Saturday, April 28, 2012

Black Metal again, as if I really care

Those people on factnet just don't get it. Weaseltine, do you think that I really give a shit what you think? Do you think that by name dropping bands that I don't even listen to in the first place means anything? Or are you that shallow that you think that anyone remotely associated with a specific band is equally as satanic in imagery or ideals? You truly are a sad case and are that starved for posts on dying message board. You can speak your so called right minded piece all the way over there but haven't got the balls to apporach someone on a fully open blog. You are a coward end of story. Doesn't matter how you run and cry about how people call you names and other hypocritical crap you try to pull. If the name fits, then there is nothing more to do than accept the fact that you are a coward.

The same goes for you Dodge. You are now backing something that you got on my case about for so long? Do you think that by flip flopping I will all of a sudden forget what you were pulling? Sorry dodge, that only proves even more what kind of coward you are. You fucking cry about the lyrics in thrash metal and the imagery involved with that. Now your defending it? Which is the real you? The answer to that is troll. That is the real you. No matter how many times you bitch about that one, it doesn't change what you really are. If it moves and talks like a troll. Its a fucking troll.

I have something new for you. My latest purchase from the music store and its one that I am enjoying very much. Overkill's latest The Electric Age. The best piece of Thrash Metal I have heard in a long time and lets see how you can spin this one around. What kind of controversy will you try to create about this one? Doesn't matter because in the mighty words of Bobby "Blitz" Ellsworth " We Don't Care What You Say !!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!"

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Texas Cult Awareness Network aka FactNet

I was taking a look at FactNet's sister site Texas Cult Awareness Network which can be found here:

This is what their front page reads:

Cults are the greatest enemy of youth since Communism. Cults are even more insidious because they attack our chilldren at a very basic level. They attack the hearts, minds and souls of good Christian youth all over the world. Here at the Texas Cult Awareness Network, we provide a real solution for parents whose children have been mentally kidnapped by a cult. Using proven techniques first developed by respected Asian military doctors and psychiatrists between 1950 & 1953, TCAN has saved thousands of innocent children from the insidious terrorist tactics of cults and returned them to good homes with healthy Christian values.

Once TCAN discovers a victim of cult brainwashing, we take several proactive steps to insure that the individual is reintegrated into society in a timely manner:
  • The victim is discretely removed from the cult environment and temporarily relocated to one of TCANs numerous area "safe houses".
  • A team of our registered Emotional Restructuring Technicians isolate the newly liberated individual and keep them separated from all outside influences.
  • Our ERTs systematically remove all cult-induced thoughts, feelings, ideas and information from the victims' psyche.
  • This "bad data" is then replaced with TCAN-approved information. Thus returning the individual to a clean mindset filled with wholesome, Christian values, allowing them to become constructive members of society.

When I read stuff like this I start thinking about Project Bluebird, MKULTRA, or the Manchurian Candidate. According to the American Psychiatric Association "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition" (Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association, 1994) Multiple personality disorder is now classified as dissociative identity disorder.

What they describe in order to deprogram someone involved in a cult is almost like some sort of deliberately induced experimentally created dissosiative identity disorder that includes the following:
  • Created deliberately
  • A new identity is implanted
  • Amnesia barriers are created
  • Used in simulated or actual operations
In other words, it sounds like brainwashing which is exactly what they accuse the cults of doing. The only difference is the participant or victim willingly joined the religious group or "cult", where as with deprogramming they are kidnapped and forced.

And Soon There Will Be None

Shadowcat has informed me that Col. Bowshut has now been banned from factnet. It looks like your prediction came true Smyrna. Soon befor you know it, all the normal posters will be gone and load the site for the big four of factnet. Where they will continue to spin on unopposed because they don't have the guts to bring it to any other place where they know they will be forced to deal with people of contrary opinions. So have fun, as precious factnt sinks faster than the Titanic. At least you won't have to hear that annoying Celine Dion song as it goes down.

UPDATE: Just For The Sake Of Truth

This is an update and follow up to my last article "Just For The Sake Of Truth" that I posted yesterday, which you can find in the right sidebar.

I found a very good article about the old CAN organization written by Anson Shupe and Susan J. Darnell.
the same folks that wrote the book "Agents of Discord: Deprogramming, Pseudo-Science, And the American Anticult Movement".

Just as a reminder - Shupe is Professor of Sociology and Anthropology at the Joint campus of Indiana University and Purdue University in Fort Wayne and is thought of by many to be one of the most respected sociologists of religion. Susan Darnell is a civil rights activist and journalist. Susan Darnell also works for a credit union. So just to clarify this is an article by a professional scholar and a civil rights activist and journalist. This article is a very good resource and is blunt and to the point.

CAN, We Hardly Knew Ye: Sex, Drugs, Deprogrammers’ Kickbacks, and Corporate Crime in the (old) Cult Awareness Network
by Anson Shupe, Susan E. Darnell
A paper presented at the 2000 meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion.
Houston, Texas. October 21

 Here is a snippet from the article:

On October 23, 1996 at 9:30 AM the Cult Awareness Network (CAN), a Chicago-based national anticult organization claiming to be purely a tax-exempt informational clearinghouse on new religions, closed its doors amid bankruptcy proceedings and its assets were auctioned off [see Document 1: Sale of CAN name]. The precipitating, but not lone, event that hastened its demise was a civil suit brought against both CAN and a trio of coercive deprogrammers who unsuccessfully tried to remove a legal adult, Mr. Jason Scott, from a United Pentecostal congregation.

Scott was violently abducted, physically abused, and forcibly detained at a remote Washington State location for almost a week. While CAN was meanwhile suffering many other lawsuits for alleged deprivation of the civil rights of members of minority religions, the Scott case became its Waterloo.

The jury was quite clear in its decision [see Document 2] to award compensatory and punitive damages to Scott. [1] CAN’s primary activity, this case and others have revealed, was to provide false and/or inflammatory opinion in the guise of "information" about minority religions to the media and other inquires. All or virtually all such "information" was derogatory, consistent with CAN’s goals of "educating" the public that various new religious movements (NRMs) are "destructive cults," that all of the members thereof are "cult victims," are "brainwashed," and are therefore at risk, possibly needing "rescue."

The jury’s decision, under the definitions provided in Washington law, was that CAN was truly an organized hate campaign. CAN described its activities in a euphemistic manner to make its activities seem less outrageous from a civil liberties perspective. The reason CAN ever became involved in the Scott lawsuit was that, consistent with its organizational pattern, it served as a conduit for referrals to coercive deprogrammers (later termed by CAN "exit counselors") who would, for a fee, abduct and during detention harangue family members into religious apostasy.

In a curt note to the defendants who tried to appeal the verdict [Document 3], including self-proclaimed Bible-based "cult expert" Rick Ross, who had thoroughly botched the Jason Scott deprogramming, United States District Judge John C. Coughenour concluded:

 "Finally, the court notes each of the defendants’ seeming incapability of appreciating the maliciousness of their conduct towards Mr. Scott. Rather, throughout the entire course of this litigation, they have attempted to portray themselves as victims of Mr. Scott’s counsel’s alleged agenda. Thus, the large award given by the jury against both CAN and Mr. Ross seems reasonably necessary to enforce the jury’s determination on the oppressiveness of the defendants’ actions and deter similar conduct in the future." [2]

In this paper we do not rehash the Scott case, which was entangled in legal minutiae and appeals, nor do we chronicle the last days of CAN as it struggled frantically with a bankruptcy court to prevent its records and files from becoming public [see Document 4]. Instead, based primarily on the latter sources we present new evidence that CAN indeed illustrated the three levels of malfeasance recognized by criminologists:

  •  street crime -- direct, physical tactics of assaulting others (or their property) for personal gain.
  • white collar crime -- insiders misappropriating or stealing from the organization’s resources for their own enrichment.
  • corporate crime -- performance of illegal, harmful criminal behavior as standard operating policy for administrators.
The second two levels are known in sociology as types of elite deviance [3], and that constitutes the thrust of our argument: CAN was a corporate criminal scheme involving (at times in its referred deprogrammings) illegal drug usage, conspiring to violate civil liberties, and sexual assault/harassment in the name of "counseling."

