Saturday, May 19, 2012

FactNet's "Expanding" Incompentence

FactNet's staff, which may now only consist of "Dodge" the liberal atheist self described board troll and Christian antagonist, appears to be desperate for new users. Consider this notice placed on the FatcNet forum:


"FACTnet is expanding beyond the subject of cults, and opening up the forum to subjects like climate change. We’re interested in stimulating open debates and opinions, examining the scientific evidence of global warming and whether human activity is largely responsible; and of course criticism from those who have different points of view. Is the Earth warming, are we responsible, will it cause serious problems for us in the future, and if so what can we do about it? We hope there will be interest here in looking into and discussing what many believe to be one of the most important issues facing life on this planet. If you want to join in on the discussion":

My advice: if you don't believe that mankind can affect the climate, expect to be harrassed, incted to anger, and ultimately banned  from posting on that forum. All one has to do is read the articles here to see what a cesspool that site is, who is running it, and what they have done in the past to users there, and then make up your own mind if you want to expose yourself to that lunacy.

It's become a left wing propaganda conduit. If you don't believe me, send FactNet an email asking how many Conservatives are on their moderating staff. The address is Good luck getting a response. And if you do it will probably be full of lies anyway. They aren't exactly chugging truth serum over there.

By the way, the announcement was unnecessary. After all, there has always been topics that had nothing to do with cults, so it's nothing but bloviating to make an announcement saying they are "moving beyond the subject of cults." I guess Dodge just likes to feel in control of something, and making an announcement that he is going to move beyond the discussion of cults ffeds the urge. If you ask me, he should work on getting control of his bladder and bowels first, and then move up from there.

In my opinion, Dodge, if he is the new "theadmin" as I suspect, is beating a dead horse.
He's just looking for more troll victims to try and bully with his brilliant intellect. Those he can't bully get banned. He only preys on the weak, hence the term bullying. His favorite topics are ones that pit liberals against Conservatives, so "climate change" certainly fits the bill. I'm not saying all Conservatives think cimate change is a hoax, but it's safe to say the majority do, especially anthropogenic climate chnage. After all the Bible predicted there would be strange weather in the last days of the age.

"There will be great earthquakes, and there will be famines and epidemics in many lands, and there will be terrifying things and great miraculous signs in the heavens ... On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea."
Luke 21:11,25

Atheists will claim anything to try and deny the existence of God. So be it. But to argue that mankind is changing the weather and that we can change it the way we want it to be is the height of arrogance and ignorance. In yesterdays' articel here, I noted that Dodge wrote about fossil fuel consumption pumps billions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. To that I say big deal, there TRILLIONS of tons of air enveloping this planet, so that's like pissing into the ocean.

An analogy which describes how these cretins think is the BP oil spill. Sure, millions of gallons of oil were released into the Gulf of Mexico. But there are trillions of gallons of water. A few birds and other animals died, but the oil dissipated. But while it was occurring, "scientists" were claiming it would take 20 years for the Gulf to return to normal. It's bullshit. I work in the Gulf, the fishing is great, oyster beds are producing nice plump oysters, shrump are so plentiful the fisherman are complaining about the prices the're getting for them. The current administration is anti-oil, so much so some people think the BP spill was sabotage. So no wonder the parade of doomsayers claiming the death of the Gulf were quoted by an equally prejudicial media.

The bottom line: liberals despise fossil fuels as much as they despise those who believe in God, and will do anything to try and destroy both.

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