Tuesday, April 17, 2012

New Feature: Dodge Watch

Hey, why not? After all, cbrefugeecamp.yuku.com has a thread which "tracks the criminal activities of the person known as Smyrna" which was deigned by a FactNet user whose yet to have been banned at FactNet  for making personal attacks or otherwise poking fun at another FactNet user.

 After all, I was banned at FactNet for making a spoof page of Dodge, even though I never used his FactNet name, but a slight variation of his Cultbusters.com.au user name "Zarquan."

But the people responsible for making a spoof page making fun of me at YUKU.com have not been banned at FactNet,. But that isn't the topic. This is "Dodge Watch: Tracking The Stupidity and Hypocrisy One The World's Self-Declared Smartest Men"

Here is a truncated post from the "New Shepherd's Chapel thread" at FN:
dodge is offline Senior Member

"Hi Franklin. A fiary tale features fantasy characters like goblins, elves, dwarves, and gnomes; and includes magic. The Bible is filled with stories of miracles, angels, demons, and imaginary places like the Garden of Eden, heaven, and hell."

If one read the entire post, it is off topic, and no, there is no excuse for it, just because someone else may have digressed first. The only reason this hypocrite takes issue with people going off the intended topic, it;'s when he's losing an argument regarding that topic. However, at times he doesn't even need that:

dodge is offline Senior Member

"Hi Dob. I’m not a moderator here. I can’t ban anyone. I would ask you though, if you want to participate in this forum, to stay on topic. Do you have anything to say about Shepherds Chapel?"

But he doesn't have to worry, Josh2 has him covered:

" Got it? I am not going to talk to you hooligans until I am blue in the face, from now on posts that derail threads will be deleted at my discretion. Don't bother writing me when that happens."

 At his discretion? Nothing like leaving an opening when you favor your predecessor. Your off-topic posts are safe from deletion Dodge, as if you didn't know.

Josh2, Post #1904 

Under the thread  "Finally, A Rational Discussion about Shepherd's Chapel!" The following posts are off topic:

Warning to get back on topic Josh2:  #1881 

#1882 Josh2 (No kidding it really was, he could have used the PM system)

#1889- Dodge

# 1883- Stage Director

#1884- Dodge 

#1885- Shadowcat, Answering his question,(#1884) meant to bait her into posting off topic, as you will see.  

#1886- Shadowcat ,offering an addendum to #1885 

#1887- Dodge, off topic, and containing an ad hominem attack, (Well, Shadowcat, fortunately you don’t have any say in who is chosen to moderate this forum.') and also chiding Shadowcat for being off topic, after baiting her to go off-topic with his post #1884. 

This sleazebag also lied as well:  with the silly excuse "my work was dine" referring to his stint as moderator of the Christian boards. And how was it "done"?  I suggest his "work" was causing the chaos he did.

#1888- Shadowcat, addressing why Dodge baited her into addressing off-topic posts. She got angry and cursed that SOB for for dong that and other things...a warning from Dodge's new protector, "Josh2" was inserted in her post, no warning to Dodge for deliberately taking the thread off topic right after Josh2 instructed the users to stay on topic was given.  

#1889-Dodge,  Off topic yet again, and this ad hominem attack was given:

"Hi Shadowcat. I forgive you for your extremely unpleasant and rather vicious post aimed at me. That kind of vile outburst isn’t like you. As a matter of fact, I would ask if your husband used your account to log on and make that comment; because that’s more his style. Of course, that would be a serious breach of the user agreement; as is the profanity you (or your husband) used. If it was you, it would appear you need to back off from this forum for your own sake. It seems to be affecting [you]

"Do you have relaxation techniques to center yourself? Try some Yogic breathing exercises and perhaps a mantra of some sort. That used to help me when I found myself emotionally stressed. Be well."
Last edited by Josh2; 04-14-2012 at 12:08 AM.

The original attack was much more harsh worthy of being banned based upon Dodge's pattern of inciting her to anger, (trolling) but no, not even a warning given to Dodge, just Josh2 softening what was still an attack, and of course, off-topic.

