Friday, July 6, 2012

Factnet's Adminstrator Still Lying

Here is Mr. Factnet's (he also posts as 'nabashalam' when he's not moderating explanation in a recent reply to a member asking where me, Thor (who was 'Sammael' and "shadowcat" aka shadowkitty where at FactNet):

theadmin is offline Board Adminstrator
Join Date
Oct 2003


Smyrna, Shadowcat, and Sammael were banned from posting for one year. Sammael purposely used offensive language in order to get himself banned (it was his choice). Smyrna and Shadowcat set up a website attacking FACTnet, Lawrence Wollersheim (the website owner), the forum administration, and the moderators…all because one of our moderators wouldn’t allow them to continue engaging in ad hominem rhetoric (personally attacking other members of the forum and using inappropriate language).

These are the reasons you don’t see them around here, Father of a King. Sammael has 280 days and 2 hours left, Smyrna has 289 days and 3 hours left, and Shadowcat has 303 days and 15 hours left before they can post again.

Seems there isn’t much interest in Shepherds Chapel/Arnold Murray without Smyrna; but the subject is, of course, open for debate.

Mr. Factnet 

He was accurate about Sammael, but he went off the charts with false info regarding me and Shadowcat. First of all, Shadowcat was not instrumental in my publishing this blog. She has and is contributing info and articles when she so chooses. Furthermore I QUIT FactNet and the first articles on this blog explain why in great detail. 

I echo Thor's words in his previous article about how the Admins there actually talk like we are going to go back there after our one year bans!  First of all, these clowns live in an illusion. I can go back there anytime I wish, unless they want to totally shut down the site to new members. I just can't let on I'm Smyrna. But I could work around that very easily. I also take the references to us coming back there as a vague admission they were culpable in the turmoil that came of the admin's behavior as briefly outlined below.

The arrogance of "Mr. FactNet" is mind-boggling. This is a guy who orchestrated a deception where an atheist and admitted board troll was made moderator over the Christian forums at FactNet. When members complained about this, he then gave that same atheist troll another user name, and claimed he was a different person, a Methodist minister of all things. After pulling a stunt like that, HE should have been banned or at the very least had any authority as an administrator removed. 

And this troll/atheist I'm talking about is a world class hypocrite and countless examples of his ad hominem rhetoric can be cited at FactNet. To single me out and claim I was banned for it is just a load of bullshit, and this is why this blog was formed, as well as to defend the Shepherd's Chapel without any concern about liberal, atheist, hypocrite moderators that side with those of the same ilk, who have no problem abusing their own rules by using them as weapons. 



Thor Fires On All Cylindars Regarding Franklin

The guy known as Jeff Franklin, who for a long time was's resident loon on the forums there, publishes his own site as Thor pointed out. I don't mind plugging it either, it is entertaining:  One experiment I did with that site a while ago was to check Franklin's sources for his articles. Franklin is a proud Conservative, but you'd never know it going by his opinions and sources for the copy/paste articles he posts on his site. Most are published by Liberals!

He started that site because he was booted off for about the fourth time when one counts the old "Culbusters" website. He's so paranoid, he won't let anyone join his site's forums. So far only himself, some fruitcake named Sharon and his own sock puppet invention "Kerrie" are the only members that are active. There is a guy named Rory who mainly uses his affiliation with Franklin's site to plug his book, but I doubt its very effective, since virtually no one reads all that garbage. Some woman named Robin too, but she isn't very active at all. Franklin has a standing challenge to debate anyone who wants to debate him, but it is an empty, phony challenge. First of all, from my own direct experience, Franklin is incapable of true debate.

You cannot debate anyone if they refuse to acknowledge their opponent's points,  or support any of their accusations with any evidence.  One only has to see how this idiot behaves during discussions at's forums (he posts as jeff_franklin there, here's an example: Franklin's Lunacy) and it's true he is one of the most intolerant and hypocritical people I've ever encountered.

All in all though, because of his quirkiness, Franklin has always been an incredibly entertaining guy, mainly when he's trying to be serious.   

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Factnet The Laughable

I took a look at the status of factnet forums and now I am literally laughing my ass off. There desperation is at an all time high. First the opening up of the forums to more general topics. That didn't go anywhere and now it looks like the poster cloning is now being done. Everyone of them being athiest, everyone of them having their collected heads up their collective poop shoots, identical attitudes, identical comments, too convenient. So it looks like to fool the people into believing that they have a regular posting community, they have multiple user accounts for one. Not that it was anything suprising because they have done it before.  So instead of admitting that their forums are dead, they will make vain attempts to keep it on life support.

