't speak for Thor or Shadowcat about this, but in my opinion, this is yet another indication of the type of individuals those two are. 

Their behavior affirms the earlier charge oft harassment of who at the time were two FactNet members at the hands of both Dodge, who was a moderator at the time, as well as the other troll Weaseltine, who masquerades as a Christian all while condemning anyone who doesn't agree with his worldview of the Christian religion. But because both Dodge and Weaseltime dislike myself, Shadowcat and Thor, Weaseltime's offenses were ignored and tacitly encouraged  by Dodge, even when he slapped on his Josh125 moderator mask and spun every one of Weaseltime's offenses into some benign opinion allowable under his lenient but biased interpretation of forum rules.   

These are shameless and arrogant examples of their bias, and cowardice, as they surely can come here and make asses out of themselves any time they wish. But they would rather be hecklers sitting in the cheap seats. So be it, but now they know we have noticed, which should cause them to continue their silly games.    


  1. Yes, the first thread that weaseltime created that was encouraged by dodge was the Exorcism and Deliverance thread while Sam/Thor was banned. Weaseltime proclaimed that he was worried that someone he knew was becomming involved in black magic or satanism. That someone was, of course, Sam. Yes he was so worried about it that he decided to create the thread while Sam was banned and couldn't come to the thread to answer weaseltime's cowardly ass claims. The thread went on for quite a few pages and nothing was ever done about it, whilst dodge posted regularly on.

    Then when Sam was banned again weaseltime created the Black Metal Band thread. I complained and Josh125/dodge told me the thread was deleted and said to me in a private message "there is no bias here". Now once again when sam (and I) are banned they bring the thread back to life except it must have been "restored" from it's deleted status.

    Indeed the cowardice is undeniable, and indeed the lies, the deceit, the arrogance, and, of course, the bias continues....

  2. hhhmmm, if that thread was deleted and dodge is no longer a moderator then how was he able to revive it and make the first post?

    Me thinks dodge may still be a mod on FactNet.

  3. Absolutely this points out the typs of people that Dodge and Weaseltime are. They take their jabs from so far, no matter how many times I have spoken of my thoughts on black metal and the few bands that I still listen to on occasion. MOst of them have branched away a long time ago and are not considered black metal due to subject matter of their lyrics, music style, etc. But none of that matters to these little maggots. So lets see, they posted a funny video of Peter Tagtgren (which should show how down to earth the guy actually is) and a link to Dark Funeral. Next they will probably target Burzum. Yes, maggots, I am aware of the history of black metal. But unfortunately for all you losers out there, all the terrorist oriented ones and neo nazi based bands were never part of my play list and never shall be.

    But yes, theey want to have their fun and do the coward spin on it all. Yes I still listen to Cradle of Filth, Samael, and Immortal. But here is another fact that the cowards will ignore. None of these bands have ever been convicted of a serious crime (murder,arson, etc).

    All I know is that when the Exorcism thread was created, I was counting the days till I could return and give those cowards an answer. Then they wonder why I was so harsh. Fucking glory hounding, punk ass, cowards.

  4. Hey, just remember weaseltime Josh125/dodge told me he thought you were a troll. That is the fellow poster that you post with, and your friendly moderator.

  5. Well it looks like Weaseltine and Dodge are now playing good troll bad troll. If that makes any sense at all.

    Anyway, with how forcefully he poses his so called intellect on everyone it means one thing and one thing only. He suffers MDS. That stands for Microscopic Dick Syndrome. LMFAO
