Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I'm Back!!!!!!!!

Yes, I know its been a while but I had a few things that needed my attention and was busy taking care of that. Now that its back in working order I can now start posting on here again. After a number of months, I figured that I would look and see what the state of factnet is. Not that I am any bit surprised, its about as dead as it comes as Smyrna has commented on earlier.

The ultimate hilarity comes from the fact that they are so desperate for posters that they have opened up the forums to other topics outside of "cults". I put that word in quotes because it gets harder and harder to understand what constitutes a cult in their collective minds. If thats not bad enough when you look at Dodge's posts, it still has that borish attitude that he has always had. He can never be wrong about anyone or anything. He shows the same lack of respect for Hinduism and other spiritual aspects as he does Christianity. I saw his posts in response to someone who practices and teaches yoga aesthetics. Then he pretty much goes on his usual rant being as insulting as usual. Yet he still never gets called on it. We get the point that you don't believe in it already, but do you need to harras those who do and actually feel something from it? Do you really think they give a shit that you don't believe in it? Do you honestly think your antagonism is going to change anything?

Smyrna, I don't know about you, but I get so tired of reading Dodge babbling on and on about "his 63 years of life experience". This is pure arrogance. Your one in 6 Billion? What makes you possibly think that your life is any more special than those? To quote the guy who gave this very true commencement speech, your nothing special. Your life experience is your and yours alone. It is irrelevant because it is all subjective to your point of view from the beginning. Just because you have never felt anything doesn't mean its fact. You are hardly in a position to pass judgement on fact and fiction of those events that happen that even science can't explain. So fine if you don't believe, but quit acting your life experience is proof of anything, the only thing it proves is that you are too arrogant to acknowledge anything that is higher than yourself.

Admin, I saw your post to father of faking and I had the biggest laugh possible. Especially how you tried to justify Shadowcat's banning. That was the biggest bullshit story I have ever seen. She in no way or form was co anything on the creation of this blog. She is a contributor and nothing more, same with me. We both accepted Smyrna's open invite to post here and I know that neither of us regret it either. You seem to forget that Smyrna had in fact put mass invites for his blog. So your excuse for banning her was both very shameful and extremely fabricated. This whole blog is the brain child of one person, Smyrna himself. We post here when and how we see fit, and if it pisses you and your precious owner that much that we air out our grievances here (since we know damn well that it will be here for all you to see and will never be deleted compounded with the fact that we know you will never do anything at all to the other guilty parties, this is the only way plausible for us to speak) and call all your bullshit tactics out, then that is your issue not ours.

I will never deny what I did on your precious forums, because to me that is all you guys deserve. The same shit kicked in your face and I will never change my non-pc approach. Being pc is for little pussies who can antagonize to their hearts content but can't take it.

BTW anal administrator, I guess your mind was elsewhere when you allowed Dodge to post Fuck Christmas not once but twice. So your view offensive language is obviously centered on a select few. Oh well, again not my fucking problem but yours.

In closing, I have this to say to all at factnet.
"There is a new religion coming round the bend, and it's called FUCK YOU!!!!!"


  1. Dodge and the Admin can stick it. They had no valid reason for banning me. I had nothing to do with the set up of this blog, I was openly invited like everyone else to come and post here. I found out some info that has been out there on the net for a very long time on various different websites about fn and reposted it here, that's all. They banned me because they do not like the truth to be told, although they claim that's what they are all about. Telling the truth and revealing all the dirt they can dig up about those they call cults. But when dirt is dug up about them they don't seem to like it. It's a load of shit and they know it.

    As for dodge's sudden pancake flip flopping that he doesn't agree with cursing and vulgarity, that was just his ass kissing, which many seem to do over there, of the admin so he could be a moderator and in a position of control. That's really what it's all about don't you know? Control, to be in control over others. Dodge you are a pathetic internet troll that doesn't know jack shit about anything except what you read on websites. It's just like when you claimed you are into Jungian Psychology. If you did really know anything about Carl Jung, you'd know he was a very "spiritual" person who claimed to have actually talked to spirits and angels. He and Freud's split was due to the aethism that Freud practiced and the fact that he was completely void of any belief in God, spirits, paranormal, miracles etc. That along with the fact that Freud believed all psychological problems were due to some sort of sex issue. The dude was a freak and Jung knew it! LOL

    Dodge is a wannabe scholar who hasn't attended 1 day at a University and it's obvious he doesn't know diddly squat about Carl Jung. But hey, he's not the only one on there thats a wannabe scholar, the place is loaded with dinks and dorks like that.

  2. One more thing, it's nice to know that they are keeping track of how much longer we have before we are unbanned from their dull, boring and dead website. They think that they are that significant to me that I set up this blog with smyrna so that's why they banned me? Well that's their own inflated ego that I give a rat's ass about them to go to that much trouble. They are sadly mistaken and have extremely poor perception of themselves and me for that matter. It's funny because this blog was set up for about a month or more before I ever even posted on it.

    Since I know you idiot durpins are reading over here, this is a shout out for ya. Thor is right, you are all just an ant in this world. You are NOTHING special. There are 6 billion others in this world just like you. your website is crap and no one really fucking cares! So get a clue, I won't be coming back anytime soon even after the ban is lifted. Who would want to come back to a bunch of assholes that lie about them? Certainly not I.
