Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The "Eye" On Factnet's "Jeff_Franklin" SC Detractor

Along with "Stage_Director", "Jeff_Franklin"  his handle at FactNet, make up two of the most absurd SC detractors. Dishonest or mentally challenged, take your pick, both are totally loony. That isn't just opinion. Franklin's number one looniest claim: that Genesis 3:15 is properly translated to people stomping on baby snakes and their eggs.  But that's just one of his enumerable absurd utterances he has spewed all over FactNet, and that isn't limited to just SC related threads.

I guess it goes with the territory. For whatever reason, I suspect not enough "ammo" to get or keep anyone's attention, SC detractors must use any number of misleading and dishonest tactics. Misrepresentation of what the SC teaches, adding their own interpretations to SC teachings and then treating them as what the SC intended to teach, accusations based upon rumors, lies, and spin, all are part of the general arsenal of the typical SC detractor.

The reason, as I touched upon in the above paragraph, is because there simply isn't enough controversial material to keep or maintain a non-stop attack on the SC. 90% of what the SC teaches is straight Bible. There generally are only two issues that SC detractors focus upon. The Serpent Seed theory or doctrine if you will, and the attendant charges of antisemitism. Polygenism, the belief that the races were created separately, which detractors spin into a racism charge against the SC is the second. Neither charge is valid, and those topics have been addressed here in previous articles. Spinning those two topics feeds detractors i false charges.  But to give you the short version, the ADL and SPLC do not list the Shepherd's Chapel among hate groups of any kind. And one must ask: If detractors are correct in their accusations, then why not?

The detractors highlighted here could never give an answer, even though they tried, with absolutely comic results. One finally, after forty, yes, forty days of a daily repetition of the question on FactNet's forum, finally admitted she didn't know.(Stage Director). "Jeff_Franklin" was a bit more creative, claiming that the ADL named known mentors and influences to Pastor Arnold Murray. The problem with that is Murry is the only one left alive out of the list, arguably thus would naturally be recognized as the torch bearer for his now dead predecessors. There's one problem with this: they do not. This is because they realize what the SC detractors here do not. Murray does not teach what they did.

Jeff_Franklin is so obsessed with unfairly comparing Murray and all SC students to Nazis, he was booted off FactNet for a time for doing so. And he was the butt of a humorous Photoshop image reproduced here:

Not learning his lesson, but having no SC students (due to the eradication campaign by FactNet's out of control far left atheist staff) to complain about it, Jeff_Franklin is still merrily comparing Murray and SC students to the Hitler regime.

However, after six years and thousands of posts stretching across at least three websites, Jeff_Franklin, like "Stage Director" (and any other Chapel critics for that matter) have, in their own ironic way, actually helped the SC grow, by causing others to take a look for themselves. One they do, they know who are the false accusers.



  1. Still LMAO @ that pic!!

    Jeff Franklin lies, libels and slanders the SC yet he is the loudest accuser when it comes to "libel". He also accuses people of stalking him because they discovered his old username, which was his real name!! How the hell can that be stalking??? What idiot uses their real name as a user id on a forum yet doesn't want anyone to reveal his real name and if they do he says they are stalking him. WTF are these people insane?

  2. Speaking of that hilarious picture, I just watched the original version of The Producers. I could swear that one of the actors auditioning for Hitler looked exactly like the picture post here. Too damn funny. I just love Mel Brooks.