Our purpose is to shed new light on a highly visible, late twentieth century counter social movement with ostensibly humanitarian intentions, to extend sociological/historical understanding of the cult-anticult controversy that has preoccupied the attention of many scholars, and to encourage criminologists’ further interest in matters usually taken up by sociologists of religion.

 You can read the rest here:

Dodge Was Banned For His Obscenities And Posed As A Woman Named Cauleen?

Don't asked me what possessed me to do this but I am just now getting caught up on the entirety of the blog here. I've been so busy that I hadn't read every post that has been made. I noticed that smyrna recently mentioned that dodge used the name Zarquan on the old cultbusters forum. So just for kicks I ran a search for Zarquan and Cultbusters and I found an old thread from FactNet where smyrna was making an observation about one of dodge's posts under his username Zarquan. Apparently dodge was banned from Cultbusters when franklin was a moderator there for get this.....obscenities. Not only that, he has used several different usernames which include the names dodge, Zarquan, Observer, and Cauleen.

This is indeed interesting considering that dodge with his blowhard moderator cap on banned Sam for posting the lyrics to a song that had "obscenities", although Sam did it purposely knowing he'd be banned. Or the fact that dodge told me that I needed psychological help because I made mention that I curse, especially if angry, because I had anger management problems and I might hurt someone. A few months later, just recently to be exact, he told me that FactNet was affecting my mental health and that I need to go do some yoga or meditation because I told him to fuck off.  

But now I see that he was banned at Cultbusters because of his obscenitites, which can be read about here:

Boy the hypocrisy just gets deeper and deeper....

Monday, April 23, 2012

Cowardly Taunt From FactNet

Now we can add to the attempts at intimidation, lies, deceit, and arrogance another charge: cowardice. Our favorite cowards: Dodge the admitted board troll and Christian hating atheist, and his new partner in antagonism, the FactNet poster know as "Easeltine" whom we prefer  to call "Weaseltime".

It is no coincidence that Dodge and Weaseltime have chosen to add to the thread at FactNet titled:

Black Metal Music within a few hours of Shadowcat's article here titled: "Just For The Sake of Truth"

I'm not surprised at this behavior, they are cowards and apparently bored ones. I can't speak for Thor or Shadowcat about this, but in my opinion, this is yet another indication of the type of individuals those two are. 

Their behavior affirms the earlier charge oft harassment of who at the time were two FactNet members at the hands of both Dodge, who was a moderator at the time, as well as the other troll Weaseltine, who masquerades as a Christian all while condemning anyone who doesn't agree with his worldview of the Christian religion. But because both Dodge and Weaseltime dislike myself, Shadowcat and Thor, Weaseltime's offenses were ignored and tacitly encouraged  by Dodge, even when he slapped on his Josh125 moderator mask and spun every one of Weaseltime's offenses into some benign opinion allowable under his lenient but biased interpretation of forum rules.   

These are shameless and arrogant examples of their bias, and cowardice, as they surely can come here and make asses out of themselves any time they wish. But they would rather be hecklers sitting in the cheap seats. So be it, but now they know we have noticed, which should cause them to continue their silly games.    

Just For The Sake of Truth

This post has nothing to do with anything other than letting the truth be told. It has nothing to do with "siding" with Scientology or anyone else for that matter, as dodge claims. I of all people would never side with Scientology for the sake of taking sides, I am strongly opposed to Scientology and have been for quite sometime.

But if there is any truth behind the claims made at the website factnet exposed, I feel that it should be out in the open so folks can form their own opinion of whether or not it is something they want to be associated with. If even some of it is true and the rest is embellished, then still I feel that what is true should be out in the open. Just as factnet feels that the truth be told and out in the open concerning cults then the same must be true concerning factnet's former and current administration and their involvment with any organization that was/is guilty of illegal acts.

I feel that the current administration at factnet is deceptive and bias, and that is the reason I chose to leave the site. I do not feel that I want to be part of a site that appoints an atheist as a moderator on Christian threads that trolls around on Christian forums, even outside of factnet, in order to insult and ridicule the basic Christian beliefs and doctrines in order to try to intimidate or humilate the posters. Or someone that likes to insult others by telling them they are psychologically unbalanced because of their beliefs or because of a fault they deem they have. This someone is, of course, known as dodge. His username as moderator was Josh125, and he may still be moderator of factnet for all I know....I can't really believe him nor factnet because of their lying in the first place.

Not only did factnet appoint someone like this as a moderator they lied about it when they claimed that they were not going to appoint dodge as their moderator. In turn dodge lied about being a Methodist minister. While his stint as a moderator he would do the same tactics that he normally does, troll around insulting and ridiculing the posters that were Christians under his username dodge. I knew from the beginning when they claimed that they were going to appoint someone else as moderator that they lied, I could tell by Josh125's posting style that it was dodge. But I didn't have conclusive proof until dodge admitted it here on the blog that he was indeed the moderator Josh125. I warned all of the posters that I am friends, that I felt cared, that it was indeed dodge. So basically when he admitted to being the moderator I thought to myself, "well I knew it all along" and eventually I decided to leave the forum.

After leaving, I found something very interesting and very bizarre. I had seen the site factnet exposed once before awhile ago, but I never really went to the site or read it until just recently. Once I left factnet I removed the link to their website off of my favorites. So I ran a search in order to go to factnet to check my private messages there, and that is when I again saw the factnet exposed site. I then went to the site and read it, and I was very creeped out afterward. All I did was post the link here and ask if anyone had ever seen it, and if so was there any truth to it. I was then immediately banned from factnet for an entire year. All for just posting a link. It really doesn't matter much that I was banned because I had officially told dodge I was no longer going to post there. But I thought it was kinda strange that I got banned for a year just for posting the link and asking if anyone had ever seen it and if there was any truth to it. Then dodge came over to the blog here and accused me and others of "siding" with Scientology...whatever that means. What a very strange thing to say, I didn't realize there were "sides". Afterall, dodge has stated repeatedly that factnet forums are nothing more than a sandbox. Well if it is a sandbox, it appears that the they may need to change their sand cause it seems to be too soiled with shit for this Cat to use....LOL

Soooo, being intrigued about why dodge would flip a cork over one link that I posted and have me banned for a year, I just felt the need to do a bit of research about factnet and the validity to the claims on factnet exposed. I found some very interesting things. It appears that factnet was indeed linked to the old CAN in at least a couple of different ways. Also, factnet's sister website is called the "Texas Cult Awareness Network" and can be found here:

Not only that, they still are linked to Rick Ross, they endorse him and have a link on their current website under an article titled, "Use of Forced Deprogramming" which reads: "For more information on the history of cult intervention work and ethical standards, please see " which can be found here:

Ethical standards and Rick Ross??? lmao Wow how weird considering that it was Rick Ross, his associates, and CAN who were involved in kidnapping 18 year old Jason Scott and his two younger brothers. Ross was eventually arrested and tried but was never convicted. His associates were and they were sentenced to 1 year in jail. They locked the two little ones in a basement and after days of arguing and shouting the two boys agreed to leave the church. Ross then kidnapped Jason and attempted to forcefully deprogram him. CAN referred Scott's mother to Rick Ross when she left the Pentecostal church because she was convinced the church was a cult and wanted help for her 3 sons that didn't want to leave the church. Rick Ross then kidnapped him and tried to forcefully deprogram him...?!?! You can read about the Jason Scott case here:

The links between factnet to the old CAN are infact true, there is at least one letter that I found that Lawrence Wollersheim wrote to CAN's then executive director Cynthia Kisser. This letter can be found in the book, "Agents of Discord: Deprogramming, Pseudo-Science, And the American Anticult Movement" by Anson Shupe and Susan J. Darnell. Shupe is Professor of Sociology and Anthropology at the Joint campus of Indiana University and Purdue University in Fort Wayne and is thought of by many to be one of the most respected sociologists of religion. Susan Darnell is a civil rights activist and journalist. Shupe and Darnell were also able to uncover quite a bit of unethical accounting and handling of donations that CAN received. Also CAN and factnet have indeed used the same lawyer, Daniel Leipold.

