Monday, April 16, 2012

Franklin's Hypocrisy and His Signature don't mix

I was reading Franklin's signature and I find it quite ironic that he would pick this one. Because it is showing how phony Franklin is. Lets analyze this signature for one moment.

"Denounce racism, anti-Semitism and all ethnic or religious intolerance as evils. The ideals of our country leave no room for intolerance, anti-Semitism or bigotry of any kind, none. We must more fervently attack ugly intolerance. We have no place for haters in America."

Ronald Reagan

The first part denouncing racism. This is quite a hoot because of the company that Franklin keeps. There is of course Chad who has proven time and time again his racist rants. From the belief that Africans are all the cursed decendents of Ham. Then there is Franklin himself who is convinced that the ethnic groups in Arnold Murray's congregation are "tokens" and don't understand the "full" teachings. In this case he is deducing that their intellects are not that high and they are highly gullible. So what does this say about denouncing racism? That Franklin denounces racism by using racism? Ok then, next illogical moment please.

Denouncing anti-semitism. Franklin's favorite buzzword. He'll go for years on this one, but refuses to accept the thought that many of the teachings he is so against are taught by none other than Jews. It is in their Talmud, Th Zohar, and othr Jewish texts. But this can't be, can it. So here we are denouncing anti-semitism by removing parts of their history from the slate as if they never existed. How can one want to defend the Jews by removing their history from the Earth. Isn't that what Hitler tried to do?

Denouncing religious Intolerance. Here is one that Franklin practices all the time. Religious Intolerance. If one even tries to say they are ofa different faith they get the ole' "accept Christ or go to hell rant". This is one that Shadowcat and I have been hit with time and time again. So we are on the paganistic and natural side of the spectrum. So we believe that magic exists and is force of good. Now I will swallow a bit of pride, but Dodgee did have a point with Franklin, even if I were an aethiest and was just explaining my position on things calmly and non-aggressively, Franklin would consider it a piece of propoganda. Not to mention the fact that what Franklin is doing to SC and other forms of Christianity (mormons for example) is exactly what he claims to be against. Practicing religious intolerance. So again, we have Franklin trying to denounce something by practicing religious intolerance. Last time I checked this was a free country, and we could worship whatever we fucking wanted to. No three toed sloth like Franklin will ever change that fact.

So Yes indeed, it is very ironic that the moron Franklin would pick this signature, because it is everything that Franklin is not. Here's to you, Hypocrit.


  1. Good points. One if my major beefs with Shepherd's Chapel detractors is they have little tolerance for anyone they don't agree with.In Franklin's case, his major malfunction is ignorance.
    You're right, he claims teachings that have their roots in Judaism are "antisemitic"! How stupid is that?

    It is also true that ALL the racist remarks ever written on the SC boards at FactNet came from SC detractors such as Chad14.

    "Chad14", by the way posed as a young Jewish boy by changing his name from "truth_child" to "chad14" admitted he did it to "see what (SCers)would say" and was never banned for such troll activity.

    Yes, here you won't see me saying things against Thor or Shadowcat's beliefs, they have as much a right to express their beliefs and explain why they believe the way they do without people telling them they will go to hell for it. God will be their judge, and no one else, and that is my belief.

    And I have a strong suspicion God is more intelligent than Franklin, atheists,Factnet moderators (which has included drug addicts, fugitives, perverts, con artists, illegal aliens,and big headed arrogant clowns)

  2. The weird part is back when we all we arguing at cultbusters, Franklin still was being his nasty, ass-clown self. Constantly questioning with the same questions, as if he were a member of the CIA. Oh well, it all proves how full of it Franklin is.

  3. Oh and to further strengthen the case of shadowcat and I being satanists. We have a black cat too. LMFAO

  4. I wish your cat was a panther, I have a list of backyards I wish you'd drop it off in. Free food, if he could keep that stuff down, if you know what I mean.

  5. If you were to see this boy you would swear he is a panther. He is a year old now and over 10 pounds, his body is over a foot long and so is his tail. Big boy and he is going to get bigger because he is a mainecoon.

  6. I love cats, we have a Maine Coon but she's small for one,(and also 12 years old now) but has the same general traits. I use to have an exotic, a Serval, I'll send you a pic of me with him when I can. He was 25 pounds and acted more like a dog than a cat.
