Thursday, May 3, 2012

Weaseltine The Coward

Ok, Weaseltine. I saw your cowardly post on the black metal thread, now its time for the feedback on it. I know you come here and read this . Thats why you constantly talk your shit about us over at factnet. I would challenge you to bring your pussy ass here, but I know your too much of a wimp to do that. You would much rather spread your venomous bullshit over there.

I love how you try to take a simple interest in a subject and saying that its a desire. Yes, I was reading up on dark magic. Yes I find the subject interesting. Yes, I am a pagan. I could careless what your puritanical ass considers evil. Having a desire for it implies that I openly will show signs of practicing it or being around other who do. Having an interest and a desire are two different things. Something that I know your ass can't comprehend. Because to me your puritanical arrogance is the total embodyment of evil. You know nothing of the subject you speak off, with the exception of what the tarnished Bible tells you (sorry Smyrna, I mean no disrespect to you nor SGNG). The type of energies I deal with are naturalistic and have nothing to do with black magic. But in your ignorant mind there is no difference and continue to huddle yourself in the self inflicted ignorance.You hide in the shadow of fear concerning the unknown. Your constant twisting of words shows how you are the true satan out there.

How long are you going to post about a dead issue such as black metal? How long are you going to continue making an ass of yourself about any of the subjects you talk about because you don't have the brain power to understand the subject. Its the same old thing with your type of Christianity, you talk trash about things you haven't the first clue on. Then when the responses fly, you run and hide and cry because of the aggression. In closing I have a direct message to you, dodge, turtle, and any other hypocritocal piece of shit on that pathetic board. Its called : I Love To Say FUCK by The Murderdolls. Because this is what I think of when I think of self righteous hypocrits like you. By the way, as the song says. I couldn't give a fuck what you say, what you think, what you do, or who you are. You are completely fucking worthless.

I Love To Say Fuck"

Well I ain't got a fucking problem
I just love to say fuck
And I don't care who's around me
I could really give a fuck
And I don't care if you're my mother
Or my motherfucking father
I could really give a fuck now
That ain't my motherfucking problem

Oh, yeah
I love to say fuck when I'm driving in my car
Fuck when I'm walking in the fucking park
Fuck you if you don't like what I say
I love to say fuck every fucking day
Oh yeah

I love to say fuck
I love to say fuck
I love to say fuck
I love to say fuck

Well I hope I don't offend you
When I say the word fuck
I guess you had it coming to you
You're such a worthless little fuck
And I don't care if you're my mother
Or my motherfucking father
I could really give a fuck now
That ain't my motherfucking problem

Oh, yeah
I love to say fuck when I'm driving in my car
Fuck when I'm walking in the fucking park
Fuck you if you don't like what I say
I love to say fuck every fucking day
Oh yeah

I love to say fuck
I love to say fuck
I love to say fuck
I love to say fuck

Well I ain't got a fucking problem
I just love to say fuck
And I don't care who's around me
I could really give a fuck
And I don't care if you're my mother
Or my motherfucking father
I could really give a fuck now
That ain't my motherfucking problem

Oh, yeah
I love to say fuck when I'm driving in my car
Fuck when I'm walking in the fucking park
Fuck you if you don't like what I say
I love to say fuck every fucking day
Oh yeah

I love to say fuck
I love to say fuck
I love to say fuck
I love to say fuck

F.U.C.K. every fucking day (Fuck fuck fuck fuck)
F.U.C.K. every fucking day (Fuck fuck fuck fuck)
F.U.C.K. every fucking day (Fuck fuck fuck fuck)
F.U.C.K. every fucking day (Fuck fuck fuck fuck)


One nation under fuck with liberty fucking justice for all


  1. Thor -- If you really didn’t care about what Easeltine says you would completely ignore him. Instead, you’re over at FACTnet every day reading what he writes and commenting about it here. Why? There’s nothing relevant or of any significance going on over there. Easeltine is just someone who likes to yank chains and rattle cages. He’s a troll. You give him way too much attention.

