Sunday, June 24, 2012

Cultusters Galactica: A Place No Sane Person Would Ever Go

I must be really bored today or just waiting for a little one to take a nap while waiting for my ceremonial candle to cool down. I for the hell of it decided to browse this site called cultbustersgalactica and I my eyes were practically at the point of gushing blood at the lunacy and complete lack of any objectiveness period. In a nutshell it is the polar opposite of factnet and run by a so called Christian nutcase known as Jeff Franklin. The ironic thing about that nickname is that is also the name of a terrorist in the Cobra Society back in DC Comics. Very interesting in itself. But I am digressing...

One look at this site and you can clearly see the motives behind this site. It claims to be against cults, but there are several examples of how this is not the case. On a first glance looks like any run of the mills information site (once you finally cut through the spammy graphics that annoy instead of show any proper graphical support for a website). However there is favoritism in it, his favorite targets are aethiests, Islam and so called Christian Cults. Again, nothing seemling unusual, especially when this nut claims that he doesn't just throw these groups on here and that he is tolerant of other religions.

Yet practically in every rant, he clearly proves otherwise and its easy to see that if they don't go accordingly to his views its a cult. He constantly uses the phrase the word of God as his weapon against cultic delusions. But if they don't fit his small box view of Christianity, then it automatically is a cult. So much for tolerance there. Even a fool knows that everyone has unique views upon the world and religion. No one worships the same way and no one has the exact same beliefs. So to target one as heretical cult because you consider something blasphemous isn't backing at all. Its just subjective opinions that have no substantial facts to them.

Upon further viewing, there is a Hindu and Buddhist cult section, interesting. Even more interesting that there are far fewer threads in these sections than any other, next to the Jewish Cult section,. This further shows his overtly deluded sense of purpose. All that was in these two sections are the history of them and some other background information. No clear cults even mentioned in these threads. So we are left to a couple conclusions. 1) the wingnut just decided to add them on the whim and is trying to cover his ass by supplying a history of them when no information can be found of cult activities or 2) in his overtly pious acts of heresy hunting, decided to add these because they are not "Of Christ". Experience with this wingnut leads me to the latter. So we already see that his supposed tolerance is bullshit.

In the Jewish section, only one mention of cultic groups, the Ultra orthodox. Are you sure these are the only ones? Thats right, you believe the chosen group bullshit and can't target what the Bible says is God's Chosen Ones. So again, your objectivity is null and void.

I could go on and on about this but for the reader's sanity and my own I will be ending this in a bit. He claims that he has applicants to his site all the time. If this were true how come you only see 2 participating members? Obviously no one wants to scroll for all eternity only to find that some retard has finally figured out how to gain internet access and spouts nothing but mindless dribble. The only value I have found through his entire site is that it was obviously designed by some fanatical moron who got kicked out of his school sci-fi club because he called them heretics when he was told it was impossile to build a real life running replica of the Enterprise that can attain warp speed.

Have fun frankie boy, I know its hard for you to believe that we are laughing at you and not with you. But then again in your pc world, you would consider it rude to make fun of obvious high functioning retards (a term from good ole Charlie Murphy).

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