I then began running searches for the people on factnet exposed and I came across some of the names on none other than factnet's archive message board forums. The posters are from the Tony Alamo foundation and they are discussing old times and the foundation. Ian Mann, one of the ex members, and one of the people mentioned on factnet exposed, is apologizing to some of the members who were children at the time for being "mean" to them and states that he was only following orders about that stuff. He then claims he had no children of his own so he didn't know any better....What a crock of shit! There is no excuse for this whatsoever, even a 12 year old babysitter knows not to be mean to children!!

Here is the post

iasmann (iasmann) Guest

Default Hey jules, Teaching at the

Hey jules,

Teaching at the school was a real blessing for me. I had a lot of fun with everyone and you all learned a lot. You were good students and good kids. I think it was just you and April in your class. I can;t remember if there was any one else. It is truly one of my happiest memories of the foundation

I;m sorry for the ones I was mean to. Like Carlos and Miguel, Jason and Big D in particular. I was just following Tony and Sues instructions on that stuff. Never having been a parent at that time I didn;t know much about kids and thought I was doing the right thing.

Also on this thread they are discussing how it was nice to talk and be able to recognize who was who because on the main forum some of them had a different username....... This can all be found here:

Huh? Different usernames?? But factnet's rules are that only moderators are allowed to have 2 different usernames. That means that these folks were moderators on factnet apparently.

Also Jesse Prince, another criminal mentioned on factnet exposed, has indeed been involved, at least somewhat, with factnet. You can read that here:
This website is about an issue that cropped up between factnet and CAN awhile back. I stumbled across this link just today. Apparently Jesse had actually gone to factnet's lawyer, Daniel Leipold to speak with him and in this post he mentions factnet. Although this does not prove that he was a mod on factnet, it would not surprise me if he was.

So as we can see, there is a connection between the old CAN and factnet and there is indeed a connection between some of the folks on the website factnet exposed and factnet, and some of them most likey were moderators on the factnet forum if they were allowed more than one username on factnet.

I am still finding more and more every day so stay tuned more articles to come.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Setting The Record Straight

The following is a synopsis of our beef with FactNet as both users and also Christian users where this may apply:

Contrary to the spin "Will" aka "Dodge" aka "Josh125" as this atheist board troll and former moderator at FactNet  claims, I am not disappointed because I can no longer insult FactNet users I don't agree with. First of all, that's ridiculous, because I can, have and will right here, just as the anti-Shepherd's Chapel people do at their own websites, as well as FactNet. He keeps claiming that and it's just BS.

I have no issue with Lawrence Wollersheim, something else this idiot Dodge keeps claiming. I'm not convinced he knows anything about what "theadmin" aka "Nabashalam" or "Capt. Furillo" at FactNet did when he not only appointed the board troll atheist Dodge as moderator over the Christian boards, but then lied when claiming he was steeping aside and another appointed, when in fact he was only given a false identity so he can continue in that role. Dodge would rather ignore those facts and claim I have a beef only because I can't abide by the rules of FactNet. That's bullshit, and nothing but bullshit.  

As for the so-called rules: The staff and former moderator Dodge hide behind these rules, and use them only to harass those they disagree with. This has become plainly evident, so to call them rules is really not the most accurate way to describe them. They are tools rather than rules, and they are used as weapons rather than a way to preserve civility.Anyone who reads this blog and sees the evidence will see this is so, it's not even the result of slanting or spinning, and there will be more examples as we proceed.

The blog FactNet exposed and my linking to it has nothing to do with any collusion on the part of writers of this blog. We could care less about the long time beef between FactNet and Scientology. And while we cannot make any claims as to how true the material on the FactNet Exposed Blog is, we haven't seen any refutation of the material the blog contains. All we have seen is ad hominem rhetoric, Dodge and "theadmin" referring to us as pawns of Scientology, and that we are running a "smear campaign".

If we are running any campaign, it's to inform as many people as possible to stay away from FactNet due to the behavior of the staff, which has been documented here. If any of FactNet Exposed is true, it's just merely icing on a cake we've already baked.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Battle Cry

I was thinking that we could use a battle cry in our fight for real justice. I kinda thought it would be this Frank Sinatra cover done by Bronx Casket Company because through it all We Did It Our WAY!!!!!


BS at its Finest

Ok, I am reading this debate on the quote mentioned about Shadowcat, and its driving me crazy because its blatantly obvious what its about. SGNG is a good guy and keeping the peace. Since I am already banned, I have nothing to lose. We all know that your full of shit Stage. This quote is the proof, your just trying to save face because you have a fucking Tiger by the tail and it is pissed.

"Well, darlin' ... If you've ever actually read what I say without a filter, you'd know that this is not much different from what I've always said regarding these subjects. See, I have given it a honest look, and I have frequently disagreed with things attributed to PM that I know are not true, I have never been shy about the things I do agree with him on, and I've corrected conclusions that turned out to be wrong. And no.. I am not going the direction of Shadowcat. Umm, barring extremely diminished mental capacity from a severe head injury, that is."

Just look at the part here from the above quote:
"I am not going the direction of Shadowcat. Umm, barring extremely diminished mental capacity from a severe head injury, that is."

This says it all. Your implying right there that something massive has happened to Shadowcat that diminished her mentally.  That the only way for you to do what she does is to have the same thing happen. I already said that you could never be like her, so why bother trying. She is beyond you and you can't handle that. So you double back because now your ass is in deep and everyone knows what you were implying. At least be a big girl about it and own up to it. You coward!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The one Smyrna has been waiting for. LOL

This one is about the entity Stage Director. I was trying to gather all the data available for this one and went to the point where my head is about to explode from the rediculous nature of her posts. One thing that is apparent, is that her blind hatred for SC has clouded her senses so much that she will take the slightest bit of info and expand upon it to make it look bigger than it actually is. Usually with no backing behind it and if there is anything supposedly backing it it ends up falling into the following categories: 1) completely misinterpretting the information presented 2) the supposed proof is compiled of faulty data 3) completely fabricated and exists no where but Stage's own head 4) completely irrelevant information but used to waste time and energy.

My favorite argument has to be the topic of the planes that Arnold Murray has/had. I mention this one because it is a perfect example of category 4 Stage-ism. This topic went in circle after circle and does it really matter anyway? What does the number of planes a person owns have to do with the theology itself? This is a real head scratcher and has no clear answer because, it was all used as a tool to keep a dying topic open.

Then there was the discussion of Serpent Seed, and here we have Stage Director pulling a Franklin. She claims to be so knowledgable about Judaism but can't seem to grasp this idea. That for some strange reason the Targum, The Zohar, and The Talmud contain the Serpent Seed doctrine that she hates so much. Then she takes that and spins around by saying those aren't Jewish Holy Books and that only a handful of Jewish Scribes taught it. Obviously it had to be more than a handful because those same teachings can be found in those books and it is also a topic in Kabbalism. But wait, for all her supposed love for the Jewish people, she spins again and says all are doomed unless they accept Christ. So there fore she is against anti-semitism yet says unless they convert and accept Christ they are in the bullet train to Hell. These are the ones she says are God's chosen people, but if that were the case wouldn't they be going up instead of going down?

Then if thats not bad enough, she kindly tries to stick her head up the asses of those who attack Murray with no mercy. The sucking up is hilarious. Then like in the case of Shadowcat, she says the only way she could ever be like Shadowcat, is to have a massive head wound. First things first, Stage could never be like Shadowcat because Shadowcat has integrity. She posts her opinion on actual facts instead of jargon concocted from every crack pot on the planet. Also Shadowcat never runs and hides from questions that she doesn't want to answer. Stage loves to portray herself as a cowgirl, but I think that the term cow shit is more appropriate for her. Because thats all that comes from her. At least Shadowcat has what it takes to admit when she is wrong. Too bad I can't say the same thing for you Stage. I am pretty sure that the sun would explode far before you would ever admit that one. No wonder you and Dodge are so buddy buddy. You two are so far each other's  ass that we have a real case of the Human Centipede happening.

