Friday, July 6, 2012

Factnet's Adminstrator Still Lying

Here is Mr. Factnet's (he also posts as 'nabashalam' when he's not moderating explanation in a recent reply to a member asking where me, Thor (who was 'Sammael' and "shadowcat" aka shadowkitty where at FactNet):

theadmin is offline Board Adminstrator
Join Date
Oct 2003


Smyrna, Shadowcat, and Sammael were banned from posting for one year. Sammael purposely used offensive language in order to get himself banned (it was his choice). Smyrna and Shadowcat set up a website attacking FACTnet, Lawrence Wollersheim (the website owner), the forum administration, and the moderators…all because one of our moderators wouldn’t allow them to continue engaging in ad hominem rhetoric (personally attacking other members of the forum and using inappropriate language).

These are the reasons you don’t see them around here, Father of a King. Sammael has 280 days and 2 hours left, Smyrna has 289 days and 3 hours left, and Shadowcat has 303 days and 15 hours left before they can post again.

Seems there isn’t much interest in Shepherds Chapel/Arnold Murray without Smyrna; but the subject is, of course, open for debate.

Mr. Factnet 

He was accurate about Sammael, but he went off the charts with false info regarding me and Shadowcat. First of all, Shadowcat was not instrumental in my publishing this blog. She has and is contributing info and articles when she so chooses. Furthermore I QUIT FactNet and the first articles on this blog explain why in great detail. 

I echo Thor's words in his previous article about how the Admins there actually talk like we are going to go back there after our one year bans!  First of all, these clowns live in an illusion. I can go back there anytime I wish, unless they want to totally shut down the site to new members. I just can't let on I'm Smyrna. But I could work around that very easily. I also take the references to us coming back there as a vague admission they were culpable in the turmoil that came of the admin's behavior as briefly outlined below.

The arrogance of "Mr. FactNet" is mind-boggling. This is a guy who orchestrated a deception where an atheist and admitted board troll was made moderator over the Christian forums at FactNet. When members complained about this, he then gave that same atheist troll another user name, and claimed he was a different person, a Methodist minister of all things. After pulling a stunt like that, HE should have been banned or at the very least had any authority as an administrator removed. 

And this troll/atheist I'm talking about is a world class hypocrite and countless examples of his ad hominem rhetoric can be cited at FactNet. To single me out and claim I was banned for it is just a load of bullshit, and this is why this blog was formed, as well as to defend the Shepherd's Chapel without any concern about liberal, atheist, hypocrite moderators that side with those of the same ilk, who have no problem abusing their own rules by using them as weapons. 




  1. Gotta love it. When I told Shadowkitty the admins reasons for banning her, she literally said what the fuck? I can't for the life of me understand why anyone woul seriously want to post there. Especially when other points of view are taken into consideration. If your not in the Dodge squad then you will be singled out. It should have a disclaimer at their site that says these forums are for entertainment purposes only because thats all its

    1. Not to mention I could as well as Smyrna here, come back anytime I want to. But really whats the point?
