Friday, July 6, 2012

Thor Fires On All Cylindars Regarding Franklin

The guy known as Jeff Franklin, who for a long time was's resident loon on the forums there, publishes his own site as Thor pointed out. I don't mind plugging it either, it is entertaining:  One experiment I did with that site a while ago was to check Franklin's sources for his articles. Franklin is a proud Conservative, but you'd never know it going by his opinions and sources for the copy/paste articles he posts on his site. Most are published by Liberals!

He started that site because he was booted off for about the fourth time when one counts the old "Culbusters" website. He's so paranoid, he won't let anyone join his site's forums. So far only himself, some fruitcake named Sharon and his own sock puppet invention "Kerrie" are the only members that are active. There is a guy named Rory who mainly uses his affiliation with Franklin's site to plug his book, but I doubt its very effective, since virtually no one reads all that garbage. Some woman named Robin too, but she isn't very active at all. Franklin has a standing challenge to debate anyone who wants to debate him, but it is an empty, phony challenge. First of all, from my own direct experience, Franklin is incapable of true debate.

You cannot debate anyone if they refuse to acknowledge their opponent's points,  or support any of their accusations with any evidence.  One only has to see how this idiot behaves during discussions at's forums (he posts as jeff_franklin there, here's an example: Franklin's Lunacy) and it's true he is one of the most intolerant and hypocritical people I've ever encountered.

All in all though, because of his quirkiness, Franklin has always been an incredibly entertaining guy, mainly when he's trying to be serious.   

1 comment:

  1. Priceless reading those classics from Franklin. And it just never stops. The only problem with Frnaklin's site, is that I don't really like scrolling through all those images for about an hour before realizing that I am at the bottom of the page wondering where all the content is.