    I noticed that you have a message for me, who you call a “hypocritical piece of shit,” and it’s that you love to say “fuck.” Do you, in your everyday world, out and about, at work and in stores, express your love of the word “fuck” to everyone you meet? What kind of response do you get from store clerks, people in restaurants and cafes, office buildings, classrooms, and on the street? What about where you work, do you go around saying “fuck” all the time? What are you, a teenager who likes to upset adults by giving them the finger and yelling “fuck?” As I recall, you’re in your mid-thirties. Right? Well, grow up, Sam; and try to have some respect for those around you.

  2. Yes I do and if you have a problem with that Fuck You!!

  3. lmfao it obviously got your attention dodge. Why did you bring the black metal thread (that supposedly had been deleted) back in the first place? You and weaseltime are over there having dinner together feeding each other. Don't you two know you should never feed the trolls? You two must have some sort of fascination with us or you wouldn't even bring the thread back.

    As for weaseltime, I can't help it he doesn't know how to read. The book sam was reading, "Nocturnal Witchcraft: Magick After Dark" by Konstantinos is no different than the wiccan religion. The only difference is being a night person, you know a night owl and the tendency to perfer darker colors and silver instead of gold (this describes me to a T). And the preference of performing rituals at night rather than during any given time of day. There is nothing satanic in the book, wiccans do not believe in the devil. There are no spells listed at all in the book to cast on people. The book has basic pagan/wiccan rituals and the author goes into depth concerning the three-fold laws of return in regards to karma. It is basically just as wiccans believe. Weaseltime, you're such a tard I swear. lol

    So in all honesty weaseltime, if you want to get an education you may want to start at the local kindergarten down the street and then work your way back up the path until your brain has progressed enough to understand and comprehend things a bit better.

  4. Oh and dodge, I will never understand why so many people get their panties up in a wad over the use of the word fuck. A word. There are far worse things in this world than using the word fuck or any curse word for that matter. Maybe it has something to do with where the word stems from?? The 1475 satirical poem Flen flyys (fleas, flies and friars) which was aimed at the Carmelite friars of Cambridge England. I guess they were doing things that friars shouldn't be doing like playing around with women or men's wives. We still have those friars or pastors today that go for that sort of thing. I guess some things never change! lol

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Here ya go weaseltime, I'm gonna help ya along now. This is an excerpt from a book review of "Nocturnal Witchcraft: Magick After Dark" by Konstantinos. If you believe that wiccans do anything different than this then you are wrong about what wiccans believe and do. I would suggest looking up a few of the "Witches for Wellness" videos on youtube or purchasing something written by Scott Cunningham or Marion Weinstein. You can also check out many of the Native American herbal healing and Shamanism books to find out more about crossing over into the underworld.

    "This book's main focus is on modern paganism, ritual practices, and exercises for those wishing to delve more into study of The Night, Full/Dark Moon, Protection, Descent and Rebirth, Underworld and Death. This is not for the timid and anyone with stereotypical views either expect them to be shattered or avoid these writings. If you are looking into the Dark for personal gain of power or evil then you are looking in the wrong place! This is a book about building your own psychic and intuitive strengths, personal growth, and a love of the night."

  7. In the real world, your love of the word “fuck” would prevent you from conducting business. You wouldn’t be taken seriously, and you would be fired from any job you had working with the public; and rightly so.

    I can see you at a meeting talking with potential clients. “So, how the fuck are you? Nice fucking day out there, isn’t it? Thanks for fucking considering us to represent your fucking firm. You can fucking rest assured that we will fucking do our best to take care of you fucking people.”

    What do you think would happen if you walked into a bank, approached the teller, and said “I fucking came here to transfer some fucking money from one fucking account into another?” Picture a mother in the line beside you with her children. Would that be appropriate, or don’t you care about people around you? If not, you’re pretty insensitive, belligerent, and crude; and in the real world you would be asked to leave by force if necessary.