#1890- (Dodge on topic)

#1891- One of the world's smartest men (according to him) correcting a minor spelling error. Off topic.

#1891-Shadowcat, off topic, addressing the troll Dodge's accusation that she lent her account to her banned husband.

#1893 Dodge- Off topic,  ignoring that he baited Shadowcat into going off topic, inciting her to anger with his accusation she lent her husband her account, and after making her angry deliberately, now accuses her of not being able to control her self, and continues to belittle and berate her.

Here's some civility for you Dodge: you're an asshole.

#1894 -Off topic, Kestrel, who saw what was going on with the bias coming from Dodge and his troll activities, addressing Shadowcat about all the corrupt moderator activity.

#1895- Off topic, Stage Director, worthless throw away comment.

#1896- Off topic Stage Director, whining about no topic she's interested in. Thanks for the input.

#1897- Off Topic, Shadowcat, asking why Stage Director is posting about topic not under discussion at all.

#1898- Off topic, Dodge, now that he finished his trolling and upsetting the board, now wants to get back on topic.

#1899 Shadowcat- Still pissed, (can you blame her?) Addressing this vile POS about his continued harassing her and getting away with it.

Thread Location 

If that isn't a display if Dodge's trolling and the complicity of the latest criminal moderator in allowing it, then I don't know what is.




  1. It’s so nice to have such a dedicated fan club. I’ve never been so popular in my life. The fact that you spend so much of your time focused on me makes me feel so…special.

  2. And your obsession with me makes you look insane.

    1. From the way it looks right now it would seem you have an obsession with me, you seem to be bringing my name up quite a bit over there in your sandbox. And as usual you are lying about what I am doing. All I did was post a link to a website and ask if anyone had seen it. I haven't cut and pasted anything, but if you'd like I can there's a bit more information that I've found.

  3. Not really, but I won't do what you do and launch into same psycho-babble BS. Good thing for you I don't have any rule against abusive ad hominem. If you think I chronicled your mind games for your benefit, so you can come on here and tell me I'm obsessed and look insane, think again. I did it to show just what kind of games you play with people, and how FactNet moderators are complicit with that.

    Now maybe not every reader will see it that, way, they never do see it just the way I see it every time. It's up to them to judge one way or the other. I'll tell you this though: to just respond with some snide comment makes you look weak.

    It's all you've done with this particular article. Don't bother deleting it.

  4. Yes he does like to play games with people....so I say let the games begin!

  5. Yes, I am game. You think you can take it Dodge? LOL I seriously doubt it coward. Your way out of your league.

  6. Trolls only play games they are convinced they will win. But what is obvious is the article above clearly shows what Dodge was doing. He set you up Cat, pure and simple. He did it by inciting you to anger and then complained when you lashed out back at him. And that is being a troll, and there are plenty of troll tactics he used on that thread.

    So if he's proud of that, then it's yet another example of him contradicting himself. How many times has he made references such as "Well, Smyrna, that just speaks to the kind of character you are, blah blah blah, talking about how everyone else is wrong and lecturing people. He's proud to be an arrogant, pompous troll and proud that there is an admin at FactNet that apparently is also proud of him.

    Let's keep in mind what they are proud of: lying, manipulation,and bias, arrogance, dishonesty and deceit.Let's take a look at one of the most arrogant acts of self denial I've ever heard:

    03-23-2012 07:41 PM #896 dodge
    Senior Member

    "Hi Shadowcat. No, my posts in no way fit any description of what an internet forum troll is.

    The “Cure Zone Troll” definition doesn’t fit my style of communication because I don’t “sound like a stupid, uninformed, ignorant poster.” I looked at the CureZone site, and it says that one of the defining characteristics is one who “delights in sowing discord,” who “inspires flaming rhetoric," “who purposely provokes and pulls people into flaming discussion.” If you look closely at the definition there, “a troll will insult others to provoke them to insult him.” That would be your husband and Smyrna, Shadowcat, not me.

    Nice spin though."

  7. Yes, he was clearly baiting me. Instead of just ignoring my post which was my opinion of what I and others see going on he had to bait me into an argument about the entire issue. Instead of realizing that there are people that have a different opininion than his and just moving on he had to make an issue out of it.