In closing, I will say if there is anything that I may have missed and Smyrna would like to add. Please feel free to add an edit to this post.

New Feature: Dodge Watch

Hey, why not? After all, has a thread which "tracks the criminal activities of the person known as Smyrna" which was deigned by a FactNet user whose yet to have been banned at FactNet  for making personal attacks or otherwise poking fun at another FactNet user.

 After all, I was banned at FactNet for making a spoof page of Dodge, even though I never used his FactNet name, but a slight variation of his user name "Zarquan."

But the people responsible for making a spoof page making fun of me at have not been banned at FactNet,. But that isn't the topic. This is "Dodge Watch: Tracking The Stupidity and Hypocrisy One The World's Self-Declared Smartest Men"

Here is a truncated post from the "New Shepherd's Chapel thread" at FN:
dodge is offline Senior Member

"Hi Franklin. A fiary tale features fantasy characters like goblins, elves, dwarves, and gnomes; and includes magic. The Bible is filled with stories of miracles, angels, demons, and imaginary places like the Garden of Eden, heaven, and hell."

If one read the entire post, it is off topic, and no, there is no excuse for it, just because someone else may have digressed first. The only reason this hypocrite takes issue with people going off the intended topic, it;'s when he's losing an argument regarding that topic. However, at times he doesn't even need that:

dodge is offline Senior Member

"Hi Dob. I’m not a moderator here. I can’t ban anyone. I would ask you though, if you want to participate in this forum, to stay on topic. Do you have anything to say about Shepherds Chapel?"

But he doesn't have to worry, Josh2 has him covered:

" Got it? I am not going to talk to you hooligans until I am blue in the face, from now on posts that derail threads will be deleted at my discretion. Don't bother writing me when that happens."

 At his discretion? Nothing like leaving an opening when you favor your predecessor. Your off-topic posts are safe from deletion Dodge, as if you didn't know.

Josh2, Post #1904 

Under the thread  "Finally, A Rational Discussion about Shepherd's Chapel!" The following posts are off topic:

Warning to get back on topic Josh2:  #1881 

#1882 Josh2 (No kidding it really was, he could have used the PM system)

#1889- Dodge

# 1883- Stage Director

#1884- Dodge 

#1885- Shadowcat, Answering his question,(#1884) meant to bait her into posting off topic, as you will see.  

#1886- Shadowcat ,offering an addendum to #1885 

#1887- Dodge, off topic, and containing an ad hominem attack, (Well, Shadowcat, fortunately you don’t have any say in who is chosen to moderate this forum.') and also chiding Shadowcat for being off topic, after baiting her to go off-topic with his post #1884. 

This sleazebag also lied as well:  with the silly excuse "my work was dine" referring to his stint as moderator of the Christian boards. And how was it "done"?  I suggest his "work" was causing the chaos he did.

#1888- Shadowcat, addressing why Dodge baited her into addressing off-topic posts. She got angry and cursed that SOB for for dong that and other things...a warning from Dodge's new protector, "Josh2" was inserted in her post, no warning to Dodge for deliberately taking the thread off topic right after Josh2 instructed the users to stay on topic was given.  

#1889-Dodge,  Off topic yet again, and this ad hominem attack was given:

"Hi Shadowcat. I forgive you for your extremely unpleasant and rather vicious post aimed at me. That kind of vile outburst isn’t like you. As a matter of fact, I would ask if your husband used your account to log on and make that comment; because that’s more his style. Of course, that would be a serious breach of the user agreement; as is the profanity you (or your husband) used. If it was you, it would appear you need to back off from this forum for your own sake. It seems to be affecting [you]

"Do you have relaxation techniques to center yourself? Try some Yogic breathing exercises and perhaps a mantra of some sort. That used to help me when I found myself emotionally stressed. Be well."
Last edited by Josh2; 04-14-2012 at 12:08 AM.

The original attack was much more harsh worthy of being banned based upon Dodge's pattern of inciting her to anger, (trolling) but no, not even a warning given to Dodge, just Josh2 softening what was still an attack, and of course, off-topic.

#1890- (Dodge on topic)

#1891- One of the world's smartest men (according to him) correcting a minor spelling error. Off topic.

#1891-Shadowcat, off topic, addressing the troll Dodge's accusation that she lent her account to her banned husband.

#1893 Dodge- Off topic,  ignoring that he baited Shadowcat into going off topic, inciting her to anger with his accusation she lent her husband her account, and after making her angry deliberately, now accuses her of not being able to control her self, and continues to belittle and berate her.

Here's some civility for you Dodge: you're an asshole.

#1894 -Off topic, Kestrel, who saw what was going on with the bias coming from Dodge and his troll activities, addressing Shadowcat about all the corrupt moderator activity.

#1895- Off topic, Stage Director, worthless throw away comment.

#1896- Off topic Stage Director, whining about no topic she's interested in. Thanks for the input.

#1897- Off Topic, Shadowcat, asking why Stage Director is posting about topic not under discussion at all.

#1898- Off topic, Dodge, now that he finished his trolling and upsetting the board, now wants to get back on topic.

#1899 Shadowcat- Still pissed, (can you blame her?) Addressing this vile POS about his continued harassing her and getting away with it.

Thread Location 

If that isn't a display if Dodge's trolling and the complicity of the latest criminal moderator in allowing it, then I don't know what is.



FactNet Admin: "I Won't Peek, Promise"

Now that we have established how trustworthy 'theadmin' at FactNet really isn't, take a look at this:

theadmin is offline Board Adminstrator
Join Date
Oct 2003
"Announcement: I have the highest of clearances here and can tell you with all honesty I do not have access to others PMs. This is the first I have heard of this plug in and can promise that no one here will try such a hack. There is only two others with the clearance level I have and that is Lawrence Wollersheim, the owner and one other who is our top tech who remains anonymous for safety's sake and I can tell you that they also would have no reason or want to view posters PMs and would never do such a thing.

So please rest easy and be confident that your PMs will remain just that...Private.

With all sincerity, Capt Frank Furillo "
Post Location

The above was in response to this information:

 "Superadmins can read private messages"  which is a plugin program for Vbulletin subscribers (such as FactNet) that allows Admins to read PM's between users.

Side Note: I had forgotten about this, so it is possible Dodge/Josh125 in conjunction with "theadmin" who has the "highest of clearances" read my PM's where I showed Shadowcat how Stage Director stalked, oops, sorry, "tracked" my IP to a company I've never worked for, read the PMs and got that info.

So FactNet users are now expected to merely trust that "theadmin" "Capt. Furillo" you know, the guy who apologized for appointing an atheist board troll who had insulted everyone who was a Christian on the Christians boards, as moderator, lied about him being removed, and gave him another alias to use to try and hide the fact no change of moderator was ever made.

Here's what probably really happened:

First check this comment about the guys with the "highest level of clearance" (e.g. what the hell does he think it is, the CIA?):

 "There is only two others with the clearance level I have and that is Lawrence Wollersheim, the owner and one other who is our top tech who remains anonymous for safety's sake..."

(Smyrna: Hey Admin, why not just give your top tech a fake name, you're good at that, how about Josh3?)

Well, if you're following along, you read about how morally upstanding FactNet's  administrators may be, if we want to believe what the author of FactNet Exposed wrote in his blog of 2007. Common sense would say if the original folks aren't there, then those who replaced them probably are from the same labor pool.

And even without that little bit of info, we still have absolute proof 'theadmin' lied and so having lied once, who's to say he wouldn't be lying again?

Therefore, it's very possible the scenario played out like this:

TheAdmin: "Hey (unnamed "top tech") did you know there's a plugin we can get from VBulletin that would allows us  to read the users PM's? Let's download that, ok?

