Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Dodge Was Banned For His Obscenities And Posed As A Woman Named Cauleen?

Don't asked me what possessed me to do this but I am just now getting caught up on the entirety of the blog here. I've been so busy that I hadn't read every post that has been made. I noticed that smyrna recently mentioned that dodge used the name Zarquan on the old cultbusters forum. So just for kicks I ran a search for Zarquan and Cultbusters and I found an old thread from FactNet where smyrna was making an observation about one of dodge's posts under his username Zarquan. Apparently dodge was banned from Cultbusters when franklin was a moderator there for get this.....obscenities. Not only that, he has used several different usernames which include the names dodge, Zarquan, Observer, and Cauleen.

This is indeed interesting considering that dodge with his blowhard moderator cap on banned Sam for posting the lyrics to a song that had "obscenities", although Sam did it purposely knowing he'd be banned. Or the fact that dodge told me that I needed psychological help because I made mention that I curse, especially if angry, because I had anger management problems and I might hurt someone. A few months later, just recently to be exact, he told me that FactNet was affecting my mental health and that I need to go do some yoga or meditation because I told him to fuck off.  

But now I see that he was banned at Cultbusters because of his obscenitites, which can be read about here:


Boy the hypocrisy just gets deeper and deeper....

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