    He indeed was setting me up. I can't help it if there are folks out there, including myself that do not like deceptive moderators on a forum. It's almost as if he was on some sort of power kick. To this day I still haven't figured out why dob was banned twice. I never thought dob was being that rude to deserve getting banned so easily. This position that dodge had was something he took advantage of for sure. He talks out of both sides of his mouth, saying on one hand do not bring up the things people have done in the past but then he does this ALL the time!


  8. Thats all this guy does is bait and switch. Then when he gets what he gives, he runs and cries like a little baby. Then he turns around puts his moderator hat on and acts like only one is the guilty party. Dodge, you like to make it seem you were baiting me. But in reality, I was looking to see how far I could push it until the final elimination was made. You see you like to cry about how no one wants to debate you, but the reason why is there is no point to even trying. That is because you only expect peeople to se things your way. Your arrogance is so high, that you can't fathom being wrong. When you supposedly apologize, its half assed beecause you will do it all over again. That is one reason why the only time I will apologize is to someone who I did go over the line with. But with you, franklin, weasiltine, and stage director I will never apologize. Because I have nothing to apologize for when it comes to dealing with trolls like that.

  9. Good points Thor, and you can tack on to that they never admit they are wrong about anything either. Not once has Dodge agreed it was wrong to claim he was some Methodist minister while hiding the fact he never stepped down as moderator over the Christian boards. Never once has he said 'theadmin' was wrong for appointing him in the first place, nor has he admitted it was wrong for 'theadmin' to fake an apology and allow Dodge to continue to moderate under a fake alias and claim he was some Methodist minister.

  10. Yeah, I knew I missed something. Thanks Smyrna. I have yet to see any admitting of wrong doing. But I know I never will either.

    1. True, you wan't see any because we would have by now. It's their modus, and "Furillo" aka "theadmin" doesn't bother since his first apology was all bullshit so he knows we would suspect he really could care less, just like the first time he so-called apologized.

  11. When I first started posting on factnet I made the comment that if I get pissed off enough I have a tendency to curse like a sailor, he actually tried to say I had real anger issues and that I should seek mental health counseling because I might hurt one of my family members or friends. Where does this guy get off on this bullshit? Then just recently when I told him to fuck off because of his baiting me he tried to pull that crap again, telling me I that factnet was obviously affecting my mental health and I should go do some yoga or meditation.

    But then we have to remember we are talking about someone that is an atheist that "gets off" on going to Christian message board for the sole purpose of ridiculing Christians for their belief in what he refers to as mythological beings such as God, angels, satan, and demons.

    And....remember we are also talking about someone that likes to claim he knows so much about psychology and particularly Carl Jung. He desperately tries to use Jung's early Freudian influenced ideas to explain his own philosophy about human beliefs in these mythological beings. I find it hilarious that he doesn't know enough about Jung to know that Jung indeed split from Freud because of Freud's atheistm, and the fact that Freud was obsessed with sex and felt that every mental health issue was due to some sort of sexual malfunction. Carl Jung believed in God and the afterlife. YES that's right dodgeball, Jung believed in mythological beings. For someone that "claims" he has read every book that Jung has written you'd think that he would know this. lmao what a dumbass dweeb.

  12. Enjoyed the comment Cat. Well, I know Dodge thinks the definition of ad hominem I when one uses their own opinion about the character of the person he is addressing rather than the issues under discussion, and as long as they think their allegations are true, then it is not ad hominem.
    Now we all know that's bullshit and is just an excuse for him to skate through getting cited for ad hominem, while warning and even banning people who field similar opinions.
    So for Dodge to question your mental state, even though it's the same thing as me suspecting Oneway may have been drinking because his comments seemed bizarre to me, other than Dodge was clearly harassing you while I seriously questioned Oneway's status.
    Because he knows why you were angry, because he made you that way by baiting you into posting on off topic comment and then telling you to get back on topic. That's just being a troll, and of course he was given a pass when he should have been banned for such a blatant stunt.
    But that's okay, because he has his games, and we have ours, and we ain't finished.