Unnamed "Top Tech": (maybe he's unnamed because he's one of those people we read about on the FactNet Exposed blog) "Yeah, good idea. After all, we can harvest info that may be of use to us."
 (like intimidating users who are banned and writing blogs critical of them, such as your real name, place of employment, etc. )

For current users of FactNet's discussion boards:

Don't use their PM system. Copy your current messages if you think you have sensitive info in them to your own computer files, in case they may be used against you in the future. You never know, and at least you can prove where the info came from if they do use it against you .

"So please rest easy and be confident that your PMs will remain just that...Private."

To FactNet Admin: Thanks For Reading

theadmin is offline Board Adminstrator
Join Date
Oct 2003
"Because of Shadowcat’s activity at another website where she is involved in a vicious smear campaign against Lawrence Wollersheim and the administration of FACTnet, her posting privileges have been revoked for one year."

Okay "Mr. FactNet" if this is some "vicious smear campaign" why don't you refute what the "FactNet Exposed" author uncovered back in '07? Tell us how none of those people were involved with the Cult Awareness Network or FactNet. Tell us that Wollersheim's history as described on the Religious Tolerance website is all false information. To me, a 'smear' campaign such as the one your website has allowed against the Shepherd's Chapel for years, is all about spreading false information.

So if the information from the FactNet Exposed blog isn't true, it's funny that Mr. Wollershiem and others have not tried to set the record straight, having the last five years to do so. But what do you do instead? Try and shoot the messenger. So you banned Shadowcat, labeled this info that has been sitting out here on the Internet for the last five years as a "smear" campaign. Nice job.
Presumably also, you also call a smear campaign  our collective protests about you assigning an atheist board troll to moderate the Christian boards and then lying by saying he was removed, giving him another alias and false persona, and then letting him loose on us with his pompous attitude and abusing his position by manipulating his interpretation of FactNet's rules which I'm sure he delighted in while he was able to do so.

Do you realize how bad you people look? You assign an atheist board troll who has posted lewd graphics of Christ in drag, insults the Christian religion nearly daily including the participants of the very boards you then assign him to moderate, give us a fake apology and then give him an alias so he can basically terrorize us with biased decisions to ban anyone he can't convince of his genius and anti-religious views.  

And since you have been reading, I suppose there's nothing wrong with that out of control board troll coming here and trying to intimidate me by dropping what he thinks is personal information about my identity. How about banning him for doing that kind of stuff at another website? Or is it you don't mind that he attempts to intimidate people on FactNet's behalf, as a way to try and protect himself and you, who gave him the power he abused in the first place.

You, and no one else is responsible for creating this chaos for yourself and many others, and you refuse to take any responsibility for it at ll. That is typical liberal bullshit. It's always someone elses' fault. Well, you got your wish. We are no longer participants at FactNet. Ban us permanently. 

I'm not very impressed with your intelligence, Mr. FactNet. Banning all of us and then whining that we are "smearing" FactNet  after you set us up with that clown you appointed as a moderator that led to all this, what do you expect, glowing accolades? You want us to tell everyone what geniuses you all are? 

FactNet would have been better off being administered to by the people highlighted by the author of FactNet Exposed, as I was a participant back then, and the anything goes attitude created a better situation then  forcing such a conflict of interest and then perpetuating it with your own deceitful actions.  

I've wasted enough keystrokes with this. If you think we are 'smearing' FactNet, then get to work and prove that author of FactNet Exposed is lying, and that we are lying about the shenanigans on your discussion board. We're just posting what has been on the web for five years, and about our own experiences with your website. Though you can't prove you didn't screw up with your choice of moderator and the lies associated with that, if you can prove none of those unsavory characters were never associated with FactNet, I'll be happy to publish a full apology and retraction of all references coming from FactNet Exposed and Religious Tolerance.

I have to give you credit for showing that it is more probability than possibility that morally absent administrators are still at work at FactNet. Whatever pseudo-religion or atheism you follow doesn't have much to teach you about doing unto others as you have them done unto you.

You want a voice here? Anyone can comment. I won't warn you, ban you, edit your posts, apply rules to some and not others, or appoint an atheist and liberal hater and board troll to monitor your posts.And do you know why I won't do any of those things? Because this ISN'T a sandbox, and we are NOT children here.


Monday, April 16, 2012

ShadowCat is now in the Elite Group

This Just In. Shadowcat has joined us in the League of Banned For a Year. Congradulations Shadowcat, now the fun really begins when we watch as the whole site dies and goes to Hel.


Franklin's Hypocrisy and His Signature don't mix

I was reading Franklin's signature and I find it quite ironic that he would pick this one. Because it is showing how phony Franklin is. Lets analyze this signature for one moment.

"Denounce racism, anti-Semitism and all ethnic or religious intolerance as evils. The ideals of our country leave no room for intolerance, anti-Semitism or bigotry of any kind, none. We must more fervently attack ugly intolerance. We have no place for haters in America."

Ronald Reagan

The first part denouncing racism. This is quite a hoot because of the company that Franklin keeps. There is of course Chad who has proven time and time again his racist rants. From the belief that Africans are all the cursed decendents of Ham. Then there is Franklin himself who is convinced that the ethnic groups in Arnold Murray's congregation are "tokens" and don't understand the "full" teachings. In this case he is deducing that their intellects are not that high and they are highly gullible. So what does this say about denouncing racism? That Franklin denounces racism by using racism? Ok then, next illogical moment please.

Denouncing anti-semitism. Franklin's favorite buzzword. He'll go for years on this one, but refuses to accept the thought that many of the teachings he is so against are taught by none other than Jews. It is in their Talmud, Th Zohar, and othr Jewish texts. But this can't be, can it. So here we are denouncing anti-semitism by removing parts of their history from the slate as if they never existed. How can one want to defend the Jews by removing their history from the Earth. Isn't that what Hitler tried to do?

Denouncing religious Intolerance. Here is one that Franklin practices all the time. Religious Intolerance. If one even tries to say they are ofa different faith they get the ole' "accept Christ or go to hell rant". This is one that Shadowcat and I have been hit with time and time again. So we are on the paganistic and natural side of the spectrum. So we believe that magic exists and is force of good. Now I will swallow a bit of pride, but Dodgee did have a point with Franklin, even if I were an aethiest and was just explaining my position on things calmly and non-aggressively, Franklin would consider it a piece of propoganda. Not to mention the fact that what Franklin is doing to SC and other forms of Christianity (mormons for example) is exactly what he claims to be against. Practicing religious intolerance. So again, we have Franklin trying to denounce something by practicing religious intolerance. Last time I checked this was a free country, and we could worship whatever we fucking wanted to. No three toed sloth like Franklin will ever change that fact.

So Yes indeed, it is very ironic that the moron Franklin would pick this signature, because it is everything that Franklin is not. Here's to you, Hypocrit.

Factnet the Pitiful

I find it amazing and sad how the posters in factnet can be so full of themselves yet show the ultimate in stupidity at the same time. What they consider stalking (Dodge in particular) is equally hilarious. I saw what he said on factnet about it, and it should be blatantly obvious why I would post so many attacks on him. Its because I know he is reading it. He is playing into my hands because I know his only outlet is that pitiful little cult site he loves so much. He doesn't have the heart nor the genitalia to bring it to an anything goes site. All he can do is ramble on and on about those who have wronged him, and accuse of so much bullshit when he has the upper hand in which the opposing party has no access to provide a rebuttal. Yet he can't figure out why I think he is a ball-less coward?

Franklin, you are the funniest gal ever. I say gal because you practically bitch and cry like one. You have the talk of the little cultbuster that could but buckle when it comes time to provide the actions to support that oversizd ego. Like many others before you, you have the ego that is writing checks that your body,mind, and spine can't cash. Always crying libel, when you just aimless throw accusation after accusation with nothing standing behind it. No shred of evidence to prove your case. Always trying to equate Wesley Swift and all the other racist fucks associated with Christian Identity to Arnold Murray, but no links to any supporting documentation to back up those claims. Just dribble and crappy images. Yeah your the cultbuster alright, yeah your fighting the good fight right there from home and providing  more proof of what happens when idiots get some technology. Your as phony as they come.

Change is Good

Hello all,
I have decided to go with a different name as an author and really liking how this is going. I am ready to shove a lightening bolt of truth up the detractors' ass.

