Friday, April 13, 2012

When Hypocrisy Reigns, It Pours

Early this year, I was reading a few messages by a FactNet member which I felt were bizarre in content. I was very familiar with this member, so I knew his writing style. I finally questioned if he had been drinking. Another member hyped up the fact I questioned whether he was sober or not, and without warning, I was banned for more than a months. With that background in place, now read what Dodge said to Shadowcat this morning:

  "Hi Shadowcat. I forgive you for your extremely unpleasant and rather vicious post aimed at me. That kind of vile outburst isn’t like you. As a matter of fact, I would ask if your husband used your account to log on and make that comment; because that’s more his style. Of course, that would be a serious breach of the user agreement; as is the profanity you (or your husband) used. If it was you, it would appear you need to back off from this forum for your own sake. It seems to be affecting your mental health.

According to the rules at FactNet, and based upon the precedent that I was banned for basically doing the same thing, questioning a person's mental state, not to mention the ad hominem attack of  asking Cat if her husband was using her account (a clear troll move, trying to incite another) I see multiple violations here. Will he be banned? Of course not.

There are so many examples of this bias and hypocrisy at FactNet, it is incredible. Okay, it's time to question Dodge's mental state. He's a declared liberal. He likes scientific studies, he uses them to "prove" some of his absurd claims, such as atheists are more intelligent than believers. 

Well, here's a scientific study for you: 

Liberalism is a Mental Disorder   This is a look into the mind of guys like Dodge, and we can see more clearly why he acts as he does:

  1. The laws and moral codes--the rules--that properly govern human conduct arise from, and must be compatible with, the biological, psychological and social nature of man.
  2. The liberal agenda’s Modern Parental State violates all of the rules that make ordered liberty possible.
  3. The modern liberal agenda is a transference neurosis of the modern liberal mind, acted out in the world’s economic, social and political theaters.
  4. The liberal agenda’s Modern Permissive Culture corrupts the foundations of civilized freedom and is destroying America's magnificent political achievements
 On the Ideals and Dangers of Liberalism:
"Any government with the power to mother its citizens also has the power to dominate them and steal from them"

This is why FactNet moderators act the way they do: They want to dominate the users, they do it by mothering them, "We'll protect you from evil trolls like Smyrna and Sammael" yet they do their own trolling, thereby stealing the liberties of those who use the site. Just label people trolls and ban them, is basically what they do, so they can follow their liberal agenda of attacking those who expose them, and coddle those who don't mind being dominated and mothered.

"Under the creed of modern liberalism, the individual citizen is not called to maturity but is instead invited to begin a second childhood. Like the child at play, he is given, or at least promised, ultimate economic, social and political security without having to assume responsibility for himself"...

The comment fits the attitude of FactNet's administration, who have openly compared their discussion forum to a sandbox, the users as children, and  they promise to enforce their rules (spin their rules) to offer security, especially political security to their "children".

"The modern state has taken on the role of an apparently benign, generous, omnipotent and god-like parent, who serves as custodian, manager, provider and caretaker, all to the detriment of the people. We have, in effect, parentified our governments in the belief that we will be better off if they take care of us than if we take care of ourselves.."

Yes, we are children who can't take care of ourselves, so the moderators will do it for us. This is why there is no moderator here. Everyone is free to voice their opinions any way they so choose. But not at FactNet, and now you know why. The administration is all liberal, and this is how they think.

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