    I can picture you being stopped for speeding. The cop approaches your window, you roll it down and say “What the fuck did you stop me for, you fucking asshole?” It would be at that point where you would face the reality of what you’re saying and acknowledge that you’re full of shit.

  8. I always know how to reel them in. You see Dodge your too fucking easy to get riled up. But the message behind the song still rings true about you and all the others on factnet. Its all too easy. Just mention some off the wall stuff and here they come. Its time to pull those wedged up panties out of your ass. They are starting to reek of shit. I am just having some fun with all of you. It becomes ever more clear that you can't handle this game, so why bother playing it with us. Your out of your league.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. FUCK! I hate not being able to edit a post! LOL

    Anyway, what I was going to say is...

    Dodge, seriously, this coming from you... someone that got banned on cb for profanity and put a video up on factnet titled "Fuck Christmas" and plays dress up Jesus in drag games. I wonder what the folks at the bank would think of someone that is so disingenuous...? Or a business associate? Or what the cop would think if he pulled you over and you had a Jesus in drag bobblehead on your dash board and a Fuck Christmas bumper sticker? Sounds to me like you just might be full of shit dodge, either that or you've suddenly had some sort of epiphany. Yeah right.

  11. Dodge is a world class hypocrite."Thor -- If you really didn’t care about what Easeltine says you would completely ignore him. Instead, you’re over at FACTnet every day reading what he writes and commenting about it here. Why? There’s nothing relevant or of any significance going on over there."

    First of all, it IS relevant,since Dodge and Weaseltime have been doing nothing but baiting Thor and Shadowkitty since they've resurrected the Black Metal thread. And obviously Dodge sees something relevant here, since he's here and not at FactNet.

    You can't blame him though, since it is so boring over there, after
    the idiot moderators kicked off anyone that doesn't walk in lock step with their agenda, which they cleverly disguise as "rules": we need not belabor that point again, even if they are foolish enough to offer a denial. They have nothing else to do then to play head games and bait the very people they conspired to kick off FN.

    What a bunch of lunatics. I don't know what "world" Dodge is talking about, but I work in the oil field (and no Dodge, not at Stone Energy either)and I hear the word fuck at least 100 times a day, and usually when someone is having to deal with and idiot just like him.

  12. Yeah my Dad is a retired Navy and Residential Carpenter and Commercial Construction Engineer, and I've known many others in the military and construction field, the word fuck is pretty much the norm. Think that term curse like a sailor comes to mind....

    "Yehuda Baruch, a professor of management at the University of East Anglia, and graduate Stuart Jenkins studied the use of profanity in the workplace. Their findings indicated that regular swearing at work can help boost team spirit among staff, allowing them to express better their feelings and develop social relationships, according to a university news release.

    “Our study suggested that, in many cases, taboo language serves the needs of people for developing and maintaining solidarity, and as a mechanism to cope with stress,” Baruch said."

  13. "Gonna give the old Mike Tyson one two. One to the kidney, two to the jaw. If you looking at the motherfucking ceiling, your lying on the mother fucking floor. Its E.........LIMINATION!!!!!!!!!"

    Thats for you hypocritical dodge.

    But seriously its so funny to watch. They point their fingers and talk their trash baiting as you said Smyrna. Then Dodge of all people is going to question my motives. Oh well, whatever. I really could careless what they say. Because they are making it well known that the boards are nothing without us. LOL

  14. Smyrna asked me to post this comment because he is unable to respond at this time:

    "I'm actually surprised that Dodge wants to give the appearance he's offended by slang. After, all, where does he get his morality from? Obviously not religion. Maybe it's just that he's so full of himself, to him the Internet is network TV like CNN, and he's on it, a big star that puts on an air of decency,when off camera he swears like a sailor.

    Just chalk this up as another Dodge facade, yet another phony face Dodge shows us to the long list of phony positions he takes. I'm beginning to think he's not even real, and may be just an experimental Japanese produced robot whose on board computer is malfunctioning.

    Dodge either way is showing that he is a real fuckhead."
