Friday, May 18, 2012


No, the site is still up, but one wonders why. After all, a quick check of active threads shows very few are active. It was once a vibrant, active site with quite a few users spanning many topics. But considering the
actions of the staff, I'm surprised it really lasted as long as it did. Whoever is now paying to keep the site up is wasting their money, unless, of course, they are using other people's money i.e taxpayers, to spread left wing propaganda.

One laughable thread that has attracted the former lunatic faction of the Shepherd's Chapel threads (by the way, we are two days away from a month since anyone has posted to any SC thread)  is the one dedicated to "Climate Change". Climate Change used to be called "Global Warming" until a few record setting severe winters went by, making a laughing stock out of the term. Undaunted, liberal idiots and the media have now popularized the term "climate change" so they can keep blaming evil capitalists and their corporations and can dream up scams like "carbon taxes" to take money from them, line their pockets, and then throw a few bones to poor countries, who in turn will kick back  money to those same politicians so they can be re-elected and keep the gravy train going.

One notable post by "theadmin"  sounds more like a classic "Dodge" post. Has the original Admin left the site? Is Dodge the last of the incompetent staff? It sure seems like it.

One of the funniest quotes I read on that thread is this:

"Human activities have increased the concentration of carbon dioxide and certain other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Detailed worldwide records of fossil fuel consumption indicate that fossil fuel burning currently releases over 30 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year. Tropical deforestation and other land use changes release an additional 3 to 5 billion tons every year."

Dodge, who fashions himself such a genius, who wrote that crap above, apparently doesn't realize that plants absorb carbon dioxide and give off oxygen, and at night they release a negligible amount of Co2. Either way, "deforestation" does NOT "release  3 to 5 billion tons of Co2 every year" how the hell does one weigh a gas anyway? And who is Dodge preaching this bullshit to? A troll, Easeltine ("Weaseltime") an old man that has diminished mental capacity due to a few strokes,("Chad14) and some woman named "Turtle"who is very strange indeed.

The site is a loony bin, and I really hope it isn't federally subsidized somehow. I'd hate one penny to go to that corrupt left wing site, especially since it's nearly useless.

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