EXCLUSIVE: FactNet's Sordid Past

Exclusive, and a load of thanks to Shadowcat for uncovering this incredible expose' of FactNet. Looks like someone else well before me has authored a blog critical of FactNet, and not just for stupid and mildly dishonest (in comparison) activities.  I don't even think Dodge or Stage Director could spin all the facts about FactNet's history uncovered in any good light.. This is my favorite part:

"Brian Leach, born March 15, 1971, began his criminal career at an early age. He is a known drug addict, alcoholic, homicidal psychopath, deadbeat dad, fugitive from justice and the husband of a perverted backslidden reprobate. Mr. Leach’s psychological profile and criminal background, coupled with his wife’s expertise at orchestrated “hate campaigns” of lies and slander, qualified him for his current job as a moderator for the infamous Cult Awareness Network’s Factnet bulletin board."

I've got to let this out, excuse me: HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!

It would take some work, but gifts such as that blog have literally fallen into the laps of those who have defended against the smear campaign against the SC at FactNet.. Just when I begin my own expose' of FactNet's staff, Shadowcat uncovers this incredible story, which goes to show I have not been wrong about the corruption and anti-Christian bias of FactNet's staff, and how they themselves are much like the cults they claim to be fighting against. 

Mr. Leach makes Dodge-O look like a harmless clown  who rents himself out to parties. After all, he's just an atheist board troll. Mr. Leach has these qualifications, according to the FactNet Exposed blog:

Him and his son terrorized  two women in a drunken road road rage incident, police gave chase, and he was thrown in jail. And that is just the tip of the iceberg:

"Brian Leach opened a suspicious, shell business called Razorback IT that allegedly offered computer upgrades and repair. The business address was 3204 S. 92nd St. in Fort Smith, the same address listed as his home. According to City of Fort Smith records, Razorback IT is no longer active and was evidently just a scam front for Brian and Holly’s new employment with the criminal “old” Cult Awareness Network’s Internet branch called Factnet. Leach’s background and Holly’s “hate campaign” expertise made them prime candidates for employment with Factnet, which was founded by the infamous Margaret Singer. Singer was a pseudo psychologist that worked in the CIA covert mind control program called MKULTRA. Their criminal activities and experiments against unwitting citizens were exposed in testimony before the US Congress. She was also a director of the notorious Cult Awareness Network for many years. Factnet, a branch of CAN, was created to continue their criminal objectives of orchestrated “hate campaigns”, maligning and violence."

"Like their predecessor, the “old” Cult Awareness Network, Factnet recruits and uses criminals and misfits to carry out their campaign of violence, hate and character assassination against Pastors and Churches."

I'm beginning to understand why Dodge is so proud of being with FactNet for six years and so close to their illustrious staff of "misfits and criminals." Yeah I know, but that stuff is all in the past.......

According to the FactNet Exposed blog, FactNet was successor to the Cult Awareness Network (CAN).
And according to this source, here is a short list of the unsavory characters in FactNet's employ in the past, and since they are so secretive still, perhaps presently. Maybe there is more to Dodge after all, lol!

Keep in mind this blog was written in '07, so I am not making any allusions to the current staff here. However, with a past like this, where would you place your bet?:

"Bill Levy, who attended the Alamo Church for years until he was caught stealing,  He is now working closely with Factnet and Brian and Holly Leach."Bill Levy is a homosexual who runs a tattoo, body piercing & drug paraphernalia shop called Balls of Steel and is on the board of directors of St. Pete Pride, a homosexual and lesbian organization."

 (Now I no longer have to wonder where Dodge gets his "balls of steel" which he used to deceive the Christian boards at FactNet)

"Carolyn Pryor, whose Memphis area family has kept police and jail authorities busy for years, is working closely with Factnet and the Leachs. The Pryor family attended the Alamo Christian Church for years until they were caught in fornication and incestuous relationships."

"Susan Groulx attended the Alamo Church for years before being deprogrammed at CAN’s Wellspring concentration camp, then trained in deprogramming and anti-Christian indoctrination tactics."

"Ian and Ann Mann, who attended the Alamo Church for years until Ian was caught stalking an underage girl, and Ian and Ann were both, caught seeking extramarital affairs. They are now printers of CAN’s false and maligning “hate literature” and they are working closely with Factnet and the Leachs."

"Hannah “Achey” Mattos, who according to her mother’s former lover and her father, made a living by prostitution and luring drunks behind bars and dumpsters so her “thug” boyfriend could roll them, is now working closely with Factnet and the Leachs in their “hate campaign” against Pastor Alamo and his Church."

You know all these people from Alamo's Church, I really have to wonder what they teach there. That's a pretty big concentration of criminals and perverts in such a relatively small group.

"Barry Haynes, who formerly attended the Alamo Christian Church, has a long criminal record of drugs and violence and has worked directly with CAN’s director and attorney, Peter Georgiades. He is now working with Factnet and the Leachs in their organized “hate campaign”. And now it is revealed that the secretive “arkiebrian”, the anonymous moderator of Factnet’s Alamo Foundation bulletin board, is none other than the diabolical criminal, Brian Leach."

After reading all this, I'm sure glad I didn't write an expose on Dodge, and "Furillo" "theadmin" to send to Lawrence Wollersheim. With such a history, it would have been a complete waste of time.

Speaking of Wollersheim, I dug this little gem up:

Larry Wollersheim has involved himself continuously in anti-Scientology campaigns since his expulsion from the Church in 1979.

In 1993 he formed the anti-religious hate group, FACTNet. Despite his efforts to gain support from other like-minded fanatics, the group is no longer operational except for the occasional internet posting by Wollersheim himself. In his zeal to harass his former Church, Wollersheim loaded onto FACTNet’s computers more than 2,000 unlawfully published copies of Scientology writings by L. Ron Hubbard. This earned Wollersheim and FACTNet a suit for copyright infringement and, on March 26, 1999, both defendants stipulated to the entry of a judgment against them for $1,000,000. This judgment included a permanent injunction barring Wollersheim and FACTNet from committing future copyright infringements. FACTNet disbanded shortly thereafter, leaving Larry Wollersheim as its sole member.

Although Wollersheim’s years in the Church were marred by unethical business practices – practices which ultimately led to his expulsion – they were virtually the only years in which Wollersheim was drug-free and maintained somewhat steady employment. Wollersheim has admitted to taking large amounts of LSD prior to Scientology; since at least 1985, he has been treated by psychologist Margaret Singer for bipolar disorder, and has been on and off the drug Lithium, a strong medication which at the very least impairs judgment.
After he was expelled, Wollersheim ran a string of failed businesses in Colorado. A former B.F. Goodrich research chemist, who lost more than $35,000 in one of Wollersheim’s scams, testified that:
“I have never in my business dealings been associated with any person who has created so much stress and caused so much harm to me personally.”
One county sheriff from Colorado stated, based on his own observations, that he felt Wollersheim:
“basically…was a con man.”

It's all coming together now. I feel like taking a long shower after reading this and realizing I gave those criminals money to keep that sleazy operation going.

I'll be waiting (probably forever) for the entry on's Troll Talk thread, which should be titled:  Tracking the Criminal Activities of FactNet's Staff.  


FactNet's Privileged Elite

In addition to the privileges that have already been covered, such as being allowed two user names and to also misrepresent yourself to further hide your known identity as a regular user, for instance claiming to be a minister when you are an atheist, another perk for the FactNet elite: you can close a thread if you are losing the argument.
 Threads started by the "great unlearned" aren't closed, which invites the risk of others coming later after the thread dies down, to pick up the same argument again, perhaps with one faction missing, leading to the illusion that faction lost when they merely went to another topic, or in the case of the SC threads, all the supporters have quit or been banned.   

Dodge started a thread titled: Are Atheists More Intelligent than Theists?

But then he had his buddy "theadmin" close it, after it was found his sources included bigots and white supremists.  

I strongly suspect he was ego tripping more than usual on the day he started it. The really funny thing is, he's a Liberal and thus has to be confused, as Liberalism has been identified as a mental illness.

