Tuesday, April 24, 2012

And Soon There Will Be None

Shadowcat has informed me that Col. Bowshut has now been banned from factnet. It looks like your prediction came true Smyrna. Soon befor you know it, all the normal posters will be gone and load the site for the big four of factnet. Where they will continue to spin on unopposed because they don't have the guts to bring it to any other place where they know they will be forced to deal with people of contrary opinions. So have fun, as precious factnt sinks faster than the Titanic. At least you won't have to hear that annoying Celine Dion song as it goes down.


  1. Yeah for some reason I had a feeling he would be next. You're right pretty soon they will have to start making up posters and talking to themselves just to make it look as though the site is alive.

    1. Well, obviously I'm not surprised.It doesn't take a psychic or prophet to be able to predict something like that either. Just common sense.
      See, what is marketed as "enforcing the rules" at FactNet in reality was weeding out those who don't tow the line, i.e. follow the radical left shift of FactNet's moderators.
      Soon, only atheists with current or former drug habits who have a penchant for sexual perversion of one sort or another will be allowed at FactNet's discussion boards, and it probably won't hurt to have a criminal record either.

  2. It looks like FactNet's moderator had a change of heart (probably after they read the above)as Cowshut isn't banned currently. It's nice to know we're such a positive influence on the FactNet staff! LOL!
