Tuesday, April 17, 2012

To FactNet Admin: Thanks For Reading

theadmin is offline Board Adminstrator
Join Date
Oct 2003
"Because of Shadowcat’s activity at another website where she is involved in a vicious smear campaign against Lawrence Wollersheim and the administration of FACTnet, her posting privileges have been revoked for one year."

Okay "Mr. FactNet" if this is some "vicious smear campaign" why don't you refute what the "FactNet Exposed" author uncovered back in '07? Tell us how none of those people were involved with the Cult Awareness Network or FactNet. Tell us that Wollersheim's history as described on the Religious Tolerance website is all false information. To me, a 'smear' campaign such as the one your website has allowed against the Shepherd's Chapel for years, is all about spreading false information.

So if the information from the FactNet Exposed blog isn't true, it's funny that Mr. Wollershiem and others have not tried to set the record straight, having the last five years to do so. But what do you do instead? Try and shoot the messenger. So you banned Shadowcat, labeled this info that has been sitting out here on the Internet for the last five years as a "smear" campaign. Nice job.
Presumably also, you also call a smear campaign  our collective protests about you assigning an atheist board troll to moderate the Christian boards and then lying by saying he was removed, giving him another alias and false persona, and then letting him loose on us with his pompous attitude and abusing his position by manipulating his interpretation of FactNet's rules which I'm sure he delighted in while he was able to do so.

Do you realize how bad you people look? You assign an atheist board troll who has posted lewd graphics of Christ in drag, insults the Christian religion nearly daily including the participants of the very boards you then assign him to moderate, give us a fake apology and then give him an alias so he can basically terrorize us with biased decisions to ban anyone he can't convince of his genius and anti-religious views.  

And since you have been reading, I suppose there's nothing wrong with that out of control board troll coming here and trying to intimidate me by dropping what he thinks is personal information about my identity. How about banning him for doing that kind of stuff at another website? Or is it you don't mind that he attempts to intimidate people on FactNet's behalf, as a way to try and protect himself and you, who gave him the power he abused in the first place.

You, and no one else is responsible for creating this chaos for yourself and many others, and you refuse to take any responsibility for it at ll. That is typical liberal bullshit. It's always someone elses' fault. Well, you got your wish. We are no longer participants at FactNet. Ban us permanently. 

I'm not very impressed with your intelligence, Mr. FactNet. Banning all of us and then whining that we are "smearing" FactNet  after you set us up with that clown you appointed as a moderator that led to all this, what do you expect, glowing accolades? You want us to tell everyone what geniuses you all are? 

FactNet would have been better off being administered to by the people highlighted by the author of FactNet Exposed, as I was a participant back then, and the anything goes attitude created a better situation then  forcing such a conflict of interest and then perpetuating it with your own deceitful actions.  

I've wasted enough keystrokes with this. If you think we are 'smearing' FactNet, then get to work and prove that author of FactNet Exposed is lying, and that we are lying about the shenanigans on your discussion board. We're just posting what has been on the web for five years, and about our own experiences with your website. Though you can't prove you didn't screw up with your choice of moderator and the lies associated with that, if you can prove none of those unsavory characters were never associated with FactNet, I'll be happy to publish a full apology and retraction of all references coming from FactNet Exposed and Religious Tolerance.

I have to give you credit for showing that it is more probability than possibility that morally absent administrators are still at work at FactNet. Whatever pseudo-religion or atheism you follow doesn't have much to teach you about doing unto others as you have them done unto you.

You want a voice here? Anyone can comment. I won't warn you, ban you, edit your posts, apply rules to some and not others, or appoint an atheist and liberal hater and board troll to monitor your posts.And do you know why I won't do any of those things? Because this ISN'T a sandbox, and we are NOT children here.



  1. The “FACTnet Exposed” author is a Scientologist who’s job it is to attack anyone who criticizes the Church of Scientology. By linking yourself with him, you’ve become a Scientology shill. You’re willing to side with a mind-control cult just because of personal animosity. Now that’s sick!

  2. And by your linking with white supremacist, sexist, so called scientists makes you a what? A sexist, racist, asshole.

  3. Side with?? Who said anything about siding with Scientology? Truth is truth dodge, if what is on factnet exposed is true then it really doesn't matter what source it is from it's still the truth....

    Hey I've seen franklin, stage, easeltine "side" with the splc, a liberal watch dog group that believes most of Christianity is a cult and mind controlling. Same goes with factnet no? Are they "siding" with factnet too?

  4. More ad hominem from Dodge. First of all, I don't see any evidence the author of 'FactNet Exposed' is a scientologist. Then this idiot tries to spin it as if we are collaborating with the Church of Scientology! We didn't "link with him" we just linked to his blog. What a crock of shit! I think he borrowed Stage Director's playbook. And I still don't see anyone refuting what the author has said about the alleged associations between the individuals highlighted on that blog and the Cult Awareness network,and FactNet.

  5. Hey Smyrna, Just remember this is the same guy that tried to use racist,sexist scientist to prove that athiests are smarter than theists. Go figure. So what does that say about Dodgee's character. Quite scary if you ask me.

  6. Oh, I haven't forgotten, but I also must note that Dodge's comments and behaviors here have done more to convince most anyone that atheists that make such a claim haven't seen Dodge in action. He in no way impresses me with his intelligence.

    He has no foresight, and thinks only of the moment he's in, and thus he leaves himself open to those who do see future implications of his current behavior. And I don't know about you, but that works for me.

    He also has a huge disadvantage as he has convinced himself he has a superior intellect and is an expert at psychological manipulation, because he has been successful perhaps a few times.

    I'll expose a secret: I don't always let him know I'm hip to his games. I take may time and wait until I choose to strike back. I get maximum effect that way. It's one reason why I waited for so long to use the material from posing as a Smyrna hater at YUKU. Once Stage Director was fooled, I knew I'd get more out of that set-up eventually.

    I felt it, but couldn't know what it was. Now we saw how it worked, we saw how she gave what she thinks is accurate info about my real identity and personal life to the troll Dodge so he can try and intimidate me. They both played right into my hands. Now they can't so easily call me a stalker or troll or criticize my actions, as they have now shown they are no angels themselves.

  7. Oh yes, I agree everything is timing. And it does work wonders. My problem is I geet impatint at times, but I am getting better about that. lol