I suppose being the mind of a Liberal and a brilliant atheist at the same time is sort of like putting a humidifier and dehumidifier in the same room and turning them both on.

 Though I do not know if the following examples are in the book review I linked to, written by a veteran psychiatrist (it's a scientific study) they certainly help to show the Doctor is onto something:

Nancy Pelosi on the  Obamacare bill : "You have to pass the bill to see what's in it"

"I wouldn't go anywhere in confined places now. … When one person sneezes it goes all the way through the aircraft. That's me. I would not be, at this point, if they had another way of transportation, suggesting they ride the subway." --Joe Biden, regarding the spread of swine flu.

"You know, I'm embarrassed. Do you know the Web site number? I should have it in front of me and I don't. I'm actually embarrassed." –Joe Biden, referring to a government website.

"I have to confess that it's crossed my mind that you could not be a Republican and a Christian."-Hillary Clinton

Barack Obama: "I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go?"

Howard Dean: "We know that no one person can succeed unless everybody else succeeds."

Rosie O'Donnell: "Don't fear the terrorists. They're mothers and fathers." 

I know Conservatives say dumb things too, but Conservatives and Christians don't start threads like: "Are Theists more intelligent than Atheists" and then base their case on very questionable and apparently un-vetted sources while insinuating they are superior intellectuals. Thanks goes to Shadowcat for uncovering the truth.

Though quick to make allusions to the mental state of their opponents, Liberal atheists like Dodge and his ilk treat absurdity as the new norm. When this is pointed out to them, they simply ignore you, due to the fact they just don't want to waste their time trying to explain their their brilliant logic to the mentally challenged. 

Certainly, in the troubled minds of the FactNet elite, one can presume it isn't their humidity index they should worry about. It's their humility index.

Though I suspect Dodge really isn't finished with the argument, if there is a part II, he will continue his cherry picking and slanting of the truth of the topic, ignoring the enumerable contributions to science and reasoning by, for instance, the Catholic Church.   

FactNet's Propaganda Minister

Regular readers I'm sure immediately think of "Dodge-O the clown", and they are right. I like Shadowcat's comparison of Dodge to pond scum, though in my opinion, pond scum is much less irritating. Here is Dodge's latest propaganda which I will rebut forthwith:

  "Shadowcat -- Smyrna was not banned for simply suggesting that Oneway had been drinking; and it wasn’t just for that either. It had to do with a pattern. Smyrna’s comment was “…do you drink alcohol before you get on here? Your messages are making no sense at all. You’ve admitted having a substance abuse problem in the past.” (3 FEB)

Oneway complained about it, saying that he thought that to be a personal attack, and left it up to either admin or Josh to determine. He said “I don’t appreciate anyone suggesting that I have a drinking problem when I don’t even drink,” and that he had mentioned that he smoked a little pot decades ago. Smyrna took that and made it into a “substance abuse problem,” and being impaired by drinking alcohol. Classic ad hominem.

It wasn’t the first time either. In another post Smyrna insulted Oneway by saying that his “process of thinking things through amounts only to how much he can sound convincing in agreeing with Stage Director,” called him a “shameless sycophant,” and accused both Stage Director and Oneway of “drinking the same stuff,” said what they wrote was “whimsical nonsense.”

Admin stepped in and asked Smyrna why he always pushed the envelope, and then asked Josh what he thought. Josh came in and explained that Smyrna had been given a break last time he was banned by allowing him back only after a couple of days; but that his pattern of ad hominem continued unabated. A couple of days prior to that Smyrna was threatening to post a picture of Stage Director until Josh stepped in and advised him against it; and before that he was bringing up subjects that he was warned not to (Chad14).
Because of this consistent pattern of attacking other members of this forum, and the fact that he was essentially on probation (having been allowed back after only a couple of days of a month-long ban), Smyrna’s posting privileges were revoked for thirty days."

That’s the way it was, Shadowcat. He was not, as you keep saying, banned simply for suggesting that Oneway had been drinking alcohol. "

I'll probably have to do a part II to this rebuttal, since his post is so full of inconsistencies, examples of hypocrisy and contradictions. He complained to Shadowcat in an earlier post as to why she brings up things he;'s done in the past, he soft peddles himself by saying "everyone" has done things in the past there. Yet, He then says I was banned for my  "..this consistent pattern of attacking other members of this forum". Really?

This is from a guy who has insulted individuals, as well as entire groups of users on a specific thread based on their beliefs and continues to do so, which is an important point, since he wants to use the excuse that what he did was in the past, and now he is sinless and blameless as he has now reached a state of perfection.

Now let me get to some specifics: Oneway did NOT complain to the admin about my asking if he had been drinking. Here's the proof:

"Smyrna, I consider this an attack on me personally. I'll let the Admin and or Josh determine that if they want, that is if they read what you wrote. Don't worry, I'm not going to PM them or anything. But just in case they read this, I'll let them decide.' So apparently Oneway didn't think the offense severe enough to PM the moderator. Later, he also said he didn't want me banned for it:

"It was never my intention to get Smyrna banned. Not once did I discuss this with the Admin and or Josh." -Post #844 pg. 43.

The complaint Josh/Dodge mentions on page 42 refers to Stage Director, and she explained to me she reported it in a PM I believe, but it may have been later on the forum somewhere. Not hard to believe she did anyway, based on her hyperbole following my comment to him over two or three posts.

This clown Dodge speaks out of both sides of his mouth, which isn't breaking news. But he complains that he shouldn't be cited for things he's done in the past, yet freely admits I was banned due to a "pattern". Doesn't a pattern have to be perceived over a period of time?  It seems to me and I'm sure all of use that Dodge has shown a pattern of contempt and use of ad hominem over a very long period of time, insulting people over and over again, and funny, he's never been banned. 

Dodge-O the clown also has a very bad habit of ignoring things that show he is wrnog, or can't answer because to do so would incriminate him. He just acts as if the question isn't there, much like Stage Director and Franklin do in the course of debates. He fools no one with such tactics. 

He contradict himself when he says it isn't ad hominem when stating an opinion, yet look at this: "In another post Smyrna insulted Oneway by saying that his “process of thinking things through amounts only to how much he can sound convincing in agreeing with Stage Director,” called him a “shameless sycophant,” and accused both Stage Director and Oneway of “drinking the same stuff,” said what they wrote was “whimsical nonsense.”

That is obviously my opinion, do I need to always say that when I make comments such as those? And I can't call someone a shameless sycophant when it's my opinion this is what they are doing? How about all the insulting "opinions" that idiot Dodge spews on an almost daily basis? I don't think we need many more further examples of his hypocrisy, contradictions, and deceit.

Here's what he said about Shadowcat:

 He used the words

"minion," "ventriloquist dummy," "puppet-master," "little me" and "Smyrna’s yes man" to describe her, and "sycophant" is being a "yes man."

In Synopsis:

Like Smyrna, Dodge doled out insukt after insult over time, in a discernable pattern.
Like Smyrna, he has recently done so.
Like Smyrna, he has been warned, even though it was an empty warning as he was warning himself.
Like Smyrna, he has engaged in name calling and abusive ad hominem.

Unlike Smyrna, he has NEVER been banned. 

That he's never been banned is of course due to the fact that he was moderating himself, and for no other reason, that is FactNet's admin's fault once again for appointing a board troll as moderator with a calr conflict of interest to the Christian boards. I have not complained about the act of banning me, and if it ever looke like I was, it was just poor wording on my part. It is the faovoritism, bias, and hypocrisy and silly attempts to spin it off , as well as incompetence  and dishonesty by "theadmin."

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Dodge vs Dodge (A Parody)

Using Dodge's own words which he has at one time or another directed at other people, when directed to himself, shows his hypocrisy, strips bare the facade he has made where he tries to give the appearance he is one of the top 5%  of the most intelligent people on the planet. But in reality his own words cause him to "shape-shift" into the cartoon character he really is.

