Tuesday, May 29, 2012

SC Defender's Non-PC Approach

SC Defender does not pull any punches. If our opinion leads us to think certain people are idiots, morons, even assholes, they will be labeled as such. Few Bible thumpers realize the language used by even Christ Himself was pretty rough in the original languages which He used. St. Paul was the same, way. There was no "political correctness" in Jesus' time. 

If authors of articles here say they lean towards pagan philosophy, then this is their choice, and any other authors who may contribute in the future will not be treated with intolerance. Authors here are here because we have something in common, generally a quest for truth in all things, and exposing dishonesty. Thor and Shadowkitty used to be bitter opponents of mine on two different forums. Yet we found common ground in our mutual hatred of the dishonest tactics used by both SC detractors as well as FactNet's staff and alleged "former" staff.

As I have proven several times here, comments by those who we have written about are always welcomed, no matter what. We do not censor here. That way, we cannot be charged with cowardice or manipulation, unlike FactNet, who are overweighted with examples of both.  

Though language peppered with slang may be distracting or offensive to some, authors are welcome to express themselves in any way they choose. All too often offensive language was used as an excuse to distract from greater offenses committed by those in the far left atheist camp at FactNet, and we wish to distance ourselves from any suspicion of doing that here. Truth is all that matters. For example, someone could be comparing Murray and SC folks to the Nazis, and if a Chapel student would call that person an idiot for doing so, the SC student would be warned for flaming and insulting another FactNet member, yet there was no problem with the detractor comparing the SC Church to Nazis.

That one time Jeff_Franklin was temporarily banned for doing so was not indicative of fairness. In fact, it was merely window dressing to try and appease those who detected the  bias on behalf of  FactNet's moderator, who was having problems trying to stay neutral, due to the SC defenders always taking the other side of his arguments. he was liberal, and the others Conservative, and he was using that bias as an escape mechanism.

When pressed for an excuse why this bias was apparent, SCers were told that person had a right to his or her opinion. So if SCers think that person is a moron for claiming this is that not just an opinion? So obviously the FactNet moderators used the abusive language PC excuse to stifle those  who they wished to oppose. When abusive language was not used, other excuses were made to make participation difficult for SC people, a a topic already treated here in depth in previous articles.


  1. where are all you idiots?

    1. Anonymous(COWARD); you deserve no answer, you will get no answer.
