Monday, May 14, 2012


By far the most outrageous detractor of the Shepherd's Chapel that I know of, is the person who calls herself 'Stage Director' at A most prolific liar, among her most absurd are these:

1. Pastor Arnold Murray teaches that the Chinese people are sea animals in a lecture on the Book of Genesis. (that is not a joke, nor is it inaccurate, she really claims this)

2. Murray claims the SC as well as him personally, are mentioned in the Book of Habbukuk.

She bases both claims on her own whimsical interpretations of Murray's lectures on  the books aforementioned. A compelling point to note; no one seems to agree with her. For if they did, the web would be ablaze with those accusations, since there is no shortage of anti-SC rhetoric on any number of websites detractors use to spread their misinformation.  

She embellishes and adds her own changes and spin to stories she has heard about the SC on the web, and also claims to have "many friends" that are students of the SC. I'm sure they would not be so friendly if they knew the crap she spews on FactNet's forums regarding the SC.She has a habit of frequenting pro-SC forums, and acting like a Goody Two Shoes, yet at FactNet, she shows her true colors as the sleazy, rumor mongering troll she truly is.

Of course, she is quick to point out what everyone else has done which she sees as wrong, especially things she has done herself, which makes her a hypocrite as well. many of her tactics are common among Internet forum users. faced with having to concede she was wrong on one issue or another, she will either change the subject, ignore the post showing she was wrong, and even resort to heckling, making snide remarks which are irrelevant to the topic at hand. At times, she will even disappear for a few days to allow for other topics and posts to bury the one she screwed up on, and, upon her return, she will act as if there never was any controversy regarding what she had said.

The theory goes this woman became obsessed with Murry and the SC, after a failed relationship with an SC student, the breakup having to do with her having lost interest in studying with the SC. There really isn't another plausible explanation for her obsession. She has spent years spreading rumors all over the Internet about the Shepherd's Chapel, and it looks as if she isn't about to cease. All in vain, I say, since the SC is going strong, having more viewers than ever, with virtually it's own channel on DirectTV (224) broadcasting at least 60 hours each week, more than any other religious TV program.

In a way, people like Stage Director actually bring more viewers to the SC program. After all, when people read her outrageous accusations, they just have to tune in, to see if any of them are true. Some may stay and actually become students, others may go their way, but the fact remains, the SC is growing, and is not being affected by idiots like her that spew bullshit about the ministry


  1. It's been awhile, I've been incredibly busy with a new project that I started and all 3 of my children's birthdays in June!! But I just wanted to comment about this post. I know that smyrna and stage director are pretty much bitter enemies concerning SC and the continuing argument over the years. Although the argument has come to an end basically, due to the fact that smyrna is banned from factnet and was banned awhile back from cbrefugee camp, the animosity will continue, of course. I have been friends with stage director basically since I met her and I do not wish her any harm but I am an honest person(brutally honest), and I must say I do not agree with her tactics through the whole SC controversy, debate, and argument. I feel that she definitely negatively embellishes and misrepresents aspects pertaining to SC and Murray to the point of twisting. While focusing on only Murray even though I have pointed out the fact that scholars that have written books about the subject have shown that the early BI movement and early white supremacists were deeply involved in the founding and formation of the Pentecostal religious movement. The serpent seed doctrine was indeed taught and continued to be taught by various Pentecostal pastors and leaders. Wesley Swift, whom seems to be a focal talking point of stage director, Jeff Franklin and others on the anti SC/detractor side of the argument, was indeed a key opening act/pastor in Amy Semple McPherson's Pentecostal Church in California. This is all put on ignore because their focus is all things SC and Murray whom probably didn't even know Swift and if he did probably just as an aquaintance, much like Gerald Smith whom Murray mentions he had only met once.

    I've seen stage director state on her own forum that she does not think Murray is full blown CI or a Nazi but it appears on factnet she feels differently. I also noticed she has a tendency to befriend Murray followers, some of the staunchest supporters and some that are even the heaviest of CI folks that listen to Murray, which to me is very strange considering how much she is against this.

    If anything is brought up about any of Murray's beliefs as being plausible i.e. British Israelism or early explorers before Columbus such as Celts, Vikings etc. that has actually been proved by archaeological findings or scientific dna, it is blatently ignored and debated/argued. I plan on making a seperate post about this soon.

    One more think before I conclude my post. When it comes to those that are curious about the backgrounds and personal information of others on online forums it appears that it is perfectly fine to either attempt to mention someone by their real name or reveal personal information about them including their name, place of employment, where they live, their IP address etc.. as long as you are one of the detractors. But if someone on the other side or someone that is neutral finds out something about someone they disagree with, such as I did when I saw Jeff Franklin's previous factnet username which happened to be his real name, and I mention it I get the 3rd degree, accused of stalking and a warning from the admin about revealing personal information?? How in the freaking hell can I be revealing personal information about someone when THEY USED THEIR REAL NAME AS THEIR USER ID on the forum??? WTF are they talking about? How is this stalking??? I didn't reveal anything, they used their damn real name to post with DUH!

    Again, I wish stage director no harm and I have even had some very good converstaions and debates with her, but I do not agree with her tactics and the fact that she excuses others that agree with her for things that she strongly disagrees with if done by those she opposes especially concerning privicy.

  2. Smyrna, or ShadowKitty, or anyone knowledgeable about this matter: In your opinion.. Did Vala, [TheGodZone] aka Stage Director write the piece called "Intelligence Report, Summer 2008, Issue Number: 130
    Branson Televangelist Arnold Murray Preaches Christian Identity Theology" written by Casey Sanchez? In your opinion, is Stage Director really Sanchez, and employee of the SPLC? She recently admitted to writing "The White Report" which she deleted after being exposed..

  3. Stage Director, aka Vala1 seemed to have knowledge of the information of these writings prior to the article being published.. Anyone care to comment opinion, as to the identity of the author of this article? Is Sanchez, Stage director?

  4. Wow the memories. I would assume that the connection does exist. But I have not looked into it. In case your wondering I was the one who posted as Thor.