Dodge:  "You certainly are entitled to say what you think, but calling me “a complete jack-ass” and “nothing more than pathetic pond scum” while using inappropriate language is abusive ad hominem. For you to resort to such crude and offensive rhetoric demonstrates to me someone who can’t control herself enough to be civil. That is unacceptable! The fact that you said this was mild compared to what you’re actually capable of says a lot about your emotional maturity and psychological development. I’m not responsible for your vile tantrum, you are. Try to control yourself and maintain civility in the future."

As you will see, Dodge apparently thinks if you insult people without calling names, yet insult their beliefs, then it's okay. Maybe he should just do all English speakers a favor, and redefine ALL common English words.

Dodge, (Posted under a discussion board thread that is of a completely different topic then the one he is commenting upon:

"Tell me, …of all the members of this forum, who would you chose to moderate the Christian Centered threads?... fortunately you don’t have any say in who is chosen to moderate this forum. I’ve been a member here for more than six years, and was asked by admin to help control the flame wars...
Dodge: (posted on the same thread as above) "Just trying to make the forum more civil and attempting to see to it that topical threads are not hijacked."

Sure he is, right after he just insulted the person he's replying to by saying "fortunately, you don't have any say in who is chosen to moderate this forum". Sure Dodge, I'm sure you think the guy who chose a board troll/atheist (you) should have made us Christians all feel so fortunate.  

Looks like Dodge has parroted the brilliant mind of Vice President Joe Biden, one of Dodge's liberal heroes, who is a champion at contradicting himself. After all, Biden is the guy who once said in order for the country to get out of debt, it has to spend more money.

So in order for Dodge to make sure a thread isn't hijacked and used to address a topic for which it wasn't intended, he addresses a topic that the thread wasn't intended to be addressed.

Dodge: "For you to resort to such crude and offensive rhetoric demonstrates to me someone who can’t control herself enough to be civil. That is unacceptable!"

Dodge: "Your uninformed opinions concerning science are typical of right-wing Christians in general. This is why I think immersion in scripture compromises one’s intellectual capacity, and is the reason why such a large percentage of the world’s really great scientists reject religious mythology. Christian fundamentalists would rather believe in angels, demons, and talking snakes and a universe that is less than ten thousand years old than accept the science behind cosmology, biological evolution, and climate change."

Nothing offensive or uncivil about that, right Dodge?

Dodge: ""Just trying to make the forum more civil and attempting to see to it that topical threads are not hijacked."

Dodge: (posted on a thread titled: "Why I Think Shepherd's Chapel Is Racist/Antisemitic"

"I remember the wicker baskets that were passed down the pew rows where everyone dropped their envelopes with donations inside each Sunday, at St. Anthony‘s Catholic Church in Shirley, Massachusetts. The priest walked down the isles swinging a golden metallic egg-shaped incense burner with a long chain, the smoke wafting through the church chocking me with it’s pungent smell; trying not to burst out in laughter as my sister and I made faces at one another. My father usually fell asleep, and my mother poked him in the ribs periodically before he started to snore, often too late..."

Great job, Dodge, right on topic.

Dodge: "You object to a moderator applying the rules outlined in FACTnet’s user agreement; and obviously refuse to engage in topical debates without the freedom to insult others while doing it."

Dodge: " How many times are you going to refer to something I did a long time ago, when I posted offensive images of Jesus on the cross dressed in various costumes; and how many times do I have to say that I apologized and had them all deleted?"

Was the apology sincere? Let's see:

Dodge: "Yes, indeed, at one time a while back I posted images of Jesus on the cross dressed in drag, as Santa Claus, as the Holy Ghost, a Pilgrim, Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, Superman, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, and a few others.

It was fun, I enjoyed playing with Photoshop and creating those outrageous characterizations of the imaginary supernatural being that people call Jesus, Christ, and The Lord. As someone who sees this mythic character from the Bible as existing nowhere but in the minds of those who believe it, it really didn’t mean anything to me. It might as well have been Zeus, Hercules, Mickey Mouse, or Zippy the Pinhead.

If you want to believe in imaginary invisible mythological supernatural beings like Christ, Satan, demons and angels that’s your right; but I don’t. What I did was satire (using humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize what seem to me to be ridiculous beliefs)."

Dodge: "I don’t post my opinions about religion to “invoke a reaction,” I express my point of view as a member of this forum in the context of a discussion. To me, believing in invisible mythological supernatural beings is not only naïve; but irrational."

Dodge has expressed this "opinion" for six years. Since most if not all the participants have seen his opinions, in insulting graphics as well as his abusive rhetoric, then why is he still on the Christian boards? Does he think we'll forget his posting of insulting degrading graphics of Jesus? Does he think that we'll forget that he think our believes are irrational, ridiculous, and which he admits he ridicules, used humor to make fun of them?

It's because he is the troll he denies he is, and then admits he is, depending upon which of his comments you are reading.



Friday, April 13, 2012

When Hypocrisy Reigns, It Pours

Early this year, I was reading a few messages by a FactNet member which I felt were bizarre in content. I was very familiar with this member, so I knew his writing style. I finally questioned if he had been drinking. Another member hyped up the fact I questioned whether he was sober or not, and without warning, I was banned for more than a months. With that background in place, now read what Dodge said to Shadowcat this morning:

  "Hi Shadowcat. I forgive you for your extremely unpleasant and rather vicious post aimed at me. That kind of vile outburst isn’t like you. As a matter of fact, I would ask if your husband used your account to log on and make that comment; because that’s more his style. Of course, that would be a serious breach of the user agreement; as is the profanity you (or your husband) used. If it was you, it would appear you need to back off from this forum for your own sake. It seems to be affecting your mental health.

According to the rules at FactNet, and based upon the precedent that I was banned for basically doing the same thing, questioning a person's mental state, not to mention the ad hominem attack of  asking Cat if her husband was using her account (a clear troll move, trying to incite another) I see multiple violations here. Will he be banned? Of course not.

There are so many examples of this bias and hypocrisy at FactNet, it is incredible. Okay, it's time to question Dodge's mental state. He's a declared liberal. He likes scientific studies, he uses them to "prove" some of his absurd claims, such as atheists are more intelligent than believers. 

Well, here's a scientific study for you: 

Liberalism is a Mental Disorder   This is a look into the mind of guys like Dodge, and we can see more clearly why he acts as he does:

  1. The laws and moral codes--the rules--that properly govern human conduct arise from, and must be compatible with, the biological, psychological and social nature of man.
  2. The liberal agenda’s Modern Parental State violates all of the rules that make ordered liberty possible.
  3. The modern liberal agenda is a transference neurosis of the modern liberal mind, acted out in the world’s economic, social and political theaters.
  4. The liberal agenda’s Modern Permissive Culture corrupts the foundations of civilized freedom and is destroying America's magnificent political achievements
 On the Ideals and Dangers of Liberalism:
"Any government with the power to mother its citizens also has the power to dominate them and steal from them"

This is why FactNet moderators act the way they do: They want to dominate the users, they do it by mothering them, "We'll protect you from evil trolls like Smyrna and Sammael" yet they do their own trolling, thereby stealing the liberties of those who use the site. Just label people trolls and ban them, is basically what they do, so they can follow their liberal agenda of attacking those who expose them, and coddle those who don't mind being dominated and mothered.

"Under the creed of modern liberalism, the individual citizen is not called to maturity but is instead invited to begin a second childhood. Like the child at play, he is given, or at least promised, ultimate economic, social and political security without having to assume responsibility for himself"...

The comment fits the attitude of FactNet's administration, who have openly compared their discussion forum to a sandbox, the users as children, and  they promise to enforce their rules (spin their rules) to offer security, especially political security to their "children".

"The modern state has taken on the role of an apparently benign, generous, omnipotent and god-like parent, who serves as custodian, manager, provider and caretaker, all to the detriment of the people. We have, in effect, parentified our governments in the belief that we will be better off if they take care of us than if we take care of ourselves.."

Yes, we are children who can't take care of ourselves, so the moderators will do it for us. This is why there is no moderator here. Everyone is free to voice their opinions any way they so choose. But not at FactNet, and now you know why. The administration is all liberal, and this is how they think.