Congradulations Factnet, you are proving how detached from reality you all are. Fuck your pathetic forums. They were amusing but that novelty wore off a long time ago. I don't even know why you bother keeping us on a year ban. Because after its all said and done, I will not ever come back because I have much better things to do than deal with a bunch of overhyped, cult fanatics and their idol and owner Weaselman. I could give less than a shit about what you are supposedly about, because your all gullible jackasses in the first place. I don't care about your issues, I don't care about your problems, and I certainly don't give a shit for your fake cult busting.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Cultusters Galactica: A Place No Sane Person Would Ever Go

I must be really bored today or just waiting for a little one to take a nap while waiting for my ceremonial candle to cool down. I for the hell of it decided to browse this site called cultbustersgalactica and I my eyes were practically at the point of gushing blood at the lunacy and complete lack of any objectiveness period. In a nutshell it is the polar opposite of factnet and run by a so called Christian nutcase known as Jeff Franklin. The ironic thing about that nickname is that is also the name of a terrorist in the Cobra Society back in DC Comics. Very interesting in itself. But I am digressing...

One look at this site and you can clearly see the motives behind this site. It claims to be against cults, but there are several examples of how this is not the case. On a first glance looks like any run of the mills information site (once you finally cut through the spammy graphics that annoy instead of show any proper graphical support for a website). However there is favoritism in it, his favorite targets are aethiests, Islam and so called Christian Cults. Again, nothing seemling unusual, especially when this nut claims that he doesn't just throw these groups on here and that he is tolerant of other religions.

Yet practically in every rant, he clearly proves otherwise and its easy to see that if they don't go accordingly to his views its a cult. He constantly uses the phrase the word of God as his weapon against cultic delusions. But if they don't fit his small box view of Christianity, then it automatically is a cult. So much for tolerance there. Even a fool knows that everyone has unique views upon the world and religion. No one worships the same way and no one has the exact same beliefs. So to target one as heretical cult because you consider something blasphemous isn't backing at all. Its just subjective opinions that have no substantial facts to them.

Upon further viewing, there is a Hindu and Buddhist cult section, interesting. Even more interesting that there are far fewer threads in these sections than any other, next to the Jewish Cult section,. This further shows his overtly deluded sense of purpose. All that was in these two sections are the history of them and some other background information. No clear cults even mentioned in these threads. So we are left to a couple conclusions. 1) the wingnut just decided to add them on the whim and is trying to cover his ass by supplying a history of them when no information can be found of cult activities or 2) in his overtly pious acts of heresy hunting, decided to add these because they are not "Of Christ". Experience with this wingnut leads me to the latter. So we already see that his supposed tolerance is bullshit.

In the Jewish section, only one mention of cultic groups, the Ultra orthodox. Are you sure these are the only ones? Thats right, you believe the chosen group bullshit and can't target what the Bible says is God's Chosen Ones. So again, your objectivity is null and void.

I could go on and on about this but for the reader's sanity and my own I will be ending this in a bit. He claims that he has applicants to his site all the time. If this were true how come you only see 2 participating members? Obviously no one wants to scroll for all eternity only to find that some retard has finally figured out how to gain internet access and spouts nothing but mindless dribble. The only value I have found through his entire site is that it was obviously designed by some fanatical moron who got kicked out of his school sci-fi club because he called them heretics when he was told it was impossile to build a real life running replica of the Enterprise that can attain warp speed.

Have fun frankie boy, I know its hard for you to believe that we are laughing at you and not with you. But then again in your pc world, you would consider it rude to make fun of obvious high functioning retards (a term from good ole Charlie Murphy).

Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Producers (1968) The Hitler Auditions for good ole Jeff Franklin

Smyrna you think you could do another photoshop job with the Jeff Franklin pic? Preferrably with a cowboy hat? If so, then he would look like auditioner #4. Priceless hahahahahahahahahaha.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I'm Back!!!!!!!!

Yes, I know its been a while but I had a few things that needed my attention and was busy taking care of that. Now that its back in working order I can now start posting on here again. After a number of months, I figured that I would look and see what the state of factnet is. Not that I am any bit surprised, its about as dead as it comes as Smyrna has commented on earlier.

The ultimate hilarity comes from the fact that they are so desperate for posters that they have opened up the forums to other topics outside of "cults". I put that word in quotes because it gets harder and harder to understand what constitutes a cult in their collective minds. If thats not bad enough when you look at Dodge's posts, it still has that borish attitude that he has always had. He can never be wrong about anyone or anything. He shows the same lack of respect for Hinduism and other spiritual aspects as he does Christianity. I saw his posts in response to someone who practices and teaches yoga aesthetics. Then he pretty much goes on his usual rant being as insulting as usual. Yet he still never gets called on it. We get the point that you don't believe in it already, but do you need to harras those who do and actually feel something from it? Do you really think they give a shit that you don't believe in it? Do you honestly think your antagonism is going to change anything?

