Friday, April 13, 2012

FactNet Seeks To Control The Internet

In yesterday's article about FactNet commentator "Shadowcat" dumping the truth on FactNet's moderators, she mentioned that I have been banned from for a year, because of something I said here on my own blog, which they lied about anyway. FactNet's moderators have now twice banned me for saying something on a site other than their own.

The atheist troll and now former moderator known as 'Will' here, (if there are any comments of his still here that this coward hasn't deleted)  once was known as "Zarquan" on another, now defunct website. Well, I started a spoof page using a slight variation of that name at MySpace once. FactNet's moderator at the time banned me for that! Obviously "Zarquan" complained and the overzealous moderator then banned me.

As absurd as that sounds, this actually happened. So going well beyond their authority and acting like evil dictators treating their users as subjects of some regime isn't new. I should have quit using that site back then, but I refused to silence myself when it came to defending against the detractors of the Shepherd's Chapel.

If all these things FactNet's moderators are guilty of isn't enough to just shake you head and say "WhoTF do these idiots think they are" then you must be smoking something. Apparently they think their authority reaches way beyond their website to any other site on the Internet. Well, I have news for them: they don't have any authority here. Once you become an ex-FactNet member, their authority over you ceases.


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