Smyrna, I don't know about you, but I get so tired of reading Dodge babbling on and on about "his 63 years of life experience". This is pure arrogance. Your one in 6 Billion? What makes you possibly think that your life is any more special than those? To quote the guy who gave this very true commencement speech, your nothing special. Your life experience is your and yours alone. It is irrelevant because it is all subjective to your point of view from the beginning. Just because you have never felt anything doesn't mean its fact. You are hardly in a position to pass judgement on fact and fiction of those events that happen that even science can't explain. So fine if you don't believe, but quit acting your life experience is proof of anything, the only thing it proves is that you are too arrogant to acknowledge anything that is higher than yourself.

Admin, I saw your post to father of faking and I had the biggest laugh possible. Especially how you tried to justify Shadowcat's banning. That was the biggest bullshit story I have ever seen. She in no way or form was co anything on the creation of this blog. She is a contributor and nothing more, same with me. We both accepted Smyrna's open invite to post here and I know that neither of us regret it either. You seem to forget that Smyrna had in fact put mass invites for his blog. So your excuse for banning her was both very shameful and extremely fabricated. This whole blog is the brain child of one person, Smyrna himself. We post here when and how we see fit, and if it pisses you and your precious owner that much that we air out our grievances here (since we know damn well that it will be here for all you to see and will never be deleted compounded with the fact that we know you will never do anything at all to the other guilty parties, this is the only way plausible for us to speak) and call all your bullshit tactics out, then that is your issue not ours.

I will never deny what I did on your precious forums, because to me that is all you guys deserve. The same shit kicked in your face and I will never change my non-pc approach. Being pc is for little pussies who can antagonize to their hearts content but can't take it.

BTW anal administrator, I guess your mind was elsewhere when you allowed Dodge to post Fuck Christmas not once but twice. So your view offensive language is obviously centered on a select few. Oh well, again not my fucking problem but yours.

In closing, I have this to say to all at factnet.
"There is a new religion coming round the bend, and it's called FUCK YOU!!!!!"

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

SC Defender's Non-PC Approach

SC Defender does not pull any punches. If our opinion leads us to think certain people are idiots, morons, even assholes, they will be labeled as such. Few Bible thumpers realize the language used by even Christ Himself was pretty rough in the original languages which He used. St. Paul was the same, way. There was no "political correctness" in Jesus' time. 

If authors of articles here say they lean towards pagan philosophy, then this is their choice, and any other authors who may contribute in the future will not be treated with intolerance. Authors here are here because we have something in common, generally a quest for truth in all things, and exposing dishonesty. Thor and Shadowkitty used to be bitter opponents of mine on two different forums. Yet we found common ground in our mutual hatred of the dishonest tactics used by both SC detractors as well as FactNet's staff and alleged "former" staff.

As I have proven several times here, comments by those who we have written about are always welcomed, no matter what. We do not censor here. That way, we cannot be charged with cowardice or manipulation, unlike FactNet, who are overweighted with examples of both.  

Though language peppered with slang may be distracting or offensive to some, authors are welcome to express themselves in any way they choose. All too often offensive language was used as an excuse to distract from greater offenses committed by those in the far left atheist camp at FactNet, and we wish to distance ourselves from any suspicion of doing that here. Truth is all that matters. For example, someone could be comparing Murray and SC folks to the Nazis, and if a Chapel student would call that person an idiot for doing so, the SC student would be warned for flaming and insulting another FactNet member, yet there was no problem with the detractor comparing the SC Church to Nazis.

That one time Jeff_Franklin was temporarily banned for doing so was not indicative of fairness. In fact, it was merely window dressing to try and appease those who detected the  bias on behalf of  FactNet's moderator, who was having problems trying to stay neutral, due to the SC defenders always taking the other side of his arguments. he was liberal, and the others Conservative, and he was using that bias as an escape mechanism.

When pressed for an excuse why this bias was apparent, SCers were told that person had a right to his or her opinion. So if SCers think that person is a moron for claiming this is that not just an opinion? So obviously the FactNet moderators used the abusive language PC excuse to stifle those  who they wished to oppose. When abusive language was not used, other excuses were made to make participation difficult for SC people, a a topic already treated here in depth in previous articles.